taoistpunk Member


  • I don't think so. It varies for me and I still see results as long as I am under my goal most days and exercise regularly. I does seem that keeping my diet somewhat regular, ie. eating the same foods more often at the 'usual' time, seems to help me feel better and lose more steadily as well.
  • How is a thread like this supposed to help me stay on track with a healthy food regime. And to the person that added the actual picture...thanks loads. Holy crap!!! I liked Wendy's burgers before going on my diet, and NOW they come out with an awesomeburger on an amazingroll. Willpower.....slipping...........away......
  • I cut out adding refined sugar to items like coffee and healthy(er) cereals. I cut out white bread, which I love, and use a light, whole wheat variety for everyday....same with wraps. I refuse to completely give up anything, but just eat the things I know are 'trigger foods' with far less frequency. I'm eating at a deficit…
  • add me if you like, though I'm not sure how exciting my food choices are...my diary is open to friends.
  • You win the internet today OP! All awesome....need to make a run to the produce store now.
  • I second this list...
  • SW: 222 too fat to fish
  • Wednesday mornings...I used to be a scale addict, but that just leads to depression and anxiety, so I quit cold turkey.
  • I have this problem in the WORST WAY! I usually will exercise a bit later, say around 7:30 or 8pm. This eats up time AND is fresh in my mind when I want that bowl of cereal that whispers to me at night. I'm less likely to eat snacks at night if I just worked hard to get ahead. I Also hang out in rooms FAR AWAY from the…
  • Sure. I make my lunch in the morning before I go to work, and add, that. I also try to have dinner at work too, so I'm not eating anything heavy past 6pm, so I add that. Less to think on if I log it early, and if I don't eat it I just delete it. Some days I'm done logging by 8am :)
  • DUDE....freeze the bananas. Awesome in smoothies.
  • They look good in baked form...I will have to try. I am an onion ring fanatic, and I miss the real deal deep fried ones. I've been making these once in a while to compensate, and my whole family loves them! http://bsinthekitchen.com/baked-onion-rings/ You should bake these right on the sheet pan...they brown better. Wire…
  • Plenty to lose as well! 100# is my goal. I'm not using any special methods, just MFP and exercise...Friend me if you like :)
  • I'm only funny looking, but I sure do love me some Ben n Jerry's!!! Add me if you like ;)
  • Big Bowl of Cereal at 10pm while watching someone cook something on FAT-TV
  • blueberries cheerios (1 serving) Hard cheese 1oz (goat or sheep is best...email me if you want some names of things I enjoy) Individual cottage cheese packs, no fruit (too much sugar) Any fruit or veg is always good..I usually do carrots and broccoli edamame shelled (with 1 tsp. lite soy sauce)
  • 6 meals a day has been a huge help for me. I bring it all to work and have at it all day. Fruit, veggies, individual dip packs, individual yogurts and cottage cheese packs (single serving items are my favorite...can't eat more than they give ya!) I eat my final meal of the day at work (dinner) and then go home to work out.…
  • I've been using a resistance band...tons of youtube videos and it's a super flexible, single point solution to getting a well rounded resistance workout without hitting a gym or investing in free weights. My wife likes it too ;) just make sure you get a door anchor with your bands...I bought the band at a 5$ and below…
  • I'm on a 100# journey...glad to offer support, help... I'm a bit over 3 weeks into my new 'lifestyle' and am always looking to add other, motivated people to my friends list. Not using any special diets (I don't think those folks living in the Paleolithic age had such a great time that I'd want to eat their food ;) ), just…