LOT of weight to lose, looking for support :)



  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, I'm Graham. I have had a problem with weight for about all my life, but a bad end to last year and a worse start to this has at least kicked my butt into gear. I was 136Kg (299.2lb) I'd like to get to 67Kg (147lb) but somewhere around 70kg if it looks and feels like the health point wouldn't upset me.

    I track everything I eat, and when I exercise. I don't track housework, and I only track gardening if I spend a lot of the day doing it (so not that often, which is evident by the state of my garden!!) I am eating TDEE - 15 to 20% on feeding days and 700 cals on fast days. So a 5:2 intermittent fasting style with some controls to stop me from binge eating.

    I am happy to meet friends on this journey and share support and tips, so feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • jaokiray
    jaokiray Posts: 22
    sound advice.

    I need to purchase a tape measure - if there is even one big enough!

    for now, will still trying to understand fully the site, i feel it will take a while, but I generally end up getting there.

    I guess I am all excited because its shiny and new, but yes, if I do my best the reward will ultimately be shifting the weight.

    - onwards and upwards!

    A sewing tape may be laying around the house maybe? That's what I started with (^^,)
  • gottobeslimfor40
    gottobeslimfor40 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm also looking to lose 100+lb and am in it for the long haul. I lost 47 before joining mfp but need this page for help and support, I'm happy to return the favour too :-)
  • Hi. I'm new to this and also have quite a lot to lose. Looking for people to support me and for me to give support to as its quite toughdtough doing this. x I've no idea how you make friends on here either.... lol
  • shortie32
    shortie32 Posts: 8
    Hi there i have only been doing this for 6weeks and have lost 6lb i am on medication for epilepsy so it gets even harder at time i am a mother of 4 and am now weighing in at 176lb i still have a long way to go as i am only 4ft 9" really could do with some support too x
  • shortie32
    shortie32 Posts: 8
    hi i also have a lot to lose in my journey i will support you in yours
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    welcome aboard and i to have lots to lose i am a big soda drinker and seems like i am back on it again

    i started this jounery wearing a size 52 pants and now down to a size 46 but i know i can lose more. I just need to start eating better

    if any one wants a friends on here ad me and we can help each other with words a wisdom
  • ReeLani
    ReeLani Posts: 6
    I'm back on the wagon, so to speak, and ready to work at weight loss once again. I once lost 65 pounds with Weight Watchers. Gained it all back, plus some. I'm aiming to get rid of about 90 pounds. I started on MFP last year, did well for a while, then got lazy. But here I am again! Congratulations to all who've lost any amount. Each pound is a step on the journey!
  • Anyone feel free to add me, I come on the site every day and am always looking to give support, and gain it!
  • taoistpunk
    taoistpunk Posts: 57 Member
    Plenty to lose as well! 100# is my goal. I'm not using any special methods, just MFP and exercise...Friend me if you like :)
  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello there, you'll find a lot of support on here! The people on here are very nice and love giving support, opinions and much more! Your more than welcome to add me! Good luck on this journey!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hi! I'm on here daily and have a good amount to lose as well. I'm always looking for support with open diaries. :smile:
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    OP: judging from your username - your name is Becky ................. AND ............. mine is too! we're destined to be friends lol.
    You're welcome to add me if ya like.
    overall i'm looking at losing the big 2 double 0 - but i'm just chipping away at it with mini goals. who wants to think of 200 all the time? i'd give up now lol
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! I've lost 45 but have another 150 to go. Feel free to add me - anyone --I'm here everyday!
  • Hi!

    I'm looking to lose between 100 and 110 pounds myself. It's a long road ahead! I imagine it'll be a much more pleasant journey with some friends for support along the way. =)

    Emily -
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello guys :)

    Thanks for taking the time to post and say hello! I will welcome as much support as I can get and hope I can be as positive as possible in return to you all! x
  • SaddyPants
    SaddyPants Posts: 152 Member
    I have a lot to lose as well! I sent you a friend request. :)
  • kdaughertyfp
    kdaughertyfp Posts: 49 Member
    I started needing / wanting to loose 215 lbs. As of 3 weeks ago I am down 54lbs, 34 of those pounds since January. I would be glad to have you as a friend. You will find that you are not along in this journey and that the successes, thoughts, struggles are shared by many.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I lost a lot of weight and MyFitnessPal was just the tool for me.

    I was just reading all of your comments on the feed, and I have to tell you guys...Congratulations for making this first step. I am religious in exercise, logging, and trying new things---three things I never was before.

    Here's one tip that I have learned--log first eat second. I found that when I logged it first, I was able to make better choices because I could see the calories before I ate the calories. What you may think will "fit" in your daily goal might not. If you know that you are going out with friends and/or family and are unable to choose the restaurant, consider increasing exercise before you go. Pay those days forward...earn before you spend. It will make a difference in the way you feel.

    Congratulations again for making the first step to a healthier you.... You can do this...You really can do this! :)
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Amy - congrats on your success! Looking fabulous!

    Thanks for the tips - I find that when I am on conventional food it does help me to plan first, for sure. Wise advice :D