Should I be eating the same calories daily?

Is it important to eat the roughly the same calories daily?

My goal calories is 2200 but I eat anywhere between 1900 and 2200 calories per day. Should I be making my calories upto 2200 each day?


  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Not particularly. Think of it more as an average. Sometimes you're under sometimes your over. As long as you get results, don't change anything. If you plateau. Change. I had to start eating more fat, for instance. Didn't like it, but I did it.
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Personally I do not eat the same every day. According to MFP my goal is 1680. Generally I try to stay under (I never add in exercise calories) but I have gone over on a few days. I do save up calories - when I am under for the day in case I want to go to a restaurant , but I never go over for the week. Seems to be working out OK.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Nope, only if you want to, it would bore me to tears, impact my social life and hinder my exercise - I don't follow the TDEE minus a percentage method though.

    My calories per day vary from two days at 600 calories and a net target of 2000 calories for the other five days a week.
    My gross calories have varied from 600 to over 5000 in a day.
  • taoistpunk
    taoistpunk Posts: 57 Member
    I don't think so. It varies for me and I still see results as long as I am under my goal most days and exercise regularly. I does seem that keeping my diet somewhat regular, ie. eating the same foods more often at the 'usual' time, seems to help me feel better and lose more steadily as well.
  • shed50kg
    shed50kg Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks guys, makes more sense now.