Angelsrose12 Member


  • I have now been using mine for almost a month and I really like it. Today the updated the app to work with MFP. I LOVE the new feature! It seems to work really well. As of right now, I would recommend it.
  • Apparently I run really fast, because my walk is 4.0 and has been since week one. I do my jog at 7mph, typically, but slow to 6mph when needed (first day of a week or when I am trying to take it easy). Then again, I am only just finished with week 3, so I am not sure I will be able to maintain those speeds for more time.
  • I would love to run with someone. Unfortunately my running "partner" hasn't committed as much as I have and rarely joins me. I like having a partner for motivation and conversation/distraction. But I think it is better if you are running outside. If I am indoors I prefer running alone.
  • I JUST started (I am week 2 Day 3 tomorrow) and I was 190lbs when I started. I am 188lbs now.
  • Over the summer I did almost exactly what you did. I lost a little at first, then stayed the same or gained after that. When I upped my calories and ate back my exercise I did much better. Right now I am trying TDEE and it seems to be working well.
  • I say go for it based on what you said. One size is totally doable! And I love the idea of hanging it on the wall for motivation! I tend to go a size smaller when I am between clothes as well. Good luck!
  • I use Chalean DVD's and she has some good cardio workouts and interval training. You could dance with Wii Just Dance.
  • I say go for it! I am only W2D2 today, but I am already thinking about when I might do my first 5k. I think you have a good plan in place, to not worry about running the entire thing and to take breaks when needed. With that good attitude and the additional training you have before then, I bet you will do great!
  • Pretty much the same as queen here. I run MWF for C25K and do Chalean for strength on TThSa. On days I do Chalean, I try to do cardio too. I am trying to take a rest day on Sun, but I get addicted to the extra calories from working out.
  • Swimming is a great way to tone up! If you look, there are lots of places that offer swim and swim lessons. Sometimes you can get a fitness membership that only includes the pool. I also like the idea from other posters about some sort of martial arts. Finally, the Chalean is a great DVD if you are looking to go that…
  • I know you asked about "bad" ones, but I kind of like the Kashi steam bags. And on the plus side, I can pronounce the all of ingredients :) In general, I know that frozen meals aren't the best for you, but if like you said, they are a step in the right direction for you and help you stay on track, I think looking at the…
  • I have had the blood/metallic taste before when working out. I think it is mostly due to dehydration. Make sure you are getting enough fluids before, during, and after your workout.
  • I think portion control is mine too! I mean, I love having a Thin Mint or even some Terra Chips, but once I start, I want to consume the entire box/bag! It is more so a problem when I am hungry or when I want an unhealthy snack/desert.
  • It looks to me like you are not getting enough calories, particularly for how much you have been working out.
  • Agggie, great article! Thanks! OP, I have been doing a lot of reading about how you need to switch things up to trick your body in order to continue weight loss. Basically, your body can get used to a certain routine, whether it be your workouts or eating habits, and adjust your metabolism accordingly resulting in a lower…
  • I am starting week 2 this afternoon! I hope I do as well as you!
  • I am using C25K free as my training program, but adding a 4th day. I am using the Zombies 5k for the 4th day (so it is less strenuous, but I can still get a workout in). I like the C25K better because I felt like I could easily run more than 15 seconds on the first day, which is all it really asks in the Zombie first day.…
  • So can walking count as "rest?" Or strength training? I am not completely out of shape as I have been doing Chalean Extreme on and off for about 8 months. I have just never been a runner. I tend to walk between 3.5 and 4 mph as a natural stride (I am pretty tall with super long legs) Essentially I am training both for a 5k…
  • Thank you so much for that input! I did run/walk 4 days this week, three of which were back to back. I will try to space it out more next week. Obviously since it is the first week, I am not running the entire time and have been able to walk long distances for quite a while now. If I space it out more, do you think it…
  • I started Monday and did week 1 day 3 yesterday. I am totally motivated. My New Year's Resolution was to run a 5k SOMETIME in 2013. I am a little nervous as I have NEVER been a runner and as I am 33, I feel like I am getting a late start. But I am still excited and hoping I can do it!
  • What about the other version? They said in the app that this one falls between missions 1 and 2, so does that mean that beginners can do the other app as well? (Plain old Zombies, Run!) They are both on sale right now. I was looking for something to do on the "off days" in my couch to 5k program. And now that the weather…
  • I got it in the mail today (Tuesday) and am going to start tomorrow. I did the pre-test thing today and may I say, I SUCK! :laugh: I can't wait to feel stronger and look better in my clothes. I will be disappointed if it doesn't help as much as my walking, however. I usually walk (brisk pace) 3-4 miles a day. I think I…
  • Thanks so much for the info! Very helpful obrendao :smile:
  • I am in! I really want to be able to fit in my good pants for the fall school year...the ones I grew out of last year :noway: I figure at 185 (when the weather gets cooler) I would be able to at least zip them again. So this challenge will be a good start! SW: 200 CW: 193.8 GW: 188 UGW: 155 Weigh in Dates: 8/1 8/8 8/15…
  • I don't have a coach, but I already ordered it from They shipped it today. It is supposed to be here in 2-5 business days, so my guess is I will have it by mid week.
  • I am thinking about ordering ChaLEAN Extreme today. I wouldn't be able to start Monday, but maybe later in the week depending on delivery. I have been walking 3-4 miles a day and feel like I need more upper body and ab work. I plan to do the ChaLEAN in conjunction with shorter walks daily.
  • @kasslelin13 your picture is so small on my monitor it makes it really hard to tell! But 36?
  • @busygymmom I am also using the "mom" thing and the clue from being happy about the 26 guess....32?
  • Me too, unfortunately. I have found that if I weigh myself first thing in the morning, I weigh more than I do a couple hours in, regardless of if I have eaten breakfast, unless it is a big meal. I know I shouldn't and I only record it once a week. But I find I can't help it. Maybe my husband should hide the scale except on…