Jawbone Up

Is anyone else using one of these bracelets? I was torn between the Nike Fuel and the Jawbone Up. After talking with people at Apple and Best Buy, I went with the Up based on both recommendations. The Best Buy salesperson stated that Nike is planning to relaunch theirs this summer. Since there is a 15 day money back guarantee at Best Buy, I purchased the Up and figured I would give it a try. I still like MFP for tracking the food, but it is nice to get a better idea of what I am actually burning throughout the day. I also like the sleep tracker and that it can wake you within a window of time at the best time to get up for your own personal sleep cycle.

For those of you who have tried the UP, what do you think? Did you keep it? Why or why not?


  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    I used the Jawbone UP briefly before I got my Fitbit, and I have to say that I hated the UP band.

    I found that the manner of syncing was clunky (you had to plug it into the audio output for your iPhone), the cap that covered the end kept falling off (finally lost forever after it fell off in the street), the app was simplistic, and the rubberized material kept catching on my clothes - - especially once the cap fell off for good.

    I loved the vibrating alarm feature, but I understand the new Fitbit will have that, so I will upgrade as soon as the new Fitbit is available.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I have had the UP for a few months now. The sleep feature is extremely accurate. I don't really pay attention to the calories I burn everyday but it's great to see how many steps I get it, how long I am idle, active, etc. I have it vibrate if I sit too long, so I know to get up and walk around.

    I have never tried the fibit, but I can't imagine having to clip something on my clothes. If you sleep naked, you have an issue. I have never had an issue with the cap coming off. It would be nice if it could sync to MFP, but it doesn't bother me too much. The smart sleep alarm feature is nice, but I turned it off. If I set my alarm for 545am, I get mad if it tries to wake me up before that.
  • mojo75
    mojo75 Posts: 314 Member
    I've used the older fitbit and now I have the new jawbone up. I had the first generation up as well and it was total junk! The new one has been fantastic so far!!! I have yet to try the fuel band but have no complaints!
  • Angelsrose12
    Angelsrose12 Posts: 37 Member
    I have now been using mine for almost a month and I really like it. Today the updated the app to work with MFP. I LOVE the new feature! It seems to work really well. As of right now, I would recommend it.