Schuky01 Member


  • squats, lunges, pushups, tricep dips.. these are all great ways to tone just using your body weight as resistance.
  • I have the fitbit flex and love it!!!! the best part is, it is waterproof, so I literally NEVER take it off exept when it needs to charge (which is about every 5 days). I have it set to sync with MFP so I find it very motiviating! Plus you can sync it to Steps with Walgreens and get reward points.
  • Write it is as if it were a food, it will give you the extra 300 calories
  • Ha, I am in the same boat! I gained about 60 with my first kid and carried the extra weight around for over a year. I have finally got down to my ideal weight and an healthy BMI. I am pregnant again and hope that with this site I will gain the 20-30lbs and not the 60 like I did before!
  • Thanks everyone, I am going to have to check this out!
  • I eat sweets everyday. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I have lost 34 lbs, I only look at my calorie intake and I don't pay attention to my sugar, carbs, or fat info. I can say that for myself, I would never stick to any sort of weight loss plan if I didn't allow myself a twix mini during the day.
  • Just give it time and stick with it. I have been doing great with my calories, working out 4-5 times a week and my scale has not budged in 4 weeks. I had this happen to me a few months ago and then after a month of not dropping any weight, the scale started to move again. I might not have lost any weight during that time…
  • Best of luck to you, I would defintly try loosing the weight with diet and exercise first. I think the lap band is a wonderful option for some people, however it is surgery and there are complications associated with it. Being a nurse in General Surgery, I have seen the complicatins first hand. Good luck to you on your…
  • I didn't like them, I had bought one pair and in a few months the "bubble" popped in the heels so I had to throw them away. Then I tried them again and the same thing happened. I might just be that I walk funny and drag my heels too much but, I haven't bought them since.
  • I tend to do a lot of workout videos after my son goes to sleep, around 7:30. The best part is you can usually rent them from the library so you don't have to go out and buy them.
  • Coffee, Sunshine, Fresh air, my son and a good book! AMEN!
  • Just give it time and stick with it. I have been doing great with my calories, working out 4-5 times a week and my scale has not budged in 3 weeks. I had this happen to me a few months ago and then after a month of not dropping any weight, the scale started to move again. I might not have lost any weight during that time…
  • I did it for my wedding 5 years ago and it worked really well. It lasted about 5-7 days, no orange color, streaks or anything like that.
  • I love turbo fire! I don't follow the program they provide because I mix it in with my other workouts but it is definitly high pace and a lot of fun. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • You may also want to go to the Dr. and get your thyroid checked. If you suffer from hypothyroidism that could make you tired.
  • I think I might have to join you. I love chocolate and usually eat some form of it everyday (a hershey's kiss or a mini peanut butter cup...). Good luck to you and giving up your sweets.
    in Lent..... Comment by Schuky01 March 2011
  • I am totally rocking the hobo look. 1. I don't have time to go shopping 2. I actually do not enjoy shopping for clothes (This is a true statement) 3. I would rather spend my $$$ on other things like vacations and 4. Planning on working on kid #2 soon, so I hate the thought of getting new clothes that I won't be able to…
  • I have days like this, I simply go to the gym and get ready for a new day. It happens, one day is not going to hurt you, just get yourself pumped to take on the next day!
  • I have been suffering from that for 3 years now, due to rugby. I have lost 25 lbs and haven't had any relief yet :-( They told me to try to do quad strengthening to help hold the knee cap in proper place. Otherwise, Tylenol and Ibuprofen are my best friend. I was also told not to run but to do non-impact exercises.
  • I listen to Dynamite radio on Pandora. Nothing like good booty shaking music to really get you motivated!
  • I usually don't count my calories on the weekend. I still try to eat smart and really think about my portion size, but I do allow myself more flexability those days and then hit it hard again during the week. I need to have those "off days", otherwise I would go crazy. I have managed to loose 25lbs doing it this way. But…
  • Pizza, it is really hard stopping at one piece. I swear before I started this I could easily polish off half a pizza on my own.
  • I am a mom of one and I am able to work out 4-5 times a week, however I have to do it later at night once my son goes to sleep. Instead of watching tv at night I workoiut at home or at the gym. I usually can't even do this until around 8 or 8:30 at night
  • Are you trying to loose 2lbs a week, maybe you should change to the 1 lb per week. You want to make sure that this is a journey that you are going to be able to keep on. Perhaps the 1200 a day is just too few calories and you need to up it to 1500. Good luck to you.
  • My Knees :-( I swear for being 28, I have the knees of a 90y.o.
  • Chocolate!!! I keep Hershey's Kisses on hand so that I only eat 1-2 (26 cal each), instead of hitting up a vending machine and getting something worse!
  • Thanks for the NETFLIX suggestion! I will have to check that out!
  • Hip Hop Abs is a standing ab routine and cardio. However, I did ab workouts throughout my pregnancy. Once I got to bigger (around 5 months) I stopped doing them on the floor and I used one of those big workout balls. It is beneficial to do abs when pregnant. It will help keep the rectus abdominis muscles strong and keep…