whats the one thing you can't give up

I'm horrible about not eating my calories but drinking them. I'm big on sweet drinks like pepsi, sweet tea and coffee. Recently I decided to give up the pepsi and sweet tea but I can't give up coffee. So whats you one thing you can't give up?


  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    well for me I can't give up Dr Pepper. I can go a few days without one but I need a "fix" every few days
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    pop corn. Specifically Jiffy Pop. but I keep it to a minimum now, maybe 1 a week, sometimes 2 if it's a rough week. I now fill up the rest with air popped, which is still quite tasty, but far less calories, and lower in the bad stuff.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Cheese, but it's a portion control issue. I have room in my daily calories specifically for that.
  • douglw
    douglw Posts: 25
    I kicked pop and sugary drinks a while ago, but I have a hard time giving up beer and the like. A few beers here and there seem to make life a little more livable. I never even considered giving up coffee.
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    it used to be chips ..... hot and greasy - with loads of salt and vinegar....

    but i havent had a craving for them for nearly 2 weeks... it looking good so far!!
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    My wife. I can't give her up for anything. Nothing else would be worth it. And this new lifestyle wouldn't work without her.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    cheese! (and wine...but I've gotten better with this one)
  • maviolette
    maviolette Posts: 27 Member
    Cream in my coffee. It's just not the same with milk.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Pizza! I have found a super thin crust, veggie heavy, light dressing pizza at Papa Murphy's however. 200 cals per 1/8 of the pizza. 1/8 of a large pizza is big and I eat two of 'em! 400 cal dinner. Not too terrible. :)
  • butterfly25
    butterfly25 Posts: 186 Member
    7-Eleven - French Vanilla Cappuccino..i just cant give it up..i have to have at least one cup a day
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    :drinker: Coffee with cream. Sorry-I will allow for this every day-otherwise, I wouldn't be able to function!
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    Coffee with Splenda and creamer. I have switched to unsweetened vanilla almond milk for my creamer, though!
  • jessmo803
    I thought I couldn't give up sugary iced tea (in the gallon jug). But I started drinking the diet kind. So now I can't give up diet tea, preferrably Schneider's :o)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    This seems to change from time to time, especially depending on the season, but lately I cannot seem to go without some refined sugar! Thankfully, I found these cinnamon lollipops that will last an hour and they're only 70 calories.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Potatoes. I can do without loading them or frying them, but I've got to have them. My favorite is eating diced, baked potato hash browns with poached eggs whites in the morning.
  • skylersnanna
    My wife. I can't give her up for anything. Nothing else would be worth it. And this new lifestyle wouldn't work without her.

    Aaaaaawe, that there is priceless, beautiful answer :heart:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    My wife. I can't give her up for anything. Nothing else would be worth it. And this new lifestyle wouldn't work without her.

    Awwwwwwww... that is so sweet!!

    Mine would prolly have to be soda. I'm so addicted to Dr. Pepper, but I have gone 3 days without it now. Think I might try to give it up for lent this coming year.
  • Schuky01
    Schuky01 Posts: 33 Member
    Chocolate!!! I keep Hershey's Kisses on hand so that I only eat 1-2 (26 cal each), instead of hitting up a vending machine and getting something worse!
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Ice Cream!!
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I've tried not to give up anything for good. I just eat less of it or have it less frequently. My main ones are cheese, wine/beer and bread.