Madre2 Member


  • I love to swim. Nothing is more zen-like and relaxing than slipping into a quiet pool and swimming laps nonstop for about an hour. It's primordial. I feel energized, strong and lean when I emerge. I also love to ride my bike. These are great workouts for when you are burned out at the gym. Sometimes it helps to clear your…
  • The song that really makes me run hard and long on the treadmill is "La Grange" by ZZ Top. It's the best running song! Lately, I've also liked "Panic Switch" by Silversun Pickups and "Uprising" by Muse.
  • I think it's better to go cold turkey. That's how I broke my Diet Coke addiction. Use visuals to help you. There's a video on YouTube that really lays out how very acidic soft drinks are, and how damaging they are to your health. They actually leach all of the good nutrients from your body. And Coke is so acidic it's more…
  • Hi Ally! Great job losing weight. Sounds like you gained the infamous "freshman 15" and have lost it. Good job! ... I've always heard that you need to step up your workouts to get past the weight plateau. Also, it helps to cross train so you confuse your muscles and speed up your metabolism. Good luck! We're pulling for…
  • I try to eat it in little dabs on fresh fruit.
  • I've had a love-hate relationship with my scale for years. I agree with Double: Time for you to get an electronic scale. My son is always jumping on mine, too, and the electronic/digital scales always seem to weather this kind of trampling best. .... Good luck!
  • Fall, because it reminds me of all the cute jeans, boots and jackets you can wear. ... I want teeny jeans!! LOL
  • I love your positive attitude. Good luck! And, yes, we are all in this together. Just complete your food and exercise journal every day and stay true to yourself. I'm so grateful I found this site, too. ... And I know exactly what you mean about thighs that rub together!! I've always marveled at the girls who actually have…
  • Welcome and best of luck!!
  • I'm not a doctor, but I'm much older than you are, and I've read about fitness and nutrition for years. I've always heard that it is akin to starvation to consume fewer than 1,200 calories a day. You have to be careful that you aren't flirting with a food disorder by consuming too few calories.
  • I agree 100 percent with you on this. The whole point of exercising is to create a calorie deficit. However, having said that, the calories we do eat should be packed with nutrients.
  • I don't think so. Because then we would not be making any progress. I try to end my day with a calorie surplus.
  • Welcome! I recently joined, too, and I love the site. Good luck!
    in i'm new! Comment by Madre2 November 2010
  • That's amazing. You go girl. ... I can't do one pull up on the assisted pull-up machine without offsetting most of my weight!!
  • Welcome! Just remember that you have already made one of the most important decisions in your life by quitting cigarettes. They are so, so bad for you. I wish you the best of luck as you move forward committed to a healthy lifestyle. I'd recommend taking up a sport or athletic activity that will fill the void left by…
    in Hi Comment by Madre2 November 2010
  • Gosh, I LOVE PB so much that I can eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon. Actually, it's a "trigger" food for me (it took me years to accept that fact) and I've had to stop buying it because I just can't resist it. It's so good, but so full of fat and sugar. And the mainstream brands are filled with transfats (the…
  • You look amazing!!
  • I've always heard that you should stop eating completely at least one hour before bedtime.
  • I've always read that you are supposed to "trick" your muscles by switching up your workout routine. For instance, if you walked today, tomorrow you should try to swim, bike or weight train. That might get you going again.
  • It is freakin' awesome!! LOL. .... Best of luck with the program.
  • Hi June, I cycle, and have for years. It's admirable that you are taking on a century ride in March. I've never attempted one, but would love to soon. I would highly recommend that you cross train with another sport to make your cycling even stronger. Swimming and/or weight training for core and lower-body strength are…
    in Cycling Comment by Madre2 November 2010
  • You are too funny!! Thanks for your story. I'm inspired by your progress!
  • Best of luck. We should help encourage each other!!
  • I'm supposed to stay under 1,400/day, but this site has me at about 1,250/day. Does that seem low for someone trying to be more active?
  • Thank you! I know intuitively that water is a good idea, but I had stopped drinking as much as I should.
  • I'm so inspired by your progress. And I agree about following the plan to the letter. Already I'm making more of an effort to drink more water. Also, I too recently made the salt connection. I'm trying to force myself not to add more salt to my food. :wink:
  • Thank you! Your optimism and support are sure to help me along this journey!
  • One of my dearest friends is struggling with fibro, and I know how it zaps your energy. I've been advising her for years to try weight training, even if it is with light weights. Though I have gained weight over the past couple of years due to a desk job (turns out that sitting for hours can literally kill you), I know I…
  • LOL. Right back atcha!