Losing Weight During Perimenopause



  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm perimenopausal and I'm still losing. Your best bet is to follow the recommendations of this site to the letter. Exercise DOES help... A LOT. I've been here 75 days and lost 22 lbs so far. Keep at it... you'll do great. One of my biggest issues is sodium. Make sure you're drinking PLENTY of water (I average 10-12 cups a day). Add me and we can support each other.

    I'm so inspired by your progress. And I agree about following the plan to the letter. Already I'm making more of an effort to drink more water. Also, I too recently made the salt connection. I'm trying to force myself not to add more salt to my food. :wink:
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    I had problems a few years ago too. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I lived through all the changes in metabolism, hormones and plain old "stay out of my way, men just don't understand".
    Hot flashes, or as my sister calls them, power surges, can make you want something to "help you feel better", but I found out that ice cream isn't the right answer. Keeping yourself healthy and active, makes it easier to live with the temporary, yet life changing time.

    Barb :drinker: (Lots of water!!!)

    Thank you! I know intuitively that water is a good idea, but I had stopped drinking as much as I should.
  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    Ugh. Same boat here, too: 48 and things just got way out of hand. But, because of this site, I am on a better track. Working out (6 days a week--what?!), eating right, and after about 9 weeks here, on a great trajectory.

    Hang in there! I want to be nifty at 50!

    And I read a card the other day..."Hot flashes are just your inner child playing with matches." HA HA HA!!!
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    Did you say your calorie count a day is 1200? that's what mine is and I weigh 140 did I read this right

    I'm supposed to stay under 1,400/day, but this site has me at about 1,250/day. Does that seem low for someone trying to be more active?
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    I am 49 and been going through this for years, I know I have to keep trying to get the weight off or continue to gain. I want give up and will get the weight off.

    Best of luck. We should help encourage each other!!
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    Ugh. Same boat here, too: 48 and things just got way out of hand. But, because of this site, I am on a better track. Working out (6 days a week--what?!), eating right, and after about 9 weeks here, on a great trajectory.

    Hang in there! I want to be nifty at 50!

    And I read a card the other day..."Hot flashes are just your inner child playing with matches." HA HA HA!!!

    You are too funny!! Thanks for your story. I'm inspired by your progress!
  • lizzie4015
    Great Job only been here 2 days, this makes me want to stick to it!!
  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    Did you say your calorie count a day is 1200? that's what mine is and I weigh 140 did I read this right

    I'm supposed to stay under 1,400/day, but this site has me at about 1,250/day. Does that seem low for someone trying to be more active?

    Mine also suggests the 1200. But, that is net calories. So, depending how many calories you burn, that allows you a bit more (good) food intake, I believe. I also do my best to "zig-zag" my diet. That seems to help.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member

    Yes it is as hard as hell. This site is awesome for support. I know for sure it was easier losing weight in my 20's, 30,s, and even after weight loss surgery.

    But I am very determined to do it this time. As we hit 40 there is more of a chance of medical issues. So I will do whatever it takes to lose the rest of my weight!

    Good luck to you and you can do this!
  • barbhale
    barbhale Posts: 10 Member
    I hear you loud and clear! Same problem for me. I have lost 25 lbs but have been 'stuck' for SO LONG at the same weight now that I feel like I should just give up! But I wont.

    I walk everyday for one hour on the treadmill and that takes about 400 calories. I'm thinking I need to do it for a lot longer to use up a lot more calories. I think my calorie limit is 1200. MFP keeps saying if I go on like I am I should lose "this much" weight in "this much" time, but it's not happening!

    Menopause. blah. Plus I'm on medication that definitely puts the brakes on my metabolism.

    Hi. I'm 45, have been following the caloric intake of MFP for about a year and I've just gained weight! It's time for me to step it up, it seems. It is such a disappointment to meet calorie goals and see those enticing weight loss numbers on the "Complete Today's Entry" screen. I have been searching for motivating information and your comment about walking an hour a day made me think of this article: http://www.runnersworld.com/weight-loss/how-many-calories-are-you-really-burning-0?page=single

    Good luck to you!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm 54 and STILL in perimenopause, ugh!! What works the best for me is -

    **staying CONSISTENTLY in my calorie goal and logging everything
    **lifting weights that challenge me (if you can pump out 12 reps it's too light) - do compound moves
    **body weight exercises do amazing things to your body (pushups, squats. lunges, planks ect)
    **get enough protein (80 to 100 grams)
    ** water water water
    ** get enough sleep (hahaha.)

    It seems if I deviate too much from above plan, too many cheat treats and missed work outs the big ole perimenopause belly comes back. I have to work much harder at this then when I was a young kid of 40 hehe:wink:

    Feel free to friend me ladies:flowerforyou:
  • barbhale
    barbhale Posts: 10 Member
    At 45 years of age, I am desperate to eliminate some of the weight I've gained over the past few years. It is a comfort to find other women my age discussing this challenge as the physicians I have seen have little input or compassion for how difficult and frustrating it can be. Changing activity habits is so hard, especially since I have never been a going-to-the-gym type of person. This is compounded by the fact that I never had to worry about my weight until the past couple of years. I was slender until my mid-30s and it was effortless. I am experiencing the rude awakening that Christiane Northrup talks about in "The Wisdom of Menopause." I am facing a metabolism that is very different from the one I have known nearly my entire life.

    I want to thank the people who mention salt as a problem. I had recently started to notice that I have become quite bloated after eating something salty, but I wasn't aware that this was a known culprit for women in the pause.

    I hope to share and receive more tips here for fighting the bulge.

  • runlisaloo
    runlisaloo Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 49 and having a lot of the issues mentioned here already. I'm keeping my calories at 1350/day or less, and I eat what I burn in exercise. This site is AWESOME for information and support. It is the BEST!! I find that I've got to exercise like crazy to keep the weight off and my belly down. In the past year I've taken more classes. I like the energy of working out with others and having an instructor push me some. I used to run, but after knee surgery two years ago, I've had to make some adjustments. I'm enjoying TRX, step and sculpt, trekking, spinning, pilates, yoga, NightClub Cardio, Zumba, and more. I exercise 1-2 hours per day usually 5 days per week, give or take a day. I like my margaritas and Mexican food, but I have shifted to lower calorie options and skinny ritas. So far, so good. Welcome to MFP!!!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You have to be vigilant. I'm not doing that well myself at the moment,, but the key is I try never to let my weight get too high in the first place.

    My gyn told me a few years ago that I'd done an excellent job of controlling my weight, and from here on out I'd be fighting age.

    You probably can't eat the way you used to and you have to exercise more.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Almost 47-1/2 myself and struggling... Injuries and such here and there have keep my exercise at lower intensity than I would like. It has gotten harder every year of aging. Was suffering from night sweats and the occasional hot flash but since I did acupuncture, that has definitely decreased. I always look bloated... I don't normally add salts or eat high sodium foods and drink a lot of water. I think 1200 calories is too low for most people but you got to play with the numbers. I changed my minimum to 1400 calories and eat most of my exercise calories. I have recently been eating between I would say 1500 to 1600 per day and finally started losing. for me, I do a combo of cardio and weights. I feel both are important although cardio works best for me in terms of weight loss.
    Feel free to add me as a friend, any of you, and we can get through this crap together! :flowerforyou:
  • nanniescrew
    I can relate to the slow metabolism. I had a complete hysterectomy at age 27. So I went through surgical menopause , used estrogen for a few years then stiopped completely. So I ask myself if it is my metabolism or my innate ability to bring food to my mouth.. I am wirking with a online Fitness Coach through beach body which has made a huge difference. beachbodycoach.com joyowens83 She gives great tips, plans and motivational pep talks. You should check it out. It is all free. I think all tools are valuable. Tracking my intake is huge for me, as is watching portions.
    I will look forward to cahtting again.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Menopause leads to first hormone changes, followed by a slowing of your metabolism (the hormone changes give you hot flashes, the metabolism changes are why older people tend to get cold). Have you noticed that many normal weight older people eat like birds? That's because their bodies are demanding less fuel.

    Just like anyone else, the trick is to burn more calories than you consume either by cutting calories or by exercise. It's just that the calorie level that let you lose before may maintain you after menopause.

    Been there, done that.
  • lesleyhembree
    lesleyhembree Posts: 8 Member
    Wow!!!! I feel l should have written your story.. It sounds so familiar.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I hear you loud and clear! Same problem for me. I have lost 25 lbs but have been 'stuck' for SO LONG at the same weight now that I feel like I should just give up! But I wont.

    I walk everyday for one hour on the treadmill and that takes about 400 calories. I'm thinking I need to do it for a lot longer to use up a lot more calories. I think my calorie limit is 1200. MFP keeps saying if I go on like I am I should lose "this much" weight in "this much" time, but it's not happening!

    Menopause. blah. Plus I'm on medication that definitely puts the brakes on my metabolism.

    Hi. I'm 45, have been following the caloric intake of MFP for about a year and I've just gained weight! It's time for me to step it up, it seems. It is such a disappointment to meet calorie goals and see those enticing weight loss numbers on the "Complete Today's Entry" screen. I have been searching for motivating information and your comment about walking an hour a day made me think of this article: http://www.runnersworld.com/weight-loss/how-many-calories-are-you-really-burning-0?page=single

    Good luck to you!

    Interesting article.. Thanks!
  • Katz2509
    Its awesome to see such a thread and group here. Its such an awful issue, and its each one to its own. I just gained 12 kilos almost overnight, was on HRT with awful side effects now, on supplements for thyroid and progesterone thats making life better. WEight loss is slow though, and Im wondering Im eating to little 1200 plus exercise calories ( which range 400-600 a day). Im losing inches and my doc says thats the best thing and Im on the right track... Im out here too..