Motivation help needed.

I have completely lost all motivation to work out and stay on track. What is everyone's favorite workouts both cardio and strength training? I am hoping mixing it up some will help.
Thanks for the help!


  • jilllk84
    jilllk84 Posts: 26 Member
    I love the elliptical trainer at the gym. It seems to work everything and I feel like I did something well when I get off of it exausted. It combines a stair and treadmill motion, along with making you move your arms. Plus it burns a ton of calories.
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    Kickboxing was the best class I could have joined! its fun, you swear your butt off and you knock out the stress!
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    LOL I mean sweat not swear...
  • beautymkt
    Hi what are some of the workouts you do now.......definitely mixing it up helps alot! Also changing the music or environment you are in and listening to as well! I don't know where you live, however, walks, running, jogging in the outdoors, biking as well. Zumba is alot of fun!! Dance classes! Circuit training is great because you are not only doing cardio on steps and aerobic movements, but also strength training at the same time in 15mins intervals.

    Hope this helps! Change it up and have fun with it! If you have not having fun doing it, you won't do it!

  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Also, are you at a gym? I can't afford one so everything I do is at home - but I've fallen off the wagon too. :-(

    the workout games are fun.. zumba is great...I also have Jillian's Shred trio. I'd like to get Tae Bo but I should probably wait until I'm willing to consistently stay on track.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I absolutely love step aerobics. I also have an elliptical machine at home and I also enjoy my Jari Love work out dvds. They combine cardio and weight training together. Her dvds really firm you up. About a year ago, I used her dvds and my legs, arms and tummy firmed up in like 3 months.
  • lilbuddytatertot
    lilbuddytatertot Posts: 57 Member
  • lilbuddytatertot
    lilbuddytatertot Posts: 57 Member
    Kickboxing was the best class I could have joined! its fun, you swear your butt off and you knock out the stress!

    she corrected herself by saying she ment **sweat not swear*** but i was just imaging how someone would get rid of stress by swearing alot at a kick boxing class using those profane sentence enhaning adjetives before every other word ..... that may not seem funny to anyone else, but it made me laugh
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Favorite workouts: Biggest Loser Challenge for the wii fit plus, walking the dog, and walking around Wal*mart or Costco (not shopping just walking the bad weather excuses that way).
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    I love to swim. Nothing is more zen-like and relaxing than slipping into a quiet pool and swimming laps nonstop for about an hour. It's primordial. I feel energized, strong and lean when I emerge. I also love to ride my bike. These are great workouts for when you are burned out at the gym. Sometimes it helps to clear your head with some fresh air, sunshine and a bona fide sport.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Kickboxing was the best class I could have joined! its fun, you swear your butt off and you knock out the stress!

    she corrected herself by saying she ment **sweat not swear*** but i was just imaging how someone would get rid of stress by swearing alot at a kick boxing class using those profane sentence enhaning adjetives before every other word ..... that may not seem funny to anyone else, but it made me laugh
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    That cracked me up too! I'm still laughing! It's the visual that kills me! If I could swear my butt off what a wonderful world this would be!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Zumba and Power pump at the gym. Zumba is so much fun it barely feels like a work out and I always feel so strong when I do Power Pump.
  • artsystacey
    artsystacey Posts: 16 Member
    I am so busy that I don't have enough time to always drive out to the gym and drive home. I have a few DVD's that help me and they are so fun! I have a ballet conditioning CD which is mainly stretching and toning. I also have Bollywood Dance Workout DVDs...they are so exciting and you just can't help but laugh when you do them! They have some free ones on hulu:

    I have tried most of them and they are all fun! :)