My Scale is Pissing Me Off!

kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
My scale has been going down down down for a month! All of a sudden, I stand on it the other day and it was up 5lbs! It has to be off. I didnt gain 5lbs in one day, especially when I burned 800 cals that day at the gym! ERG! Guess I need to get a new one! My kids are always standing on it since Mommy stands on it and I am thinking it needs to be calibrated or something. I am just super frustrated! While I KNOW I havent gained 5lbs in one day, its still discouraging to not see the number going down. I am a visual person, so I need to see it to believe it!


  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    are you using an analog? my scale did that too - it was a 15 pound jump though!
    and then every time i would get on or off it would mess up the calibration i JUST did.
    i just went out and bought a digital. though since that scale was more accurate, i actually weighed about 4 pounds more than the analog had been telling me :( but oh well, the absolute value of what i lost was the same! and that doesn't change inches lost :D

    long story short, i love my new digital!!! so much easier to read also
  • Madre2
    Madre2 Posts: 35 Member
    I've had a love-hate relationship with my scale for years. I agree with Double: Time for you to get an electronic scale. My son is always jumping on mine, too, and the electronic/digital scales always seem to weather this kind of trampling best. .... Good luck!
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    its a digital one, but we have had it for years. I looked at it today to try and calibrate it and I didnt see where I could do that :/
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Don't rely on the scale, rely on how your clothes fit.
    There is a member on here who goes by the name The Phat Man. He weighs himself once a month (maybe you should too) so he isn't disappointed at the slow movement of the scale.
    He also has a wonderful blog going on titled THE PHAT MAN'S PHILOSOPHY OF DIETING & what he says really makes sense.
    Check out his blog & friend him, he'd be a great supporter on this journey to a new you.
  • I hear ya with the scale.....mine said I gained 4lbs....overnight!!!! Went back two hours later and it was right back down to the weight I was yesterday, go figure!!!! Like you I love to see the numbers, and I get so discouraged when it shows an increase like that....This scale is kinda old too, so I may just buy me a new one....

    I'm trying really hard to only weigh once a lesat that's the plane, lol
  • I have a digital scale and I can weigh twice in a row and get two different numbers. I always just keep weighing until I get the same number twice in a row then that's how much I weigh lol.
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    I have a digital scale and I can weigh twice in a row and get two different numbers. I always just keep weighing until I get the same number twice in a row then that's how much I weigh lol.

    LOL! Sounds like a good system!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    mine is like this!

    i weighed myself yesterday and i was 154lbs...this morning i'm 155.5! i stuck exactly to my calories so no way can i have scale is pretty new though so no reason for it to mess up so bad :(
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