

  • From everything I read it tells me, what I already know!!! Always looks greener on the other side. The problems are just different! I wish I was more acknowledged and respected for what I do, but whatever, so does everyone.! Of course I wish I was paid a butt load more too! Hate worrying about money all the time, and…
  • Totally get this answer. Yes and it is Monday, so that probably makes it worse!!!
  • Medifast works for me as I am a compulsive overeater, tried everything in the past, and I mean everything!! This is working as long as I can keep the mojo going (motivation). So far it is so easy as I am not hungry. Eating out and eating with people is the hardest, but as long as I keep going and stay on track I will be…
  • I just did my third week weigh in and lost 14.5 total since starting. My total first week was 9 lbs , but it was really 11 in my first two weeks, cos it depends when you go in to be weighed. As long as we are losing!!
  • Never heard of this either and I am doing the MF clinics too. I lost 9 my first week, so I am ok. But great if it works for you, keep going!
  • This is such fun! I had my first peanut butter soft serve, it was good, but not as good as I am reading, so will make it better next time. Too icy . Does anyone freeze it like ice-cream? I love the bar, the peanut butter bar is my fav!! Also like the cappuccino shake - little water to mix, then a full serving of black…
  • Thanks and it certainly is working for you!! Getting weighed in 1 hour, I prefer not to weigh at home, as there I have clothing on ha ha
  • Thanks. So what is the verdict, I joined the center, but should I buy the foods on line??
  • How can you self set the settings?
  • I use my condiment allowance to have the one coffee a day. Or mix the hot cappuccino shake into it. For hot tea (i am english) I use 1 tbls 1 per cent milk (condiment) I guess it is what is important??
  • I need advise, I bought the plan through the center and buy the foods from there. Is there any difference to buying the foods on line. When I asked them at the center they did not seem too happy about it as they do not get their money from the on line site, so obviously they want me to purchase from them. However I did pay…
  • I leave tomorrow for San Antonio for two days and to pick up my son from camp. So on the road and restaurants. I am not worried about the medifast meals, just the eating out. I have been eating the cob salad from TGI Fridays when I go out, minus the bacon, and was surprise to discover how high it is in calories, fat etc. I…
  • Where is the dining out guide, on the Medifast webpage??
  • Amazing weigh loss. I guess I should count the 9 lbs they counted for my first week!
  • That is AMAZING wow, great to hear!!!!
  • Not necessarily. I lost 5 lbs my first week, 4 my second and I get weighed tomorrow. However tomorrow is really my 2.5 week date as I was weigh previously on a Monday, anyway. It seems to be going well. The center counted that I lost 9 lbs the first week as I got weight twice within the saturday to saturday time. I guess…
  • Do the best you can for your son. The more you do now, the more it will help him later in life. Rather he suffers now with his mommy around and in a safe environment. I speak from years of experience. My son is 16 and going into his second year of high school. We did 2 hard years of ABA, very hard... but he got through it…
    in Argh. Comment by nicolelara July 2012
  • sounds good. I know logging it makes a huge difference to the weight loss results, so I will continue to do so. I have been eating too many calories and carbs/fat when eating out, so will have to look at ways to shave fat etc off for example TGI salads, they come in pretty high!!
  • mmm never thought about using a baby bell or a healthy fat as a snack. Good idea, as long as I only have the one. Still in the new stage, so I will stick to nothing by medifast shakes and bars and the one lean and green. Better for me to NOT eat in case I go astray!