Has anyone used Herbalife or Medifast to help lose??



  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Herbalife. Lost 25# and gained it all back, of course. If I ever taste that crap again, esp in a pistachio pudding pie, it will be too soon. Barf.
  • Nikki830
    Nikki830 Posts: 6
    We host Herbalife conferences at my work and those people are bonkers

  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    Tried melaleuca attain shakes (similar to herbalife-just through a company I belong to) Basically just a meal replacement.... I keep the shakes & bars around just for when I need a quick meal on the go (they are pretty well balanced-and a heck of a lot better than a bag of cheetos & a snickers! haha!) But I could never do them full time... would get pretty bored...
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    agree with most, best is to change your eating habits altogether for the rest of your life. But I am doing meal replacement shakes now, not H not Mfast, for breakfast and dinner and a very healthy lunch. I treat it as a way for me to form new healthy eating habits and lose weight along the way. It is so easy in the morning, I don't have to worry about cooking, same in the evening. I am lucky my husband is cooperating so he is cooking dinners. I am on this for thirty days, will see how it goes overall, after that I may continue with another type of MRS either just for dinner or breakfast only, but it is not a way of life, of course. I am trying to see if 21 days of doing same thing really helps form a habit. In general, I am at the point in my life when I want real changes, not quick diet fixes.
  • adammann
    adammann Posts: 5
    I have used Medifast in the past and lost 80 lbs and kept it off. If you do the program fully and I mean FULLY - all the way through the maintenance part it can work. It can teach you lifestyle changes, but you need a health coach that is as dedicated to helping you as you are dedicated to losing. IT TAKES A TON of dedication. I am not sure I can commit to that sort of dedication this go round :). Hence, my fitness pal and tracking. :):)
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm currently doing MF for the 2nd time and love it!!

    I lost 30lbs in about a month and a half the first time and got pregnant unexpectedly so I had to stop. I gained about 25lbs in my pregnancy and now that my son is only nursing 1-2 times a day I started up again (today is day 1 on plan for me). I'm back to finish what I started and get the last 40 off.

    There is a big enough variety that I don't get bored and I still have my 1 lean and green meal a day.

    The issue I've found with people who have gained their weight back on MF is because they hit their goal weight and don't follow and complete the transition program as it is written. THAT is where you learn how to eat properly. I like to think of medifast as doing the heavy lifting. After you've got the weight off and you follow the 12 week transition plan exactly that's when you learn how to eat properly, etc.

    I do medifast through a program called Take Shape for Life and I have my own personal health coach that helps me every step of the way.
    Whatever weight loss path you chose, good job in taking charge of your health. You'll never regret it!
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    You know I am/ was vehemently opposed to programs like MF because they put you into a very unnatural nutritional pattern for short periods of time to effect weight loss, but yesterday I chatted with people who opposed weight loss surgery using similar logic. Perhaps if you understand that something like MF is simply an adjunct to get you going and that when you finally add real food back the true challenge will begin than it is ok. Otherwise, it will be a waste because you will gain the weight back and then some.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Eat right.work hard.period.
  • torinoodles
    torinoodles Posts: 6 Member
    I'm currently on Medifast, I'm doing the teen program which has a lot more added foods. I'm supposed to eat 3 MF meals a day, and two lean and green. Usually have the pancakes in the morning, a bar in the afternoon and a brownie at night. I think it is very effective this way because half of my meals are still real foods, so I am getting in more fresh food and learning to portion and choose healthy things. My coach wants me to transition to the 5 and 1 closer to my 18th birthday in December, but I'm not sure that I will want to cut out my fresh meals. I'm supposed to do about 1600cals a day, but most of the time it is around 1350 because I've already eaten my 125carbs and don't feel like eating meat with my brownie (lol). It's been around 7 weeks and so far I have lost 20lbs, with minimal exercise (just a walk here and there).
  • nicolelara
    nicolelara Posts: 22
    Medifast works for me as I am a compulsive overeater, tried everything in the past, and I mean everything!! This is working as long as I can keep the mojo going (motivation). So far it is so easy as I am not hungry. Eating out and eating with people is the hardest, but as long as I keep going and stay on track I will be fine. Each cheat, means I am wasting a medifast meal, and that is not only $$$ but also TIME!!!!