Do you love your job? Do you hate your job?



  • cdprouty
    cdprouty Posts: 140 Member
    Founder of one of the most successful web design firms in Massachusets and Florida. I LOVE my job.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I love the industry I'm in, I'm just ready to advance.
  • nicolelara
    Totally get this answer. Yes and it is Monday, so that probably makes it worse!!!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Middle school Home Economics teacher and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job!!!! i ran into one of my former students at a thrash metal concert last night and we both just cracked up!!!

    And I"m a middle school English, journalism and at-risk teacher. My students are fabulous!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I love what I do!!!

    I say that because I could be in any job in my field because I love what I do.

    I love technology...everything and anything about it. It's so exciting and new every single day. I have done so many different types of computer related jobs in my 16 years in the field...and I've loved each and every one of them...from web design to hardware monkey to software engineer to IT trainer (CTO, graphic designer, network administrator, even professor to name a few more).

    I could never learn enough. Ever. I love what I do. ;-)
  • nicolelara
    From everything I read it tells me, what I already know!!! Always looks greener on the other side. The problems are just different! I wish I was more acknowledged and respected for what I do, but whatever, so does everyone.! Of course I wish I was paid a butt load more too! Hate worrying about money all the time, and crappy benefits. Oh well, I still love my job!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I work in a warehouse. This is my favorite job so far as it pays the best and I'm not in customer service. It's just sad that my bachelor's degree is going to waste and with this economy, I'll probably never get the chance to use it. :(
  • John020667
    I used to love my job and then along came Fair Work Australia and ruined it.
    What is that?
    it is a government body that is all for the employee. i wrote a story on what an employee did (22/5/12) but we still had to rehire them even though what they did was wrong
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I'm a pharmacy technician and most days, I love my job :) I hate one of my coworkers who makes my life a living hell...but my boss rocks :)
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I work from home full time, and most of the time I love it. :) Sometimes I miss going out of the house for work, and being available to my staff all hours of the day is annoying (they work different shifts), but the flexibility is awesome.
  • SabrinaSt
    SabrinaSt Posts: 142 Member
    I absolutely love it.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I love my job(s). I don't make very much money, but I love what I do (in truth, my husband's income pays the bills).

    My jobs:

    1. Mom of 4 kids: 14, 10, 9, and 4.
    2. Ballroom dance instructor
    3. Spin instructor

    Prior to kids, I was the Director of Legal and Human Resources for a huge company. I made a lot of money. Funny; I didn't really like that job.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Producer for the Discovery Channel and History Channel and I LOVE my job. Filming is always a crazy adventure and a huge adrenaline rush, and I get to be embedded with weird lunatics and then return to my normal life.

    * The only problem is that one cannot do this line of work forever and I'm approaching my physical limit of what I can was a lot different in my 20's...
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    LOVE my job. can't stand a bunch of my retard colleagues, who couldn't find their *kitten* with both hands and a torch.
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I teach, and I've wanted to do since I was a wee tater tot. I want to love my job. :( I love teaching, but not where I currently teach. I'm barely making ends meet. I also tutor, but was laid off. I find the latter sad because I LOVED tutoring! I just wish I could go to another school, but no one has called back yet. :(
  • camelothosting
    camelothosting Posts: 60 Member
    Self employed,
    Run an Internet Web Hosting Firm
  • WarningBell
    I love my job! I'm a one to one paraprofessional in a self-contained special ed kindergarten classroom.. my co-workers are amazing and the kids make me smile everyday :)
  • MrJase
    MrJase Posts: 88 Member
    I love my job!!

    I work on an oil rig in the middle of the north sea, it's an ace job. The one downside though is the three weeks away from my family. But thats when this site and the message boards comes in handy!
  • moonowl23
    moonowl23 Posts: 36 Member
    Depends on the day...

    I work for a gaming company and have a team who I tell them what games to test etc... I do not test anymore, do more mails, reporting, video conferences etc...

    I quit anyways due to marrying a USAF man ^^
  • Glamorous_RN