Awesome victory!
Great job! How'd you celebrate your success?
Don't your weekly points allow you to go over your 26? You only went over seven which is not a problem even if you do it everyday. And when you exercise, you earn more points (or calories).
I think your NSV is great!
Congratulations on your progress!
Great progress! Be very proud.
He hears and answers. Awesome! This is exactly what I needed to read this day.
I see it! Don't quit!
Thanks for posting this. I can't wait to look back two years from now. This weekend will be my first official 5k, and my longest distance is 5 miles. I know I'll run a half but I don't know when. At one time I couldn't fathom 3 miles and 5 wasn't even in my realm of maybes.
I am glad my hubby is my workout partner. We run together, lift together, bike together - whatever.
Awesome progress! Worth the effort. . .
Thanks for the great suggestions. I think I am going to have to buckle down and preplan my days.
I completed a Basic Training I workout from New Rules of Weightlifting Supercharged with my husband,
I have that itching and uncontrollable need to scratch if I start walking or aerobic exercise after a long extended break. I couldn't even finish today. After a while it doesn't happen anymore (for me). ETA: It happens even in warm weather for me. Maybe its dry skin for me as I can't even stay in the shower too long.
It's a great achievement to me since I can't/haven't done it! Congrats!
I'm interested in the challenge.
Matthew 6:33
You had a successful year indeed!
I'll be starting on the 8th! Glad to see others at this. I'll do CE afterwards.
Well! I have 100 lbs to lose and the 31st (my anniversary) is my LAST start date. I'm with you!
Great Progress!
Very Inspiring!