

  • Bump. I have been thinking about this too. Seems like if you put 30 mins in there that should be about right for a 1 hour class (taking into account warm-up and rolling). But I think it's silly--who is going to be using this and not counting the class as a unit? While I'll feel a bit silly wearing an HRM to class I may…
  • I am hungry all the time and I don't even have a big deficit (.5 lbs/wk). I constantly think about food. I actually don't chastise myself for this but I don't give in either--I actually look at food porn on the internet: www.tastespotting.com. Mostly bad stuff but occasionally I find a healthy recipe on there. Fantasizing…
  • I don't find that healthy v. unhealthy foods leaves me any more or less hungry--I'm always hungry. Two of the oft-promoted healthy foods--fruit and complex carbs--are often very high calorie (check out the stats on a small glass of OJ; you're better off with the hershey kisses). In pure weight loss terms, and I know plenty…
  • I just got a Polar for Christmas--turns out I burn more calories than MFP's estimate (although it's not that far off).
  • I recently gave up alcohol for a month for kicks. It was boring, and I didn't lose any weight.
  • I won't quabble with you on your first point except to say that some resistance training can deplete glycogen enough that it is beneficial to take in carbs afteward. I'll leave that at that. As for your second point, I think that's just wrong. Depleted glycogen causes the body to synthesize glucose from amino acids,…
  • Calorie counting brings out the OCD in all of us, but just remember, humans have been living for thousands of years eating whatever we could get our mits on. It's only recently that some people like us have the luxury of overeating. You could obsess down to the micronutrient level about having the perfect diet, but really,…
  • One important caveat to the "avoid simple carbs" rule is immediately after exercise. Exercise depletes your body's glycogen, which you will want to replenish both for muscle growth and fat burning. "Bad" carbs like white rice, white flour, and potatoes actually help replenish glycogen more quickly immediately after…
  • Yeah I am genetically predisposed to huge legs as well, which will continue to bother me until I bulk up my upper body to match. In theory, stretching helps make muscles bulge less (more flat, less round), and low resistance high repetition exercise helps "tone" rather than "bulk" muscles, but sadly, the reality is that…
  • I am a lawyer. I suggest you speak with a lawyer in your city--many will give a free consultation. Please forgive my necessary statements that I am not your lawyer and this is not meant to be legal advice. Based on what you said, it sounds like you may have a legitimate claim against the dealership. There is a claim (at…
  • I completely agree. I am in a similar situation in that I attend a lot of events with meals and I just can't control what is served there so instead it becomes about quantity control. I like it because I still get to eat the super-tasty bad stuff just eat less of it. Also, I still am unclear about what this hacker diet…
  • Wine, champagne and light beer are all around 110-130. Cocktails-wise, anything + diet is going to be good, e.g. rum + diet coke, vodka + diet sprite, crown + diet coke, etc. My current go-to low-cal cocktail is gin and tonic but I used to love me some rum and diets...
  • Interesting article. I run in Newton Running Shoes which are "barefoot style" although they are far from minimalist. They are designed with forefoot striking in mind and so have more cushioning there. I switched from heel-striking to forefoot-striking about a year ago and the transition was difficult. I lost a lot of speed…
  • That's amazing! Yes the doctor's report is similar to what I've seen, with the modification that you can do it every few days rather than upon hitting a plateau.
  • I'm a huge fan of my Newton running shoes but they are expensive ($200+) and require that you use a certain running style (landing on the ball of your foot as opposed to the heel). Supposedly this is the best way to run to protect your joints--I certainly have noticed less joint pain from running as a result of…
  • Dallasite reporting in. Welcome and good luck. Local cuisine is indeed bad for the belt, but as the other D-town crew here can confirm, it's not impossible to be a skinny Texan.
  • So what's the gist of the hacker's diet? I'm not going to go read the e-book...
  • Good luck getting one that is remotely close to accurate for less than $70 lol. I think the cheapest Polar that has calorie counting as a function is $80, and even that one is pretty minimal.
  • I tried on Vibrams and did not like them because the sizing was not "just right" for my feet (not to mention my left foot is a half-inch bigger than my right). I use Newton shoes instead and absolutely love them--similar concept, which is to say, they are built for people who run on the balls of their feet (the "natural"…
  • I agree with several other posters: -my first tattoo -new clothes to show off Also, I want La Monumental from Burguesa Burgers: http://directory.dmagazine.com/media/directory/restaurants/Burguesa-Burger-directory.jpg This is what's in it:…
  • lol I know what you mean--I've had similar reactions reading similar material. I really just want to read it to get a better understanding of getting the most out of my resistance training and also getting some ideas about how to make it more holistic. I mean, I'd like to think I do a good job hitting all the muscle groups…
  • I recently ordered this off of Amazon--any good?
  • My strategies: 1) I almost never refuse food, but when I do, I just say no thanks. Whoever said that refusing food is rude--that's crazy talk--but I do think that you score points with people by accepting food, so I do it to earn some kudos. So how the heck to I still make my calorie limits!? 2) If the food item in…
  • Face wash - Aveda gel cleanser Astringent - Aveda toner Moisturizer - no moisturizer, I use C+E Ferulic as a substitute (pro tip!!) Eye - Aveda eye cream Shaving Cream - Taylor of Bond Street Shaving Soap lathered with a badger brush Razor - Feather straight razor (+ Feather pre-shave and aftershave lotion) Body Wash - I…
  • nydoll nailed it. For better or worse our genes determine our fat distribution. I have man boobs. I had them when I was at 25% body fat, and I STILL have them at 15%. My gut is almost gone--I mean, I can see ab definition in my top four abs--but I still have me boobies. The grass is always greener, etc, etc. Bottom line,…
  • I'm not familiar with ESE but I have fasted on about a dozen occassions (for holidays) but did so before seriously dieting/using MFP. My experience is that it sucks pretty hard. Extremely hungry, did not help me with weight loss, once you go into ketosis you feel like blacking out, impossible to concentrate at work...…
  • My gf gets time-of-the-month sweets cravings and will come home with a bag full of candy... Also I was raised, as I suspect many of us were, with a clean-your-plate and let-nothing-go-to-waste type of mentality (enough hyphens!?!?!). Bottom line, you just gotta say no, even if that means most of those darned cookies go bad…
  • Boss + guardup Yeah I do have it set at sedentary but I try to diligently manually enter all physical activity but really like guardup I do very little activity at work. Reading other threads on the topic it sounds like lightly active is for people who are on their feet most of the day, and that is clearly not me. I do…
  • I agree it sounds low but I am not lightly active. I work a desk job all day. I exercise an hour every morning to compensate (3 days lifting, 3 days cardio, 1 day martial arts).
  • There's a lot that I don't understand about your post but I am particularly curious about what you said here. According to MFP (I am a 5'10" 161 lb man with a desk job) my daily caloric needs are around 2150. You say here that someone with a 500 cal deficit (woman with low BF) would be consuming just above BMR--I…