What to tell people when you don't want to eat it!



  • utamore
    My strategies:

    1) I almost never refuse food, but when I do, I just say no thanks. Whoever said that refusing food is rude--that's crazy talk--but I do think that you score points with people by accepting food, so I do it to earn some kudos. So how the heck to I still make my calorie limits!?

    2) If the food item in question is something you serve yourself (i.e. "here, have some more mashed potatoes"), I take a very small amount. If I'm at a dinner where there's family-style serving, I count on inevitably having to take seconds to show my appreciation and so I always take basically one-bite portions of the bad stuff on the first go-round.

    3) If the food item in question is a whole serving (i.e. "you absolutely must have THIS GIGANTIC PIECE OF CAKE," [puts in my hands]), then I have one of two sub-strategies:

    a) Taste and ditch. Take a bite/sip/whatever, pretend to be hugely impressed, wander off and ditch the rest in the trash. This was very hard from me coming from a plate-cleaning no-waste culture, but the reality is, if you're going to diet successfully, you have to get comfortable with the idea of throwing unnecessary food away. Better in the trash than in your gut.

    b) If all else fails, allocate before-hand. Whoever said you should just avoid going to people's houses where you know they're going to try to make you ead bad food is also crazy sauce--guess what: most of America eats badly. You still want some friends lol. So if you know you have a risk of being faced with people who will literally stare you down and watch you eat that thousand calorie cheesecake slice they pushed in front of you, you just have to maintain a huge deficit leading up to dinner. I make a habit of saving 800 calories for dinner with family members and sometimes over 1,000 for cocktail parties for exactly this reason. Works well for me, even if I am hungry most of the day ;-)

    I always get to pretend in public that I can eat whatever I want and that I'm not on any diet because of these strategies. It makes it look easy to lose weight/be skinny and you don't get ostricized as a party pooper. Win-Win.
  • marianpp
    marianpp Posts: 35 Member
    I simply say "I'm on a diet" and if they say "aww one wont kill you" I usually say "actually believe me, it might, with my personality one taste and I'm on the road to ruin... it's a very slippery slope, today I have that cupcake, tomorrow I have a whole cake, by Thursday I've lost my job, and by next weekend I'm doing lines of coke off of a hookers *kitten* in the restroom at the bus station... do you want to be responsible for that?"

    Usually that shuts 'em up :)

    I love it i will use that from now on
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Love the "I might do a line off a hooker's *kitten* excuse" classic, will have to use that next time! lmao!!

    Other than that, with people that have no sense of humor, I try:

    "Oh, no thank you"

    "I'm good, thank you anyways"

    "Maybe in a minute, I'm not really hungry right now"

    "Oh, I ate before I came/I ate not too long ago"

    After each of these lines, I usually try to get away from the person offering or food being served. It's such an awkward situation when people offer things that are detrimental to your weight. I sometimes feel anxious when I'm put in this situation, but since I've done it for so long, it's becoming habitual to respond with one of the above phrases. Good luck :)
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I blame an upset tummy - "Looks so good, but I had some bad Chinese last night that's just not sitting well". Bonus points if your stomach gurgles or you can burp on cue.

    OoOoo....that's a good one!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I make a habit of saving 800 calories for dinner with family members and sometimes over 1,000 for cocktail parties for exactly this reason. Works well for me, even if I am hungry most of the day ;-)

    I always get to pretend in public that I can eat whatever I want and that I'm not on any diet because of these strategies. It makes it look easy to lose weight/be skinny and you don't get ostricized as a party pooper. Win-Win.

    I do this too, especially when I know I have an unavoidable bad food/drink event coming up...such as my cousin's wedding that I'm a bridesmaid in, Dec. 18th...lol!
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    If I am hosting a dinner, I would appreciate polite honesty, "no, thank you" is fine for me. If you have serious allergies or preferences I would like to know in advance so I can accomodate it (for example I'm vegan, my dad's diabetic, etc)

    as a guest I try to find things I can have and appreciate that, again a simple no thank you usually works, if the host is really pushy then I'll talk more about being vegan/trying to feel better/losing weight. etc

    gotta say I loved Chuck's answer too!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I don't think saying no is a bad thing. No thank you works for me, and if they ask if your on a diet, just say no. You don't have to get into the lifestyle change angle either. Its your body, you don't have to answer to anyone about what you eat or decide not to eat.
    This is my favorite response. :smile:
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I usually just say 'no thanks' and if they push it, I say, "Im stuffed right now...maybe later" and they leave it alone.
  • michele0101
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I simply say "I'm on a diet" and if they say "aww one wont kill you" I usually say "actually believe me, it might, with my personality one taste and I'm on the road to ruin... it's a very slippery slope, today I have that cupcake, tomorrow I have a whole cake, by Thursday I've lost my job, and by next weekend I'm doing lines of coke off of a hookers *kitten* in the restroom at the bus station... do you want to be responsible for that?"

    Usually that shuts 'em up :)

    oh that was funny!
  • collettemrk
    Most days I do my calorie burn early in the day.So when I'm eating with people that want me to "try" something I know isn't good for me I just tell them I didn't pedal 25 miles in the morning just to ruin it with bad choices about what goes in my mouth.Most understand.
  • Jbwilson0708
    Omgi love this thread thank you for all the great ideas i will need it when the hubby drags me to his familys house on christmas ... :)
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    I simply say "I'm on a diet" and if they say "aww one wont kill you" I usually say "actually believe me, it might, with my personality one taste and I'm on the road to ruin... it's a very slippery slope, today I have that cupcake, tomorrow I have a whole cake, by Thursday I've lost my job, and by next weekend I'm doing lines of coke off of a hookers *kitten* in the restroom at the bus station... do you want to be responsible for that?"

    Usually that shuts 'em up :)

    :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
  • SkierElle
    Most days I do my calorie burn early in the day.So when I'm eating with people that want me to "try" something I know isn't good for me I just tell them I didn't pedal 25 miles in the morning just to ruin it with bad choices about what goes in my mouth.Most understand.

    haha that's awesome! mine will be "i didnt jump out of bed this morning at 5:30 to get my workout in to waste it later!"
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I simply say "I'm on a diet" and if they say "aww one wont kill you" I usually say "actually believe me, it might, with my personality one taste and I'm on the road to ruin... it's a very slippery slope, today I have that cupcake, tomorrow I have a whole cake, by Thursday I've lost my job, and by next weekend I'm doing lines of coke off of a hookers *kitten* in the restroom at the bus station... do you want to be responsible for that?"

    Usually that shuts 'em up :)


    Wouldn't it just be easier to tell the host/ess "you're food tastes likes cat's piss"? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    How about, "Sorry, I had to cut my afternoon workout short to get here on time. I can't go over on my calories today."
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I usually just say "I'm still deciding what I want." Which is tech true because I am deciding what I want to have instead of the high cal/fat crap they are pushin.