myownadvice Member


  • Yep, same idea, except this one is in our favor. :smile:
  • Trader Joe's organic Marinara sauce. Yum!
  • This^^^ I was diagnosed with IBS almost ten years ago but it wasn't until I gave up gluten in 2011 that I could say I no longer have symptoms of IBS. No gut pain, no bloating, and no well...other undesirable problems. If you decide to try cutting out gluten, I recommend giving it at least three months as it can take a…
    in IBS Comment by myownadvice January 2013
  • A little research beforehand can help you out. Most larger restaurants have websites with nutritional guides (although it may be in fine print). Look to see what is the best choice in advance. Stay away from sauces, breading. etc. As the previous post said lean meats and veggies are your best bet. Salads can often be…
  • It really depends on whether or not a person has any symptoms they can't pinpoint to something else. Gluten-intolerance can come in many forms from skin irritaions, stomach issues, arthritic pain, etc. For me, I struggled with "IBS" symptoms for nearly ten years. I have a dear friend that has Celiacs and she suggested…
  • I strongly recommend that you walk before you run. I started out walking and increased my speed/distance over a period of about 30 days. After that I started adding in a little running...I mean really little. Like, I'm going to run for the next block, and then, I'm going to run to the next stop sign. Eventually I got to…
  • Food that surprised me? Red Vines-I went to a football game the week that I first went gluten-free and grabbed for the Red Vines only to have my hand smacked by my very good friend who has Celiacs...she shook her finger at me and said "READ". So I did. So bummed at the time but okay with it now. Most disappointing to give…
  • I don't live in your area but love to hike My suggestion would be to check out your local Sierra Club for organized hikes. It's a great way to find new trails and meet others that like to hike. The club will usually publish the difficulty level of the hike too so you know what you are getting into and can choose…
  • I know not everyone on here agrees with the concept but you certainly can eat more to weigh less. I recommend this group for more information:
  • Great ideas. I think the pork rinds one is genious! Two things my hubby loves put together. Thank you for all the suggestions.
  • I am gluten-intolerant and have been gluten free for over a year now. Am happy to share my learning experiences and help where I can. I agree with others too that have mentioned the gluten-free group here on MFP. Lots of great advice there and plenty of resources to answer your questions.
  • Hi Manda, Here is a link with Army weight control charts: I'm sure the site has charts for each service. Also, check with your base gym as they may have physical trainers available to you. I know the base closest to us has them…
  • What? No duct tape? :drinker:
  • I'm with you on wanting to have a good understanding of all this stuff too. :smile: I think wswilliams put it well regarding metabolism. I'm very glad that you had success! I personally could not eat below my BMR and function. A lot of it has to do with how your body functions in regards to food/energy-not everyone is the…
  • *LIKE* :happy:
  • [/quote] Quote: "So just to make sure I have this right, I should be eating 1817 calories per day and disregard my weight loss calories completely in order to loose 1 pound a week? Couldn't I do 1317 a day in order to loose 2 pounds per week? I guess I don't understand why I can't do this since the minimum is 1200?"…
  • I've used to find races in my area. You can put in your location then search for 5K.
  • You may want to try posting this question on the Gluten Free group too. Lots more experienced GF folks than me there.
  • I've used Udi's and Rudy's. They are just okay and only if you toast them (I keep mine in the freezer). I've heard some people really like "Against the Grain" products but have yet to find/try them. When I really want a sandwich, I tend to use a corn tortilla (heated slightly so it's more flexible) or romain leaves and…
  • I make the same casserole only with cream of chicken or celery as I just don't like anything mushroom. :tongue: Your no fail recipe for fudge will definitely get a try out in my house this weekend! I love the topical idea too!! Thanks for sharing.
  • My new favorite that has been a big hit recently only requires three ingredients: Pickled asparagus (I found this at my grocery store near the canned asparagus-it's a little pricey but so worth it) Cream Cheese Boiled Ham (lunch meat slices) Spread the cream cheese on a slice of ham then roll up an asparagus spear inside.…
  • I made gf dressing last year for the first time and it actually worked out just fine. I used my mom's recipe but just altered to all gf ingredients (gf bread, gf chicken broth, butter, salt/pepper/poultry seasoning, celery, onions). One note, for best results, toast the gf bread and then cut into cubes before adding other…
  • You may want to check in the "groups" section as there is something there for pretty much everyone. I know I have seen groups for gaining and muscle building. Best wishes for reaching your goals that's really what we are all here for.
  • I have ordered mostly corporate wear from them but they have a pretty wide variety. I'm just stoked to have suit jackets that the sleeves are long enough for a change. At six foot tall, it's hard to find nice pants that I can wear heals with but I found them at this site. They have various lengths…
  • Well done Rachel! Way to go. Jillian's shred work out is no joke. Good for you for not "phoning it in". :wink:
  • It looks like you've been given plenty of advice here. It really does come down to a personal preference and finding what works best for you. My solution (for me)-I need a little something before my workout but don't like how I feel when I eat first so I use a protein drink (I like EAS AdvantEdge) instead of actual food. I…
  • It is a natural for it to get harder to lose weight the closer you are to your goal. From what I have read here on MFP, you should adjust your goals down to 1/2 lb per week when you are as close as you are to your goal. I haven't lost as much as you but am approximately the same distance to my goal (I have 17 to go). I…
  • I don't think it is selfish at all. You are providing the meal, you should be able to choose what you are going to cook. And you certainly should be able to eat everything you cook too. I did this last year for our American Thanksgiving and did exactly as you plan. I had seperate rolls for those that wanted non-gluten free…
  • Oops! I should have waited to read your reply as I'm in the 72nd minute watcing the recording of the game. hahaha I had to take hubby to the airport this morning so missed the live feed. Oh well, a good result is a good result and now I know I need to watch to the end! Cheers!
  • Profile pic got me! *United***United***United* :drinker: Looks like you are already well on your way to doing well here. Sending you an add request.