binglebandit Member


  • Congrats on all your hard work paying off! I totally get what you mean about MFP. I joined in 2012 and I spent every morning and every evening before bed reading posts, looking at my friend feed, and getting hyped. I came back recently to get back into weightloss mode and it just isn’t the same. There aren’t many new posts…
  • I’m at 4034. It has lost some meaning. First I’ve done a repair streak cause I tried out other apps and didn’t log here every day while logging on those. Now I’m logging both to see which I like better. I have counted calories that entire time, but I stopped pushing myself to hit my target. I’ve gained back half the weight…
  • I hope to post here again in the future. Got to GW when I started then slowly regained 3/4 back over the last decade. I’m about half way from highest weight to lowest weight/goal weight.
  • 3716, I lost 82lb originally then gained ¾ of it back. Now trying to lose the weight again. Logging every day I was able to see what I was doing wrong. I’m pretty sure I’ll be counting for life. While I gained a lot back it would have been even worse/faster without logging.
  • Been using this app for 10 years. The new update is horrible and laggy. I can hardly scroll down the screen to find anything (takes 3-5 swipes to change what is on the screen) and the nav doesn't make any sense for how to find items. I was already finding the last update really touchy when adding food items (easy double…
  • Feel free to friend me. I'm back to MFP again as well. I've been logging for 6 years, but haven't been involved in the community aspect, which I can tell has led my motivation to stray. I'm looking for new friends. I'm not always the most social, but I'm trying to set a goal of logging into the community every day in…
  • Feel free to friend me (others welcome too). I started MFP 6 years ago and got to my goal weight after dropping 80lbs. Since then I've slipped back into old habits and gained half back. I log every day (so I know what I'm doing wrong), but I'm looking to build up social accountability, as that helped the first time.
  • Feel free to add me. I started MFP 6 years ago and got to my goal weight after losing about 80lbs. Since then I've slowly gained back about half of it. Looking to start dropping again. I could use some fresh friends as many of mine have left over the years. I log every day, but I'm looking to be more socially accountable.…
  • 2082 I've gained back half the weight, but at least I know what I was doing while it happened. I think if I hadn't kept counting over the years I'd have gained it all back. Starting fresh and trying to get back down to my goal.
  • How much counting calories will become as much a part of your routine as brushing your teeth. Sure I've cheated on calories a lot, and I failed at "maintaining", but it's been very easy to log every day for the past 4 ½ years. And even if I go through slumps I know 100% what I'm doing and how it effects my weight…
  • I do better without it. It's supposed to be healthy and jump start your metabolism but it just makes me wanna snack all day. Though I always start out with at least coffee in the morning. It'll be different for each person, but I'd still suggest making your earliest meal one that gives you energy and protein.
  • Amazing, you look younger now too, or perhaps just more lively. Very inspiring!
  • My goals were 10% of my weight. I started at 247, so my first goal was 25lbs. I heard once somewhere that you can't feel the difference in the size of an object until it's about 10% lighter or heavier (comparing small objects in your hands). I focused on that as a guiding principle and to keep me from being overwhelmed by…
  • 5'11" here, 185lb as of now, goal of 165lb. The hardest part in regards to my height and weight has been figuring out what a normal weight is. Growing up I felt bad I wasn't 110-130lbs like the rest of the girls I knew. Second would be how much it takes to lose a pants size. It's easy to hide weight creeping on when you're…
  • Idk if this will help you. But I heard somewhere once (in a science class or something) that if you hold two objects that are close in weight you can't tell the difference in the weight of them unless they are more than 10% different. So if one is 10lbs the other would have to be either 9 or 11lbs for you to tell it is…
  • So what's the worst that could happen? You eat healthier and are more active for a while, even if its for a short time? Each day you make a change still counts for something. Think of it this way 100% of people who don't diet will continue to maintain their weight or gain vs. people who diet have a 5% chance of making a…
  • I don't know if this applies, but I think some people don't approve of the idea of therapy, because it means there is something "wrong". By you going to therapy, it might be sending your husband a signal that things won't just be fixed easily, and that can be scary. I've had people in my family who didn't understand why…
  • I'm tall too, and I totally get where you are coming from with clothes. When I was at my heaviest I felt like the choices were sassy loud prints and older women's clothes. I felt like it was impossible to dress with my own style. Also it's almost impossible to find tall clothes in larger sizes. It sounds like you have some…
  • I've gained about 10lbs back while "maintaining", so I'm working to get back to this point. This was an 82lb loss. Hope to get back to this point and maybe a bit further.
  • Amazing! You look like a whole new person and 10 years younger.
  • This probably has something to do with genetics as well. I haven't noticed a change since getting smaller, but I'm not "thin", just average. I do wanna say, I've always been able to visibly see the pulse in my wrists, no matter what my weight. I don't think that's very common either. So I'm guessing some people might never…
  • I'm in my last semester of graduate school, and I've found myself cheating a lot this last year. I started graduate school starting MFP, and lost a lot of weight, I worked out, I biked to class every day, I ate healthier. Now that it's getting close to the end I spend all my time in my office or studio making work or…
  • Even if I try my best to count calories at maintenance, I still manage to slowly gain weight back during the holidays and visiting family (not able to count calories and way too much good food). Also I'm more inclined to cheat when I know that I'm at a relatively good place weight wise. I would say unless you make really…
  • I start over at midnight. If I snack it does take a bit away from the next day, but usually I wake up feeling full anyways, so I just eat a later breakfast. At the most I've maybe had three days in a row where I kept "sneaking" calories from the following day by eating after midnight, but then usually it works itself back…
  • Figure out your calorie goal, which sounds like it's somewhere between 1200-1500. Exercise, eat back at least half of the calories, which keeps you at the original 1200-1500 goal. Log how much you're losing and how you feel, and you may need to adjust from there. For example, if you are getting dizzy or feel like you have…
  • There's a website called which has a database of women based on height and weight. You can also search by clothes size. That might give you an idea of what the average clothes size is based on those factors. Otherwise there are just so many variables.
  • I'm 5'11" (and a ¼"). At my lowest after a year on MFP I got down to 163 and a size 8. Since then I "maintained", but really I just went up to 179 and back to 10's and 12's. Now I'm trying to get back to about 160-165. I realized by staying in the "healthy weight" for the last two years that that's closer to where I would…
  • I'm assuming that if you were feeling sick and stuffed up, you may also be clogged up in your ears. If your ears are filled with mucus as well, that can cause you to feel dizzy more easily. Perhaps that made you feel more nauseous once you started moving. Idk if that's the case or not, but if it is, you may just need your…
  • Idk if you want a friend further along, but when I joined three years ago I was 247 with 80lbs to lose. Lost it within a year, and put a bit back on, now trying to lose a bit/look more muscular at the current weight. Anyways, I'm not too active on here with forums and such, but I've logged every day for those three years.…