Grad Student Solidarity?

cathaea Posts: 11 Member

I'm trying to get back on the wagon--I've lost weight semi-successfully in the past a few times but I turn 30 in a few months and I'm already noticing that it's a lot harder to lose even 5 pounds than it used to be. I have a significant amount of weight to lose. My BMI is around 32/33 and I'd love to drop a dress size by Christmas.

None of my IRL friends have weight problems so I'd love to find some virtual support on here. Specifically, I'd love to connect with fellow grad students or really anyone who has a similar lifestyle. I spend most of my time sitting down in my office and I really struggle with fitting work outs and healthy eating into my life.

If you'd like some friendly support, please send me a friend request! I'm good about logging as-I-go and I'm pretty honest about my indulgences.

Best of luck to everyone, whatever your goals.



  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hello :]

    I spend 8 hours sitting in an office 5 days a week - only moving for bathroom breaks and to make myself a coffee. I do go to the gym 4 times a week but trust me, I know the struggle. It can be difficult to build up the enthusiasm to work-out. Hell, I HATE working out. But if I didn't do it, I would be pretty overweight right now and I didn't want that for myself anymore. For me, I am sitting down all day every day, so 1 hour of exercise a few times a week isn't going to kill me. That's how I've lost my 30lbs and that's how I continue to lose - it's just ruling out the excuses and just going for it!

    As for the slim friends, I too have a fair few that are enviously lean (and mysteriously can sit and eat MASSIVE amounts of food and not gain a single inch *rages*) which is why I find MFP so inspiring and positive. It really keeps me on track, actually.

    I hope you find it useful here and I wish you luck hitting your goals!
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    Good idea. Fellow grad student here!
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    cathaea wrote: »
    ...I'd love to connect with fellow grad students or really anyone who has a similar lifestyle. I spend most of my time sitting down in my office and I really struggle with fitting work outs and healthy eating into my life.

    Is there a lunchtime walking group or fitness class you can join?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    The stress of grad school definitely did not help my waist line. I hit my highest right around when I defended my thesis. It gets better, but the best would be finding ways to cope with stress that don't involve food and find small ways to incorporate more movement into your day.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I too work full time and in grad school. I work out immediately after work and meal prep on weekends.
  • binglebandit
    binglebandit Posts: 531 Member
    I'm in my last semester of graduate school, and I've found myself cheating a lot this last year. I started graduate school starting MFP, and lost a lot of weight, I worked out, I biked to class every day, I ate healthier. Now that it's getting close to the end I spend all my time in my office or studio making work or lesson planning. I choose to sleep in on days I can go to the gym. For now I'm trying to cut back on bad food habits as a starter (so much stress eating). All the new teaching clothes I bought are getting tight again. Ahh! Anyways, feel free to friend me. I log every day even when I eat poor choices, which is often. I'm not as active on here since I've been busy with my last year, but I'll try to post now and again. My BMI was 34.4, now it's 24.7, trying to get it closer to 22.