My weightloss success story

businessdealing01 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 2015 in Success Stories
Hello everyone.

Just wanted to share my progress and a little background story.

Okay So I am 20 years old male. and ever since i was a little kid ive always been overweight. I got picked on and this drove me to eat more because i hated myself for it. As i was getting older It was getting worse! By the time i was 19 I was 21.8 stone. Ive never been slim or even close. So one day I was in bed and I said to myself this is it its now or never. By January this year I had built my own weightloss program. Started it in February. And im pleased to tell you that ive gone from 22.2 stone to 15.6 stone. with not even 1 stretch mark :D I have never been so happy and i feel much healthier. This is the first time in my life ive ever been close to being a normal weight. Im going to carry on till i am at my perfect weight range. It just goes to show anything is possible just need the motivation which is key.


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