Right here! I just had baby number 5 in December.
So as your best friend, I know you are not eating too much. You have a very physical job and also do MMA 5 days a week. LOVE YOU!
PS...I am a green belt in taekwondo! ;)
Yes thank you!! Everyone should read this!! :)
Hey there! I have been a vegetarian from the time I was 12, I am 29 now. I don't reaaly know anything different, and I LOVE it! :) I was a vegan for awhile but I love eggs and yogurt too much.
want to read this later
I have that too, and have lost about 40, and its still there. :( Not a lot but still there.
Thanks everyone! I don't have pockets and I am always kicking. ;) I think I am going to try and strap it to my bra...I wish it were a little smaller.
I just got a Polar too. I was wondering if anyone knew if I could not wear the watch and still wear the strap. I do taekwondo and I don't think wearing the watch is a good idea. Basically, does anyone know how far from the watch I can be to still get a good reading?
Thank you so much! I thought about that, but then I thought, "Crap...we do a lot of groundfighting" I think the bra would be the best bet. :)
Hey guys, so I just got one of these. Why do you have to wet the strap is my first question? I did when i stuck it on this afternoon, but thats it, and I have been wearing it all day, just out of curiosity. Secondly, do I have to wear the watch? I am in taekwondo, and I would LOVE to use it there, but I can't really wear…
She ^^ is SOOOO right!!! First off, the OP is in the military...she DESERVES more than a 360 and a behavior science consultant. She is in the military and she has a new baby! I couldn't imagine. Props to her!!! I know I couldn't do it! Secondly, My family (of 5) receives WIC, but nothing else...It is VERY VERY hard to make…
Where's the love people??? Come on now...
bump to read later
OMG!! I can't wait to try this!
The stuff I make, at home! :) YAY for homebrewing! :)
Binging isn't puking...Binging is like eating evrything in site...I do that too. It SUCKS! I wish I knew what to say to you to make it stop, are not alone... It will get better, right? ;)
Thanks girls, I have always ALWAYS been a tea drinker, and I haven't died yet, so I figured it was ok :tongue: But I just wanted to know everyone elses thoughts. :)
I had 3 natural births and the last 2 were at home; no pain meds at all. And I FREAKING love giving birth! LOVE it! I would say to just go with your body and not fight it. Your body knows what its doing. Go in to it strong, cofident and focused, and you will be alright. :) And on the plus side, you get such a natural high…
OMG! I was just watching this and thinking the same thing! :)
bump to comment on later.
bump to read later
I don't know, but I have chickens and I eat a lot too; egg whites though, not the yolks. Ewww, they freak me out.
Oh wow, and I thought I was the only one! ;)
Me! I adopted a race horse. LOVE him! :)
Wow, I needed to see this too!