What to do?



  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    Ok.....I'm gonna clear a few things up here for some that seem they want to go ahead and assume everything and they have never met me. For others who understand, I thank you for backing me up in my defense.
    I do go to the gym, 4-5 times a week. I do the eliptical, running/jogging, walking, bicycle, and a little bit of weight training (mostly upper body but I do lower). The consoltation and visits through the doc are all paid for thanks to my medical coverage by the military. I was recommended to talk with behaviorial science to help see about any options they can provide; from what I gather they offer a "biggest loser" type of workout that can speed up my weight loss.

    And for the one who thinks they know me, grow up. I don't want to hear ridiculing opinions about my family (especially my son). The reason I put the detail of my son in there is because he's a newborn! If you ever had children, which I think you haven't (there's assuming again for you), you would understand what is needed for a child and the stress it has on a NEW PARENT. You have no right to catagorize me based on my family. I know my family comes first, I'm not stupid. Yes, I am the only one working due to this amazing economy of not able to find any jobs where I am stationed; I'm not going to tell you what I get or how much in WIC I recieve because it's not any of your business. WIC and Food Stamps are two different entities and I only have WIC; make sure you do your research before you try to sound smart. I do not want to pawn my XBOX, thank you, and your reasoning as to pawn it off its rediciulous! My priorites are not "out of whack". Your line of thought seems to be, though.

    This website is to encourage and to motivate others to achieve goals in weight loss or whatever they feel they need to accomplish not belittle and chastize someone when they are reaching out for help. You need to get your priorities straight and maybe broaden your horizons a bit because living in your small world makes you only smaller.

    To the others that helped with advice and opinions to help along, I thank you so much. To others who stood behind me and defended me, I salute you and thank you.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I wouldn't waste any money on supplements that don't work. Take that $ and buy some healthy food. I've tried every "metabolism boosting" supplement out there and none have worked. Lean protein and vegetables work.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You could starve yourself to lose the weight by your deadline. But what are you gonna do next year when the weight bounces back? Whatever you do at this point to get the weight off by March is NOT gonna be healthy. And then how will you provide for your family?

    I know you have a deadline and the importance of weighing in...my dad is a retired NJ State Trooper and I remember him going through this every year. Once you get this weight off, remember that for next year. It's not really a good idea to attempt to lose 100 lbs in 6 months and expect to keep it off.

    I don't really have any suggestions for you besides a meal replacement shake once per day and stepping up your workouts to a structured program with proven results. I'll FR you!
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    Ok.....I'm gonna clear a few things up here for some that seem they want to go ahead and assume everything and they have never met me. For others who understand, I thank you for backing me up in my defense.
    I do go to the gym, 4-5 times a week. I do the eliptical, running/jogging, walking, bicycle, and a little bit of weight training (mostly upper body but I do lower). The consoltation and visits through the doc are all paid for thanks to my medical coverage by the military. I was recommended to talk with behaviorial science to help see about any options they can provide; from what I gather they offer a "biggest loser" type of workout that can speed up my weight loss.

    And for the one who thinks they know me, grow up. I don't want to hear ridiculing opinions about my family (especially my son). The reason I put the detail of my son in there is because he's a newborn! If you ever had children, which I think you haven't (there's assuming again for you), you would understand what is needed for a child and the stress it has on a NEW PARENT. You have no right to catagorize me based on my family. I know my family comes first, I'm not stupid. Yes, I am the only one working due to this amazing economy of not able to find any jobs where I am stationed; I'm not going to tell you what I get or how much in WIC I recieve because it's not any of your business. WIC and Food Stamps are two different entities and I only have WIC; make sure you do your research before you try to sound smart. I do not want to pawn my XBOX, thank you, and your reasoning as to pawn it off its rediciulous! My priorites are not "out of whack". Your line of thought seems to be, though.

    This website is to encourage and to motivate others to achieve goals in weight loss or whatever they feel they need to accomplish not belittle and chastize someone when they are reaching out for help. You need to get your priorities straight and maybe broaden your horizons a bit because living in your small world makes you only smaller.

    To the others that helped with advice and opinions to help along, I thank you so much. To others who stood behind me and defended me, I salute you and thank you.

    You go girl! I hate how snarky and mean people are on here! People come with honest questions and are hoping to get honest help and instead they get shot down - mean and totally uncalled for. I guess their mother's didn't teach them well enough...mine always told us "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!"

    "Try" to get enough sleep. I know you have a newborn, and that is hard. Lack of sleep can make things harder for you to loose weight. Take a nap when baby goes down for a nap if you can. Or go to bed early if you can. That is all I can think of that might help. Less stressing, more enjoying that brand new baby if you can!
  • notabrat1
    notabrat1 Posts: 60 Member
    Yep, hope the other consultations and the paper trail help you. And I thank you for your service. :drinker:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I am thinking there might be some forbearance on the taping. My husband is Navy though and they tend to be more laid back. He has this issue every year-- he's never needed to lose 50 lbs, but he is always over on weight by some and has to be taped. So far (thank God) he's passed his tapings. But I do have a friend whose husband has failed twice and is getting a third and final chance. So hopefully they will give you time. In the meantime do the best you can with what you have. The military provides some good resources and it sounds like you are using all of them so that's a good place to start.

    I think weight training is a good idea since you'll want to preserve as much muscle as possible. Also if they do tape you you're more likely to lose inches with weight training. Wish I had more to offer you. I hope it works out for you.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
  • valmb2
    valmb2 Posts: 41 Member
    Somethings just a little fishy here. "I really have no idea as to why---well, since I am broke half of time, taking care of my family and a 3 and a half old son." Is you're son not part of your family? And what does your family consist of? Are you the only one working, and why bring up that you're in the military? If you're getting WIC, then, you're getting food stamps, how much are you getting? I've never met someone whis is in the military that had any trouble providing for their family. Where is the bike and elliptical, in your house or at a gym? Why have a behavior science consultant if you can't even afford food? You have kids, so food should be your first priority, I hope your children aren't going hungry. Why not pawn the Xbox and games to have money for food. If you're for real, then your priorities are all out of wack. But like I said, i've never met someone in the military that couldn't provide the bare essentials for their family.

    Then you have never been in the military, have you?

    You have NO IDEA how hard it can be to provide for a family on the pittance you get paid. It's none of your business if she is getting assistance and in what form, and telling her to pawn her belongings is way out of line.
    You have a military member asking for your help and all you can do is mock her? Shame on you. Support your troops.

    She ^^ is SOOOO right!!! First off, the OP is in the military...she DESERVES more than a 360 and a behavior science consultant. She is in the military and she has a new baby! I couldn't imagine. Props to her!!! I know I couldn't do it! Secondly, My family (of 5) receives WIC, but nothing else...It is VERY VERY hard to make ends meet sometime. Lastly, obviously feeding her kids are her priority! Maybe she eats too low cals because she is feeding her kids more. Did you think of that?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I've never met someone whis is in the military that had any trouble providing for their family.

    Wow! Really? I guess the ones you have known have been officers maybe? You certainly don't many in the US Army infantry. They get paid less than I do, and I have a super-tight budget.
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    I've never met someone whis is in the military that had any trouble providing for their family.

    Wow! Really? I guess the ones you have known have been officers maybe? You certainly don't many in the US Army infantry. They get paid less than I do, and I have a super-tight budget.

    I know exactly what you mean. My husband was infantry but got out medically due to a busted knee.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I'm sure lots of people are giving you advise for losing, but a huge part of your problem is you income/expenses. Spend some time keeping track of every cent you spend. Write it down and see where the money is going; you chocolate bars may add up, or if your coffee is starbucks... You may not be spending frivolously (I don't want to make any assumptions), but you might be able to make some sacrifices. I ate a ton of rice and beans when I was trying to get my spending under control. Healthy food can be more expensive, but I bought boneless/skinless chicken the day for $2/lb. Frozen vegetables are usually pretty inexpensive (and since they are frozen at the peak of freshness, very good and nutritious).

    There are tons of tips for saving money, earning more, and getting rid of stuff at: www.getrichslowly.org. I've been a religious reader for years, and I've paid off all my credit cards, cut my student loans in half, and bought a condo. Some other people really like Mr. Money Mustache: www.mrmoneymustache.com/, info on living frugal: www.wisebread.com, tips for saving money: www.tiphero.com, and others: manvsdebt.com, www.thesimpledollar.com, frugaldad.com, etc.
  • rapat
    rapat Posts: 108 Member
    I'm going to guess the amount you have to lose in the time frame is impossible.
    So, is there any way to bring it up with whoever's in charge right now, explain what you've done so far, what you're planning on doing, how it might fall short, and if there's any remedies?
    Cause if they're just going to kick you out, then I wouldn't bother wit 'biggest loser' type workouts and just start looking for new work and lose the weight in a more gradual / healthy manner.

    My guess is the xbox workout isn't very intense. So if you're doing it for entertainment / low impact additional burned calories workout after the cardio / gym you mentioned, that's fine. But if its in any way part of your primary workout, I would replace it with something more strenuous.

    Also sounds like you have some room to add more weight training, esp lower body (ie squats).
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    No advice from me, just wanted to throw in my support, it seems you are doing everything right and I can feel your frustration. I also wanted to second reading this post....http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12....it's cleared up so many questions I have had because my weight loss has been sooooo slow and I feel like I've turned it around now.

    Getting enough sleep is key too....hard to do with a baby and a toddler, I remember! Good luck :)
  • mysticwryter
    mysticwryter Posts: 111 Member
    I'm sure lots of people are giving you advise for losing, but a huge part of your problem is you income/expenses. Spend some time keeping track of every cent you spend. Write it down and see where the money is going; you chocolate bars may add up, or if your coffee is starbucks... You may not be spending frivolously (I don't want to make any assumptions), but you might be able to make some sacrifices. I ate a ton of rice and beans when I was trying to get my spending under control. Healthy food can be more expensive, but I bought boneless/skinless chicken the day for $2/lb. Frozen vegetables are usually pretty inexpensive (and since they are frozen at the peak of freshness, very good and nutritious).

    There are tons of tips for saving money, earning more, and getting rid of stuff at: www.getrichslowly.org. I've been a religious reader for years, and I've paid off all my credit cards, cut my student loans in half, and bought a condo. Some other people really like Mr. Money Mustache: www.mrmoneymustache.com/, info on living frugal: www.wisebread.com, tips for saving money: www.tiphero.com, and others: manvsdebt.com, www.thesimpledollar.com, frugaldad.com, etc.

    Thanks for the help!!