I'm feeling pretty evil lately....thoughts?

I've been tackling my weight/food issues (or whatever you like to call it) for years now. Got my weight down a little right before I got pregnant and am now working off my baby weight and hopefully a little more.

As I'm facing having to lose the MOST weight I have ever had to EVER I'm smacking into my food related issues (mostly consoling myself with food - if i'm sad, stressed, bored, etc).

So as I'm working toward this each day without my favorite coping mechanism I am feeling pretty mean and nasty. It has taken every last bit of energy to keep myself from figuratively ripping my husband's head off several times in the past week alone.

Anybody else have this experience? How long did it last for you?


  • themildcat
    I get 'food rage' a lot.

    The more consistent I am with my diet the better I feel - also keeping away from sugar keeps me more level.

    When I'm in food rage mode I usually tell people I need a bit of space (nicely) and do some chill out stuff alone

    Good luck!! :)
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    haha, "food rage" I like it

    Yea I do think sugar has something to do with it. I'm not really into the whole "sugar addict" thing, but it does produce ups and downs and doesn't satisfy you for as long as eating right. Reducing the amount of high sugar foods in my diet is an indirect goal as a result of that.

    I did wind up telling my husband how I felt and we were cool. He's a great guy.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Bumping this... I get food rage a lot when I'm even the slightest bit hungry. And I definitely self-mediate with food. I'd love to hear anyone's tips/advice.

    Thinking of you, too Rai. Glad we can support one another :flowerforyou:
  • valmb2
    valmb2 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh wow, and I thought I was the only one! ;)
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I had the same thing for years, until I had a shift in the way I thought about things. I used to fixate so heavily on what I couldn't have, I'd get anxious, cranky, the whole 9 yards. (although a little more related to bingeing in my case).

    Cravings, generally, are said to last from 20-30 minutes, so if I started to feel like I wanted food (out of boredom, sadness, whatever), I'd focus on making it through the next half an hour. I'd try to do something different to occupy my brain, and have some water. I noticed that I'd more often than not forget about what I was jonesing for.

    I've also made it my "policy" to not cut out any particular food. I can have whatever I like, I just have to plan for it, make sure it's in reasonable quantities and exercise up front for it. This way, it gives me something to look forward to, and it's almost comforting to know that "a treat" is coming. In doing this, I don't get rage-y, and I don't feel like I'm not allowed to have things.

    I've also found, that a self-tough love approach does wonders. I've been known to literally tell myself out loud in the bathroom mirror "No, you DON'T do this anymore. You can find a better way to deal with <insert problem/situation here>."

    Hope that helped a bit :-)
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    The tough love and planning treats is something I've been trying/playing with. I have been looking for some motivational work out pics/sayings on pintrest to remind me of my goals when I'm feeling weak. I think since I don't have it all down pat yet that sometimes it works and sometimes I still give in. I made good decisions today, though, and I feel really good about it.

    I wonder if it will get easier?? I'd like it too. Hopefully trying to align what I want to look/feel like with my everyday choices will become natural?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I get that if I don't eat regularly and get the calories I need. Eating 2 or 3 cashews or almost as soon as I'm hungry is all takes to keep the insanity away.

    It was really bad when I was pregnant, but I did get that when I first started MFP in May. Eating immediately as soon as I felt hungry really was the answer.

    P.S. It's gone now.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    It takes some time and dedication, but if you can stick with it, it does become natural. At least that's what I found, anyhow. Just break it down even from one day at a time, to one "incident" at a time.

    I had actually done some e-counselling through a program at work, because my binge eating was getting out of control and I was feeling worse and worse. (That's where I got the info about how long cravings last, btw). As simple and as obvious as it seems, it was pointed out to me that I had a choice. I could choose not to eat those things, or at the very least, choose to eat them reasonably. I remember that I felt really confused because I all of a sudden felt like I had this power, but I had no idea what to do with it. I thought about it for awhile, came back to MFP, and promised myself I'd take it one day at a time.

    I've also found it really helpful to have friends/family that will listen impartially. When you feel like you're getting food rage-y, talk to them. Tell them how you feel and try your best to explain it. Sometimes just talking yourself through it, seems to resolve it - it just feels like a big weight off your shoulders :-)
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    It did make me feel a ton better just to talk about how I was feeling. Even though he doesn't want to change his eating habits my husband listened and supported me. That helps me want to spare him my wrath, lol.

    It really good to know that the cravings only last about 30 minutes. Distractions really do help. If I can get myself "off the hunt" I realize that the craving fades away.

    Its also encouraging to know that eventually I'll probably readjust and it won't be as intense.

    Thanks so much!

    Rachel =D
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Sugar is a huge deal for me.

    I recently added that as one of the things I check each day, and so far I have failed miserably.