ardisia32 Member


  • I've been a pescetarian for 13 years now. It's not difficult, but I don't eat fish every day, so have to watch for a balance with other protein sources (e.g. tofu, quinoa, nuts, etc). Balance is the key no matter what you choose to eat or not eat. I was a fat pescetarian for most of those 13 years (and a fat omnivore/meat…
  • As others have said, I vary too much from day to day for this feature to be accurate enough to motivate me. I get more motivation from the days-in-a-row counter. Nothing more annoying than missing one day for a reason you can't control (e.g. my internet router went down, and even though I logged in the app, I couldn't sync…
  • I'd totally do this too. Not truly debt free until ALL the debt is gone (except maybe a mortgage -- that's another option: put the money in a savings account for emergencies, or a down-payment on a new home!)
  • I started with Yoga for Dummies with Sarah Ivanhoe. Very good instruction until you get used to it, and an intermediate (the Sun-Salute, 20 minutes) extra included. I believe the routines are on youtube as well. The other one I've used is AM/PM Yoga for Weight-Loss (though I take the latter half of it's title with a grain…
  • Good questions. As Dr. Hutchinson points out in the book the work out intensity should be a guide to how much one may consider eating after a work out. A light work may not require any food, whereas a heavy work out will justify eating a bit more. The point of the two hours can be explained in this paragraph from p211 or…
  • According to Alex Hutchinson's book "Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?" eating within 2 hours of exercising is beneficial to recovery. I highly recommend this book, as it answers a lot of similar questions, and presents the relevant science-based evidence (or discusses the lack of such evidence).
  • Instead of spaghetti, I eat spaghetti-squash.
  • I wear my fitbit ultra all day to keep track of my general activity levels, and sleeping. I log my exercise only through the fitbit website. I only log food intake into MFP. I started doing this after reading many of the discussions last fall when fitbit & MFP were having trouble communicating. With the two sites linked, I…
  • Sometimes I say "Merry Christmas" or sometimes I say "Happy Holidays." Really depends on what has been said to me. My favourite greeting, however, is from some wrapping paper I bought at, "Have a Satisfactory Non-Denominational Capitalist Wintertime Gift-Giving Season."
  • Depends on the nature of the illness. For a head cold, sure, working out is fine; but for the flu, with chest congestion and fever, then no -- bed rest and fluids are the prescription.
  • If you're a fan of Jillian Michaels, her dvd "Shred It" uses kettlebells.
  • I agree with the above comments that your friends and family are saying this out of caring. The other problem, however, is the lost ability to recognize what "normal" should look like. Society has gotten so used to seeing larger sizes in people (and pets apparently), that we are losing the ability to recognize healthy…
  • I never got around to making such a purchase, but my sister took a pair of scissors & seam rippers to hers -- made it into a very nice quilt. Also provides an amusing story about the reaction of her (still) husband when he walked in on her ripping it apart, "um...whatever I did, I'm very very sorry." LOL. My mom's wedding…
  • I had a small health scare over the summer. Members of my family either die at 55 of heart failure, or live to be 103....I want to be in the latter group!! While exercise & weight loss won't guarantee that, it won't hurt my chances.
  • You could check out Jillian Michael's dvd "Shred It". In that she uses a kettle-weight, but says you can just use a single dumb-bell. That might work for you (or some other kettle-weight routine).
  • Though I was never a heavy-drinker, I quit drinking in my early 20s, because of a bad experience. A couple of my friends at the time were quite hostile and sceptical when I made the decision. I think that actually encouraged me to continue my commitment. If they'd left me alone, I may eventually have started drinking again…
  • I just finished reading Timothy Caulfield's The Cure for excellent book, i highly recommend it. The science he presents shows that while exercise is great for fitness and overall health, it doesn't really contribute to weight-loss. Reducing calories is the key thing that seems to contribute to weight loss.
  • I found inspiration from John Bingham, aka The Penguin. Here's one of his getting started webpage which has links to advice on starting out: As he says on his website,, "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to…
  • Do both, but which one you start with depends on your goals. You should also mix it up on different days. A great book about this sort of thing is "Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?" by Alex Hutchinson. He presents very practical, and evidence-based advise on exercise and weight-loss.
  • This is how I was raised, and I don't think my upbringing was harsh at all. We were expected to eat what was put in front of us -- especially when we were visiting other people's homes. Whining about it wasn't allowed either.
  • A slow cooker or crockpot is a wonderful way too....fill it with whatever meat (or beans) and vegetables, rice even, a bit water or stock, and whatever else you like in the morning, and it's all done when you get home for supper. Many recipes can be found online, here's just one website you might find useful:…
  • Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
  • A really good book that addresses this question, and other similar questions, is "Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise" by Alex Hutchinson. As mentioned above, he recommends some protein sometime in the 2 hours following an work…
  • I can't read just 1 book at a time. Currently I'm reading Dr. Richard Wiseman's Rip It Up, and (for my book club) Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall. When I work out I listen to audibooks; lately I've been listening to C. S. Lewis' Narnia series (on book 3, A Boy and His Horse).