

  • Heya! Wow I haven't been on so much but I haven't had chocolate - yesterday was awful. Had chocolate staring in my face and I actually SALIVATED!!! Keep it up ^^
  • I didn't add that I take responsibility for my choices but I feel so guilty when food is put right in front of me without an opportunity to decline :(
  • heya I am here its 29/7/2012 at 20:05 so I'll be starting bang on the 1st of August :P Am nervous... need a goodbye chocolate lol.
  • I eat anything I wan't provided it's within my goal. If I wan't something yummier I can exercise to eat as MFP has a deficit in place. Remember to make sure your NET calories are a healthy 1200 minimum since that's what is needed for vital functions, hair growth, metabolic rate ramped etc... BEST OF LUCK and I'm happy your…
  • Likewise feel free to add - this is a way of life for me, not a diet, and I'm much much happier! best of luck on your journey!
  • MFP is fantastic!! welcome!!: )
  • Welcome!! You'll love MFP feel free to add!! :)
  • oh oh 2 and a half days to go!!!! :O (for me in the uk xD)
  • I weigh/take measurements in the mornings as that's when it's most accurate and it's better if you're recording. Sometimes I do it every day or just when I feel like it. I log everything down in a table to keep track as I find it really interesting how everything fluctuates and trying to work out if it's lack of water,…
  • Wow. So what, you want this "motivation quarter" to be non-existent? Have you never once in your life sought out motivation for anything? Have you never felt so alone that you NEEDED others to help you through the hard times? You telling the people here who are struggling with an eating disorder "just to do it" sounds like…
  • Heya I'm an animal presenter with a fear of the camera! At 23 years old as of yday, at 5'6" I am 176lbs and my goal is to be under 140lbs by 2013, my goal is exactly 133lbs. I haven't been on MFP even three weeks but have already lost 6lbs through my new found control. I'm doing this because it'll be interesting to see how…
  • no chocolate for me = no chocolate. I haven't got any shakes so i'm safe on that front. Just savoring my chocolate bday cake even as I write this.... xD
  • I'm up for it - it'll be hard coz I am a chocoholic :) wanna add me so we can keep track? p.s. I gave up for an entire year a few years back IDK how I did it. A month and buddies will be interesting xD Anyway you can make a temp group for this challenge?
  • I eat whatever I want - but I manage my portions. Before I'd eat a whole box of brownies, now I say "ah I don't want to put THAT many calories on MFP, I'll eat two = 100 cals". I feel good for having that delicious brownie AND for staying true to myself. To me it's a win-win situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for…
  • Eurgh... dreading bikini day.
  • Firstly: GOOD ON YOU for acknowledging your struggles and opening up about it. That's a step. But like you are already aware - acknowledging it alone does not stop it. You body needs a bare minimum to function - grow nails, strong bones, keep your skin fresh, your mind alert etc... If you "starve" it - it's going to KEEP…
  • My best friend suffered with anorexia for a long time and with help has managed to get under control. It has taken years for her to trust in anyone's opinion but she usually relies on her close circle to keep her in check. I am 5'6 and my goal is 130lbs. Please, please trust in that we are not deceiving you - this is not a…
  • I agree I want it to be safe. But what does 2lbs translate into body fat %? Lots of people out there are at their goal weight and can control their body fat % without fiddling with their weight per say. I was thinking that maybe if I was losing weight safely but working out more, ensuring I eat properly and don't over do…
  • had to lol sorry. I lost 11 pounds in water weight from a hike. I then held onto 3lbs extra for a few days while my muscle repaired. Muscles will hold onto water to help flush toxins so dw. Instead, measure yourself in inches as well :)
  • Make sure you UPDATE you fitness pal information - the information that you enter when you sign up. It'll give you a more accurate idea now that your regime has probably improved (and you'll likely need more to eat if you've been working on those guns xD) GJ so far :)
  • My belly and face. Arms are the last sadly :(
  • I can relate - but my WHOLE life, even when I was slim, I had to wear a size bigger trousers because my ACTUAL leg size wouldn't ever get over my big fat butt. I love the stretchy materials or the combat kind. I won't get rid of my butt though, it's great for when I DO want to show it off xD
  • I weight myself/measure inches regularly. I did a huge and challenging hike two days ago. Before hike: 174lbs After hike: 164lbs Morning after (drank LOADS OF WATER): up to 177lbs. Has taken me two days to get back to normal. Turns out after a workout our muscles retain water to flush our toxins so the more you drink the…
  • Seriously? No one? :(
  • I can't seem to workout how to put a picture in a thread but I'll be buying a SURFBOARD oh yeah!!
  • When you say trigger food - do you mean trigger foods that would start out in a binge-storm? Because anything that makes me salivate thinking about it (mainly chocolate and cakes) gets me going... good luck feel free to add and best of luck with your challenge!
  • Most mornings when I think about it. I measure my neck, bust, arms, waist, hips and thighs in inches also. It's really interesting to see how your body fluctuates depending on water retention etc... If I'm losing weight but not inches - I think I'd worry that I was losing muscle and get a head start on reversing that. Some…
  • Definition of disability: 1. A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities. 2. A disadvantage or handicap, esp. one imposed or recognized by the law. LITERALLY - yes, being obese IS a disability. Thing is you could say that a smoker who can't go anywhere because they can't breathe…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat!!! This is how you'll end up looking leaner but possibly weighing more xD Measure your INCHES, your neck, bust, waist, hips and thighs. Watch them AND scales at this point. Make sure you drink water - I gained 11 pounds in water weight after a massive hike the other day. It's only started to…