Hello Everyone Advice please

Hello Everyone,

i am new to this MFP but feel like I am doing really well, anyone know some yummy low caloried treats :) how is everyone getting on any good weight losses?



  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • Kalraii
    Kalraii Posts: 89
    I eat anything I wan't provided it's within my goal. If I wan't something yummier I can exercise to eat as MFP has a deficit in place. Remember to make sure your NET calories are a healthy 1200 minimum since that's what is needed for vital functions, hair growth, metabolic rate ramped etc... BEST OF LUCK and I'm happy your seeing some success! :)
  • sienna1984
    sienna1984 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the welcome,

    I am currently 154ibs but I do not feel happy with myself, I have tried weight watchers and slimming world but I find it doesnt really work for me, I wanted to try something different, this diet seems so easy :) I have given myself 1200 calories a day is that too much?

    Michaela :)
  • ShaunaLouiseGetsFit
    hello michaela :)

    i know exactly how you feel! i was in your shoes exactly 8 months ago. i didn't know what to do with my weight. i wanted to join weight watchers and slimming world but i found that some of their foods were either bland, or just too pricey and i also didn't like the fact that i was going to be weighed in front of people. i am not a competitive person so if i got a slight hint that someone was competing against me, i would of ended up leaving. the taught of people looking at me and knowing what my weight was, was embarrassing.

    i woke up one morning decided enough was enough, joined bootcamp later the same night and i haven't looked back, it has now been 8 months. i have changed my eating habits. i refuse to leave a shop without buying some sort of fruit or something i know i can make something healthy from and just experiment with. i now love to bake healthy deserts. i love to make healthy breakfast, lunch and dinners. i have joined a running club. i go for walks/run on the days i don't have bootcamp and i also join MFP which has been a HUGE help and i have now put my name down to join a weight lifting class and soon i will be joining yoga.

    there is no easy quick fixes.

    there are so many healthy foods out there you can experiment. it's just about exploring them. have fun tasting new foods. try and get other people on board with you.

    the support and encouragement from people on MFP is so amazing. there are days when i am just too tired to exercise but their helpful words and encouragement reminds me why i wan t to lose weight and change my lifestyle.

    you can do it :)