

  • Everything you said is correct! Shame on your family for making you feel bad. That's what happens when people are ashamed of what they're doing. Somewhere inside, they know they're taking the easy way out and that you're right. That's why they're trying to make you feel bad. Booo!!! You go girl! Do it the right way.
  • It's probably the pill then if you're eating under your calories. You may be retaining water. Which pill do you use?
  • I definitely feel different about this binge than I have in the past. I know I can get back on track this week - and I'm excited about it! Since really committing to changing my diet right after Christmas, I really have realized how different my body and mind feel when I eat well. Now, instead of beating myself up (well,…
  • Oh, I fell apart over the weekend too. Oh, so bad. I drank a lot and ate probably as many carbs and cheese as possible. Darn this holiday weekend!
  • Sounds awesome! I can't wait to try it.
  • Inspiring! You look so hot, but I bet you feel even better inside than you look outside. I needed that. Thanks.
  • I totally understand you. About three years ago I had a personal trainer and was working out 5 times a week at the gym, doing a balance of cardio/weight training/kickboxing. I wouldn't say I was eating completely the best, but I had cut down on a lot of snacks and desserts and was eating well compared to other friends. I…
    in size Comment by LauraGUnit December 2009
  • I like Glamour. Though they do cover similar topics as Cosmo, they try to do it (with varying success) with a feminist bent. They're also really good lately about giving financial advice, some of which I have taken and appreciated greatly. They have good recipes, too.
  • Awesome job! Keep it up! Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • Thank you all for your support! I really appreciate your thoughtful and honest answers. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who goes up and down 3-4 pounds. I thought it was just me. You guys are awesome and keep up all your hard work!! And PS. My plan is not to order out, be really strict about entering all my food,…
  • Yoga. I've done it 5 times in the past week and a half and I feel a difference in my body already. My arm muscles are already stronger and I'm not as bloated. It's amazing.
  • Good luck new girl!! I'm telling you, this message board will make a huge difference. Huge! I think it helps you not get discouraged, too. The long term tracking data helps to show you that set backs are only temporary. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Great job Anna! I'm impressed with the success you've already achieved. It must feel good to pay attention to yourself in a situation where it would be very easy and often necessary not to. You are an incredible Mom! Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • To break the 190 mark. To not feeling like I have to hide my giant behind in my size 14 work pants
  • Congratulations! 3 lbs in a week is really big! Keep up the great work!
  • So sad. His love scene with Jennifer Grey is the sexiest scene EVER! And no naughty bits. How did they do it?! Pure chemistry.
  • Did we ALL eat Mexican food last night?!
  • :drinker: Congratulations!! I slacked a little this week and this is the inspiration I need. P.S. Those beers in the cups are low calorie just in case you were worried.
  • This is perfect! Thanks for sharing. I just got a 9 cup Cuisinart Food Processor and this might be just the recipe to begin it's active life!
  • Sorry, let me clarify. That was without working out for JUST this week. The other two weeks I worked out purposefully about 3 times each week and housecleaning/leisurely walking about 1 or 2 times per week. I started August 18. I hate those non-losing slumps, but stick with it! Your metabolism will catch up. Does the…
  • Yes, yes, and yes. And I feel it coming on this week. :mad: I'm going to battle hard and I'm glad you posted; it's reassuring to see someone else struggling with the same issue.
  • Not natural! But I'm such an agile, perky runner on the elliptical! Are you telling me I wouldn't look like this on the pavement? Darn. :wink:
  • You can do it!! One day at a time. One pound at a time. Sometimes, one meal at a time. Ultimately, you can do it!
  • Welcome Pammy! You're going to do great. I really recommend that you use the message boards to post about anything: successes, setbacks, wonderings, etc. People here are super supportive and will be in the back of your head when you're about to order french fries instead of asparagus with your hamburger. Remember, the…
  • :laugh: High-larious! Boobs always are the first to go. Darn it female body! Can't I pick and choose???? Thank you everyone for your awesome support! I think I will celebrate all the success, even the little ones. :blushing:
  • Don't eat for me :noway: Okay, only if you overeat spinach or garlic; something that doesn't use up points! :flowerforyou:
  • That's not weird, that's awesome!!! :bigsmile:
  • Frightened Rabbit. An indie Scottish band that writes incredible lyrics.
  • I'm in the same boat. White wine sangria. 3 solo cups worth. Of course, I had to eat the birthday cake and nachos with cheese sauce. However, it did make me feel awful in the moment because I felt so full. I'm going to write in today's diary about it and try to remember that feeling so I can stop before I get there. And…
  • Welcome Starr! It's not going to be easy everyday, but it's so much easier when you're accountable to this website because you have to be aware of what's going in your mouth. :grumble: I've personally found that the fun is in exercising more so I can enter it and see how many extra calories I can rack up so I can eat more.…