lost my stride over the weekend

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
yep, so i haven't logged in anything since last thursday. i think i'm just going to forget about it and start fresh today. somehow i managed to lose a few ounces in spite of all that, so that's wonderful. i'm just trying to decide if it would be better for me to try and rack my brain about what i ate over valentine's (out of town, breakfast in bed, nice dinner, all that jazz), or if i should just let it fall by the wayside. i was prepared for the scale to show an up and was all ready to deal with that and not beat myself up. it turns out that this wasn't necessary, but i am exceedingly dissappointed that i forgot to log in at all one day, so i broke my 30-something day streak of logging in! that has me more bummed out than the weight i was expecting to gain!


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Don't let that get you down! You still lost and that is what is important! I logged in all weekend, did my workouts, came in under my calorie goals and still managed to gain weight...but I'm not going to get upset, I feel stronger and thinner so who cares what the scale says!
  • Oh, I fell apart over the weekend too. Oh, so bad. I drank a lot and ate probably as many carbs and cheese as possible. Darn this holiday weekend!
  • roscar
    roscar Posts: 2 Member
    I fell off also, I was traveling, which seems to complicate making good eating decisions. I am back at it today and I'm trying to stay motivated.
  • no need to worry guys.... i doubt anyone fell of the wagon quite as spectacularly as me!... on sat alone i at a WHOPPING 2642 EXTRA calories! thats enough for a fully grown man! whoopsy. that was down to 2 bottles of white wine i drank on friday nite totaling roughly 1100 calories...combined with a very limited amount of sleep. didn't really do any better on sunday when i ate roughly 839 calories over my target. so dont feel so bad! im back on track today but worked out that id have to eat roughly 650 calories less each day this week to make up for it! no chance. any tips to keep on track at the weekends... clearly i need some help!!!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I was thinking about posting the same thing! Let's all just start over and be happy we enjoyed the weekend!!
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    Dont feel bad. I fell off the wagon too . My mom brought over Weight Watchers Rice Krispie treats and instead of eating one, I ate them all, yet still fell under calorie goal.lol But im sure with the sodium, etc, ill be up this week. We all make mistakes, just get back on the horse
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    As you can see, you have plenty of company! I wouldn't worry about trying to write down what you had over the weekend. Just start fresh and pat yourself on the back for still going down some! :bigsmile:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Yesterday was just a bad old valentines chocolate day, so instead of feeling bad I embraced it, enjoyed every bit of chocolate that I ate (not TOO much!) and then said I'd start fresh again today.
    If I do something like that, it's all in the mind set.
    At one time I'd say, "Ugh, I ruined it- I quit." and then never *get back on track* for MONTHS...now I can have a splurge day and get right back in to my routine. LOTS less guilt! lol
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    The good thing is that you feel bad about falling off the wagon. That shows what you really want. Everyone gets sidetracked. NO ONE CAN BE PERFECT. Shoot for 90% good and give yourself a little slack. Here's to a new week!:drinker:
  • I definitely feel different about this binge than I have in the past. I know I can get back on track this week - and I'm excited about it! Since really committing to changing my diet right after Christmas, I really have realized how different my body and mind feel when I eat well.

    Now, instead of beating myself up (well, i'd be lying if I didn't admit I'm doing that some), I'm more concerned with trying to figure out WHY I lost control starting last Thursday. Oddly, I craved Domino's pizza and Velveta Macaroni and Cheese. I gave in Thursday and Friday, which made giving in Saturday and Sunday easier. I just don't know why the craving came up on Thursday. I feel that if I can understand it, I can battle it better next time.

    Any insights anyone?
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who lost stride over the weekend. I lost control on Thursday too, and it just went down hill from there. I know why I lost control - I was feeling sorry for myself for not getting the recognition I thought I deserved for things at work, etc. Dumb, yes. But I know that I shouldn't emotionally eat. My binge started with 4, yes 4!! King Size Chocolate Bars. I told myself it was ok, because they were 3 Muskateers and had less fat! I can justify just about anything.

    Anyway, back to it this morning, starting off well. I can tell though that it's going to be an uphill battle to get back on track, I don't feel the same enthusiasm that I did when I first started. Just have to take it one hour at a time, I know that I have a walk scheduled at lunch, so that will help too.

    Enjoy your day, everyone. :drinker:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    props to everyone, then! thanks for all the nods and here's to a fresh start!
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