The Below 190 Impossibility

Ugh. I was doing so well. So well! And then two weeks of stress at work and I've blown my good habits. I bought a Reese's mixed bag of Halloween candy because it was on sale at Target - damn target! - and I'm snacking outside of my meals and I can't seem to stop. That coupled with a visit from Aunt Flo and I'm back up to 190.

Help!! Will I ever get back down to and then past 190?! Will I gain control again?! Help!


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    You will get there!
    First, you're going to lose when you're through your cycle - so tat weight doesn't even count- even if it makes you feel horrible:grumble:
    Second, just get back on track. Say no more- if you have any of that candy left, give it away, or just throw it out. I know this is horrible of me, but sometimes when I buy junk food, or make sweet treats, if I find I can't keep myself out of it, or eat just a little, I'll give it away. If I can't, I throw it out. If you're eating it and feeling bad after it's a waste anyways, right?

    Just keep going, you'll be back down to 190 in no time :flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Ugh. I was doing so well. So well! And then two weeks of stress at work and I've blown my good habits. I bought a Reese's mixed bag of Halloween candy because it was on sale at Target - damn target! - and I'm snacking outside of my meals and I can't seem to stop. That coupled with a visit from Aunt Flo and I'm back up to 190.

    Help!! Will I ever get back down to and then past 190?! Will I gain control again?! Help!

    Just keep at it. I got down to 170 and then birthdays came and what not and I am up 3 pounds. I just keep at it though and one day I have to get back to that 170 or below mark

    Good Luck!!!
  • cmurphy04722
    I can't seem to get below the 170. I get to 168 and 169.5 but the next day I'm 172. I was doing really well and thought I'd get into the 160s for sure...and then Saturday football came and I had a bunch of beers and chips and salsa and cheese dip. Blerg. And they gave out free shots when our team got touchdowns. So my afternoon was full of like 1000 calories. I hit the gym when I got home but was barely sweating myself sober. I burned like 300 calories and came I'm over today by nearly 500 calories and I feel like poo about it.

    Happens. And tomorrow morning I'll be hitting the gym in the early morning, eating amazingly well, doing an exercise DVD in the afternoon, and not drinking anything other than water.

    When you fall off the horse... :-) It'll be ok, just get back on track and focus on what you really want.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    When I came back from vacation I had gained 10 pounds :noway: :sad:

    Fortunately 7 pounds was water but some was for real :embarassed:

    Anyway, I lost it within a couple of weeks and more since then. It happens. You'll get back on track.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm experiencing the same thing right now. Every time I come within a pound of that 40 pound lost mark, I'll go up a couple of pounds, drop them, gain them. It's frustrating, but anything other than getting back on track isn't an option, right?
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I am SO right with you! I, too, am stuck at 190.:sad: I got down to 185 for a day or two, then WHAM back up to 190.:cry: Now I can't seem to get back down below 190. Part of my problem is left over Halloween candy:devil: . That, and stress and craziness at work. We will BOTH get there! I stepped it up. I spent almost 45 minutes "dancing" with my kids. They loved it and I could hardly breath by the time we stopped:laugh: , so I'm going to try to make it a daily event. That'll step up the exercise factor. Now to get rid of the candy!

    So, what is your plan? (Studies show that making your plan known to others increases the odds of sticking with it!)

    We WILL do this!
  • LauraGUnit
    Thank you all for your support! I really appreciate your thoughtful and honest answers. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who goes up and down 3-4 pounds. I thought it was just me.

    You guys are awesome and keep up all your hard work!!

    And PS. My plan is not to order out, be really strict about entering all my food, give my candy to my students, stop buying desserts and wine, and go to yoga class. It's going to be challenging with a convention and visiting friends coming up this weekend, but I have to do it.