girlykate143 Member


  • yes, it's exercise. Get outside and go for a darn walk, people. It reduces your stress level (okay, if you stay off the freeway). For me, the faster I walk, say for 15 - 20 minutes, the happier I am and more focused on tasks when i'm done w/the walk. It's not my only form of exercise. But damnit, I love seeing people out…
  • "In addition, our culture at least US culture is very anti woman." "Hopefully, humanity will someday become a single gender form of life... " For the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND RIGHTEOUS. HELL. NO. Are you a woman or a man? We are not anti-woman compared to the rest of the world, So I'm not sure what hey hell you are…
  • carbo load the night before with things like rice or sweet potatoes. Make sure you are extremely well hydrated not just day of, but day before and the week leading up to your run. I don't usually eat anymore before a morning fun run, or if I do, I eat about 1- 2 ounces of plain almonds. One reason, I'm usually too nervous.…
  • reading a book in the squat rack. While wearing jeans. who knew it was a library!
  • love it. what is a bingo wing? Can I eat that at name_your_disgusting_american_family_restaurant? Seriously, keep doing what you're doing, lift some weights on days that you don't do cardio, rinse repeat. That's how you "tone." Check out Nia Shanks online. She rocks, and that is all.
  • they're all genetically modified, especially that darn juice. oh, yeah!
  • I heart you for this. And for the runnings without hurtings. :)
  • What is VLCD to you? Is that very low carbohydrate or very low calorie? If it's low-carb, then you will gain back water weight when you reintroduce starchy carbohydrates. So, eat tons of veggies and lean protein. I would not drink shakes, but i'm not super overweight. Personally I wouldn't pay to drink somebody's shakes…
  • Congratulations. You applied, that was half the battle. You applied yourself and were confident enough ignoring your weight. That's part of why you got the job--believing in yourself. I don't care what size. I care how people carry themselves and if they look me in the eye or not. I don't need the north south when I walk…
  • does she let you drive alone? Driving is more dangerous than running. Is she living in a state of sheesh-I-shouldn't-do-anything-because-something-bad-will-happen? Is she suggesting that she runs with you? What is her fear exactly? What's yours, if any?
  • make sure that your fiber field appears. I don't know if it's a default setting that MFP shows or not. That way, you can easily know to subtract that number (fiber total) from your carbs number. write your numbers in your "Today's Food Notes" at the end of your food diary.
  • you climbing a mountain and need all that? Pizza, a whole one, 4 - 5 cups of rice with butter and olive oil, pork, French fries dipped in a giant chocolate shake. 6 hotdogs with avocados. a huge chunk of feta cheese. after you get sick on all this, are you sure you want to continue?
  • sounds like he got religion. Put in some headphones when you walk in, so right away you're jamming out to some tunes and minding your own business. Be direct - tell him that you eat what you want to eat, he eats what he wants and to keep his eyes on his own plate. You don't need to be "saved."
  • Don't give up. Keep going. You may not notice anything until at least 6 weeks, that's the way it was for me. Are you doing some cardio after lifting or on alternate lifting days? May I introduce you to a few helpful people and sites if you don't already know about these: Nia Shanks - Lift like a girl. She's pretty awesome…
  • eat the plain nonfat yogurt and then it IS good. The stuff with added sugar, well, it's up to you. If you like your insulin spiked, then go for it. If you only want the protein, then yes, get nonfat plain or 2% plain. add your own blueberries or strawberries or whatever to them. In my opinion Fage brand tastes the best out…
  • my latest breakfast is this: 1 cup or 1/2 cup canned pumpkin (plain, unsweetened, Libby's brand here in the states) 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds or walnuts 2 tbsp. organic ground flax seed 1 tbsp. soaked chia seeds (soaked in a bit of water so they're slimy looking) powdered BP (sometimes) It's my breakfast of choice most days…
  • Protein with every meal. Try getting more protein than you think you need, whatever that means for you. I actually would not eat oatmeal, but that's me. I grew up with it, hated it, so I'm biased. I was always hungry an our after. Eventually, I just convinced my mom that I'd eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for…
  • This guy created awesome information along with two other members of MFP. Also, doing a search on In Place of a Road Map (IPOARM) will get you tons of great info. Also, lifting is good. Some people will advocate for less steady…
  • is this in the chit-chat category? everything you read/hear about weight loss is relative to your own weight-loss goals. Just because that works for one friend, doesn't mean that it will/won't work for you. It's not gospel. Eat when you're hungry. Eat protein when you're hungry. Skip sugary things in the morning. work out…
  • What kind of exercise are you doing? I ask because I used to get horrible tension headaches about an hour after running. Sometimes, they'd never let up for days. Switched out my running shoes for some w/an orthotic, problem cleared up. Also, not eating enough after exercise does it for me. Also, go down your list of foods…
  • pretty sure she means that by cutting out "all carbs" you would be cutting out all veggies and all fruits and dairy.
  • this. minus the oatmeal. Someone introduced me to steel cut oats mixed into greek yogurt. Add some blueberries and it's got all the texture and goodness. Yum!
  • I've done it twice now. A few years back I did the south beach thing and lost a lot of water weight (maybe 13 pounds). Then gained it back when I ate breads, granola, donuts, whatever I wanted. Stress added to that. I did it very recently as well. Some people it works great, others it depends on what types of carbs. In…
  • nice post! Also, check out Geneen Roth for her extensive knowledge about eating and disordered eating. She's got tons of great insight and has been there--heavy and thin. Women, Food and God is her best book (or the only one I own), where she talks about struggles and obsessions and compulsions. She's fabulous.
  • nope. It's frothy and really, really good. Leave out the protein powder and it's a latte, only much better for you. Drink it within a few minutes, don't let it sit around for 20. That's when it's gross and will need to be reheated.
  • just have some coffee with your sugar and you'll be fine.
  • especially because it made baby Jesus cry. Not sure if it was the 'Merkin Jesus, the North American Baby Jesus, or the little 8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus. In all seriousness, check out the fries. Canada puts gravy on them and they are delicious. The United States puts ketchup, tartar sauce and mustard on them and they are…
  • bump. any other reco's? pretty please with bacon on top?
  • get more lean proteins in early in your day. Do stuff without added sugar (if peanut butter, do it without sugar or fake sugars, if yogurt, go with 2% plain). Your body needs to adapt to less sugar. I used to crave carbs at night too. It can be a vicious cycle. Feed it good stuff and it will reward you. Eat some bad carbs…
  • good good food porn bumping recipe.