Punkicoleman Member


  • It looks like we have more new members. Welcome and all the best in your journey. I am so excited to be down another pound this morning. That is 23 total. YEAH! We leave for our cruise in two days and I plan to weigh in every morning on the ship. If I stay the same or go down, I am going to allow myself a piece of pizza. I…
  • I actualIy came over here to post, just to see how my ticker looked more than half way to goal. :love: Well I am here to tell you that it is looking pretty darned good. I have been working at this for almost three months now and have lost 21 pounds, which is an average of 7 pounds a month. That's pretty darned good…
  • I actualIy came over here to post, just to see how my ticker looked more than half way to goal. :love: Well I am here to tell you that it is looking pretty darned good. I have been working at this for almost three months now and have lost 21 pounds, which is an average of 7 pounds a month. That's pretty darned good…
  • As of today, I have officially lost 20 pounds. How exciting is that? Yesterday when I stopped at a thrift store, I bought another very sexy formal gown. It even needs to be taken in a bit, but I am waiting for my new strapless bodysuit to arrive before I do any alterations on the dress. I have never in my life found an…
  • I have already done 4 hours for April and will have at least 30 before the end of the month, not counting gardening or walking and they really should count. We take off for our cruise on the 28th so you probably won'd hear much from me between the 29th and the 15th of May. Ship internet time is very expensive and I think I…
  • I am in a new decade--the it's decade where I wanted to be before my cruise. :love: :love: :love: I still have three more weeks to go, so I am hoping to lose at least another six. At that point my clothes would look good and there will still be plenty of "new" clothes coming up in my closet to keep me inspired throughout…
  • I see we have another new member. Hurray for that. Welcome and enjoy. My scale refuses to budge, but I am fitting into all sorts of wonderful clothes. We are doing a Diamond Jubilee celebration at the Turf Club at Emerald Downs (our local race track) and I was trying to figure out what I would wear and what might fit by…
  • How long have you been perfect on your diet and exercise? What diet plan are you following? If we want to lose weight, we have to pick a plan and stick to it. If we modify the plan, we modify the results. My eating was really good for a long time and I worked out every day, without really losing. Of course, I always had…
    in Help Comment by Punkicoleman March 2012
  • I am so happy to be home where I can make my own Kale Chips, with real American Kale. In Switzerland they have a similar product called wirz, but it doesn't make such crispy chips. If they ever discover anything unhealthy about kale chips, I hope they keep it a secret until after I am dead. :tongue: Off to the gym, Punki
  • Welcome, Silverniki. We are glad to have you aboard. I too suffer from arthritis, but find that it bothers me less the more active I am. Losing weight really does lessen the pain in my feet and lower back which are the places I suffer most. Well I should say feet, back and hands, although it all increases and decreases…
  • Thanks. That picture did come out well. It is very nice to be proud to show a really current picture, rather than using one that is 4 or 5 years old. :love: Now I just need to keep plugging away on the next ten pounds.
  • Last night I got hooked into this party up in the Executive Lounge at the Sheraton at Frankfurt airport. I didn't eat anything I shouldn't have, but the drinks were refilled fast and furious. :drinker: My darling husband left early to go to bed, but I stayed until they closed down the club. It was so much fun to have all…
  • Wow, khaapala, I didn't know you were almost my neighbor in Washington. I just assumed you lived in Hawaii because of your handle. :wink: The music of the 50s and 60s truly was amazing--which is why our kids still listen to it and know all of the words even today. Does modern music even have words? Who will remember it in…
  • Hi, Lindsey. Finding the right motivation to get your bottom firmly planted on the wagon, is always the most difficult part of weight loss. Once, you are committed and on a roll it is much easier. So start making a list of all of the upcoming occasions where you really want to look good--weddings, class reunions, trips,…
  • Ginny, what does the doctor say about your back and knees? I have arthritis in my L5 disk, my left knee, and my feet, which is one of the big reasons I need to lose weight quickly--the other is just plain vanity. :smooched: Just losing these past 18 pounds has made a world of difference. I think I will let my back and my…
  • Welcome, welcome to all. Cheryl, I don't eat much read meat either. For instance, I have never in my life have a steak, prime rib, lamb or a pork chop. For some odd reason, however, I do love very, very crisp bacon, very good quality pastrami, and beef jerky. I don't remember the last time I had been jerky, but I do from…
  • Sue, it is sad indeed how quickly we deteriorate as we get older. Fortunately, that muscle memory is still there and it does not take all that long to get back into exercise. I have been a very good girl all day. Tonight we are having cheese fondue, which I will eat with veggies since cheese is ok for my low-carb program.
  • As it is, I probably do about an hour a day when you add up my floor exercises, circuits and stretching. By the first of April, it will probably be warm enough that we can take walks after work, which will increase it even more. Moreover, we will be taking a samba class one night a week and dancing at least one other.…
  • Thanks, amflautist. Do you know a way to attach it directly from my photos or do I have to first upload it to my myfitness pics? Oh yes, they were extremely generous with the caviar, which will also be served on our return flight from Frankfurt to Seattle. I will have to be very good between now and then in order to…
  • Our trip was really, really good and, as promised, I ate all of the caviar they would give me. Oh I do so dealy love that stuff. :love: I had been perfect for 2 solid months dreaming of that caviar and I don't feel even a little bit guilty about it or the iced vodka that came with it, or the wine. Since my caviar…
  • We live in Seattle and we love it. My husband loves to ski and sail and can do both every day from here. He has on occasion even done both in the same day. We are definitely city people and love traipsing about, exploring new cities and even smaller towns, but we aren't much for camping, hiking or "nature" of any kind…
  • Oh YIKES, amflautist. I can really sympathize. I once tore a ligament in my left knee trying to spin in tennis shoes on concrete. It doesn't work. That happened in 1999 and I still have issues. My Doc says I can ski bumps once, or dance forever. I chose dancing. I use all of the leg machines at Curvesn (except the squat…
  • Where do you live, amflautist? We too are ballroom dancers and just love it. We belong to two different clubs, each of which has 5-6 black tie dinner dances every year. We belong to another club that has 5-6 dressy, but not formal dances a year, but we never seem to be in town when they are scheduled, or else have a…
  • I was thinking about whether or not it is harder to lose weight now than in my thirties and just out of curiousity dug out my old Weight Watcher cards. It was interesting to see that in 1978 it took me 8 weeks to lose 16 pounds. In the past 8 weeks, I have lost 17 pounds. The biggest difference is that now I have to plan…
  • I woke up for no good reason at 3:00 a.m., but I will go back to sleep. Since I have been serious about losing weight, I find that I spend a lot more time cooking, both for myself and for my slim darling husband. I just fix him more of what I am eating and if he wants something fattening, he has to figure it out on his…
  • I can exercise an hour a day, every day but Sunday, but that is all the time I have, except on Fridays when we go out dancing for several hours after work. I wish I were retired so I could spend a lot more time working out, but I also love my job and think it keeps me young and sharp.
  • Welcome, galejl. We are delighted to have you join. Becoming ill right when you are on a roll is the pits. I was sick for several months in 2010 and then again in 2011 and it turned me into a fat mushball. :frown: I have been back at the gym 5 days a week since the first of the year (although for the first 2 weeks I could…
  • You are so right smakadoodle. It is in giving up that we fail. I know that I have all too often hit a rough spot and just given up and gotten fatter. If, however, I had been able to tell myself to get over it (whatever "it" was) and get back on the wagon, I would have avoided a lot of pounds that were all to anxious to…
  • Actually, packing was more or less fun--more fun when I found things that fit well and less fun when I tried outfits that weren't quite ready for prime time. :laugh: :laugh: Oh well, I still have 49 days until my cruise and that is when I really want to be able to just walk into my closet and pick out anything and have it…
  • Well I had a crappy weigh-in. Despite and extra work out and being perfect, I was up 1.5 pounds. Oh well it will pass. Last night, late, I made a new cauliflower recipe and ate it later than I usually eat. It was probably the salt to late in the evening. This morning I made eggs baked in avacados. They aren't worth the…