

  • Usually it's the other way round for me..... Both methods have thier inaccuracies so I go with a calories per mile formula. 25 calories per mile for recovery rides 30 calories per mile for normal pace 35 calories per mile for all out time trial effort This is based off of using a power meter in the past and talking with…
  • You just copy and paste the same thing over and over...... Congrats to the OP I am looking at the same transition coming up soon and to be honest, I am a bit.....not nervous.... But apprehensive.
  • Goal 600miles 343.5 completed <--- I think I may up my goal to 800+ again this month September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes September 3 - 42 miles. 18 avg. annual BBQ ride. 25miles there, eat, 17 miles…
  • It's water... Give your body a few days to reach equilibrium before you start sweating the " undoing" of a weeks worth of work.
  • Yes always. I have crashed hard enough to shatter helmets. I still was pretty banged up but i was not a vegetable afterwards. Whats sad us seeing people wear the incorrectly. Pushed back on your head is not correct.
  • Humor fail....
  • None.... I prefer to sneak up on it seriously, mainly it's pre- packaged meals. And do-nuts, I knew they were calorie bombs but one Krispy Kreme lemon filled is the equivalent to 1 hour on a bike riding hard.
  • Goal 600miles 305.5 completed September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes September 3 - 42 miles. 18 avg. annual BBQ ride. 25miles there, eat, 17 miles home.... Keep a fast pace to burn off the pastries and sweets…
  • Goal 600miles 202.5 completed September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes September 3 - 42 miles. 18 avg. annual BBQ ride. 25miles there, eat, 17 miles home.... Keep a fast pace to burn off the pastries and sweets…
  • That is a fine average speed. However you have to realize that avg speed is a crummy metric to use to compare one rider to another. We ride differ routes, different bikes, different experience etc. that said, that is a fine speed for a 32 mile trip. Ride that same route in a month and see what your time is then....
  • I have a great shop here... I have been known to bring them a sixpack of good beer when I pick up my bike. While its not money, they do tend to remember you. As far as the "we tip bike shops now?" Why not? there is no law that says you ahve too, however I know my guys work on a pretty thin margin even when you buy a bike…
  • Goal 600miles 172.5 completed September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes September 3 - 42 miles. 18 avg. annual BBQ ride. 25miles there, eat, 17 miles home.... Keep a fast pace to burn off the pastries and sweets…
  • Ovaltine. After a long ride nothing beats a glass of chocolate milk. Nice mix of fats, carbs and protien.
  • Well we try to do them once per week, hoefully before the weekend. We figure if we have guest over they would not want to see the filth. Normally, I try to take care of the vacuming and my wife will make sure the kitchen it tip top. We both normally tackle things like the bathrooms,showers and other odds and ends together.…
  • Goal 600miles September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes September 3 - 42 miles. 18 avg. annual BBQ ride. 25miles there, eat, 17 miles home.... Keep a fast pace to burn off the pastries and sweets the local church…
  • Congrats! That is a great achievment and one you should be proud of!!!
  • I am there with you... I teach high school biology, chem, and physics. Here is what I do to keep my routine. 1. I do not and will not bring work home to do in the evenings. I have a wife and a four year old. After I get out of the classroom it is time for them. The only exception is I spend about an hour on sat or Sunday…
  • I prefer roasted coffee bean extract with a splash of cream and sugar....
  • Really? It's called "my fitness pal" not "how can I lose fat as fast as I can no matter the method pal"... There is no reason to condone stupidity with silence.
  • Goal 600miles September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories - 3 hours 30 minutes September 2 - 43 miles 15mph avg. Recovery ride 1089 calories - 2hours 50 minutes Total For Month : 100.5 miles Calories (not that it matters I do not eat them) are based on the rough formula of 30 calories per mile ridden. It may be more…
  • Weights or a book on common exercises. Anything else is either a rip-off, gimmick, or likely going to stress out your kidneys and liver. There are no shortcuts.
  • This ! I am in as much aw of someone making thier first ten mile ride as I am of someone pushing out a century..... I know how much both of them can hurt. On one of my rides I go past a driveway with a big rock that is about 1.5 miles from my house. I always look at it and smile because I can remember sitting on that rock…
  • Goal 600miles September 1 - 57.5 miles 16.7mph avg 1569 calories Calories (not that it matters I do not eat them) are based on the rough formula of 30 calories per mile ridden. It may be more or less on any particulary day so I let it just average out in the end.
  • Put me down for 600 again. I have the MS 150 ride on the 22-23 of september where i plan to do 200 miles so i should not have any problem. Loving the cooler weather!
  • :laugh: I REACHED 800+ FOR AUGUST!:laugh: :sick: This works out to around 48 hours on the bike 28,245 calories burned (and thats probrably an overestimate) Fri 08/10/12 05:42 AM Aug 1 - 27 miles Aug 2 - 26 miles - aug 3 planned rest day Aug 3 - Rest Day Aug 4 - 70 miles Aug 5 - 17 miles - storm with lightening cut our…
  • Fri 08/10/12 05:42 AM Aug 1 - 27 miles Aug 2 - 26 miles - aug 3 planned rest day Aug 3 - Rest Day Aug 4 - 70 miles Aug 5 - 17 miles - storm with lightening cut our planned route short Aug 6 - 35 miles -Round trip commute to work - recovery pace Aug 7 - rest day Aug 8 - 30 miles Aug 9 - 35 miles Aug 10 - Rest day Aug 11 -…
  • You write this and then wonder why it annoys people? Seriously?
  • Because when Glascow_vegan, or any vegan for that matter makes statements like this; "Doesn't knowing you've led to the death and sometimes torture of hundreds if not thousands of animals make you feel bad?" It tends to put peoples hackles up a bit. There were not to many "I like steak" comments before that bombshell
  • 50% of my calories come from carbs / sugar..... If its natural or added to a food it really does not bother me to awful much.
  • Because I want to enjoy eating? Not simply stoke the fire...