ktmmom189 Member


  • Personally if I am high or even right on 2500 sodium I don't see a weight loss as I tend to really retain water. You didn't say how your water intake is either. For protein i do yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, black beans, chickpeas, soy nuts. I very rarely eat beef, but do fish and chicken a couple times of week.
  • Well I do shakes, but my newest breakfast is plain greek yogurt mixed with protein powder. Tastes just like pudding. I also put it in my oatmeal.
  • Heritage Softail, everyone in our family rides. Awesome family together time
  • Not heard of tomato gravy. My husband is big on chocolate gravy on biscuits, or sour cream/sugar on biscuits. And of course wilted lettuce. However we are having spagetti as my teen works in a few hours. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast. It's a tradition.
  • Definitely some great advice going on here. As everyone said change takes time. Looking at your dairy you are eating a lot of sodium. When I go over on sodium or even close to that 2500 mg I drink at least 12 glasses of water. Water weight for women is definitely a bear. I would suggest that you add some veggies to your…
  • Fit N Fab, but you will have to friend Lyssa as it is a private group. Lots of fun and very supportive people
  • Not sure how much you walk but at 10,000 steps a day and 1200 cals I've been losing 1 to 2 lbs a week. But I walk as fast as I can. I am now up to 4 mph which still isn't that fast. I walk at work breaks, lunch whenever, whereever. You can get a $4 pedometer to see how many steps you are really walking
  • I actually have a bad left knee from a car injury 15 yrs ago. My right knee bothers me now. Definitely brace, ice, aleve ect. Also rest as everyone said. Also it doesn't look like you do fish oil with Omegas. I felt a lot better when I started those as it seemed to help my joints. I also make sure I am very warmed up. I…
  • Just curious as your BMR sounds very low. I am barely 5'4 45 140 lbs with a desk job and my BMR is 1371. I also battled an eating disorder for much of my teens and twenties. Have you had your BMR checked again?
  • I have too many to count anymore. Mine are all original free hand and definitely have meaning. My son is the only name I have, although my husband and I have matching dragons. I work a professional job so mine can all be covered and do stay covered at work. I can't wear sleeveless due to my arm bands but short sleeves. My…
    in TAT'S Comment by ktmmom189 November 2012
  • Is there a schedule for this? I am interest in doing TF along with chalean exterme
  • I ate almost 900 calories in Halloween monsster eyes and toes today. Oh yeah I have been there. Walked 7.44 miles and a little elliptical to offset it. I have a knee injury and really suppose to hold off exercising til Saturday but after my sugar binge. Wow. Yes I think most people have been there. Tomorrows another day
  • Haven't drank since June 1989. No need too and no I don't miss it.
  • Never had one ever. Even at a very thin weight. I don't think I am missing much.
  • Wow that is terrible. No you should expect your neighbors to be respectful. Good for you though keep running. No answers for you as I'd take my dog who doesn't like anyone and has to be heavily muzzled when she goes with me. Most time people have no intention of ticking her off. Also, this whole thing would tick my husband…
  • I get on my elliptical everyday, walk everyday, Zumba 3 times a week, and weight lifting 5 days a week. I never take a full rest day as I usually make sure I log 6 miles walked everyday whether it's on the elliptical or actually walking. Seems to be working
  • I did this at 167 and I am 5'4. I didn't lose a lot of weight but I lost over 10 inches in the 1st two weeks. Then I kind of dropped out of it due to some other issues. I am going to start again as it is fantastic on the waist , stomach, and hips.
  • I know when I manually enter an exercise if I haven't used enough cal burned fitbit will add an adjustment down. Now if I enter too much fitbit puts a zero adjustment out there. I won't really know I entered too much. If you are taking your fitbit off while using your HRM I think you are probably ok.
  • I was just reading you should probably do protein of some sort as carbs are for energy and it takes longer to digest protein.
  • My goal has been 600 a day. So I'll keep my goal and commit to at least 3500. I've made 600 a day for the last 2 weeks, so lets go.
  • OMG my dad did the thunder thigh deal. I ended up in eating disorder treatment over my thighs. At 70 lbs I still thought i was fat. Taken me 30 odd yrs to really like my body even heavy.,
  • I wear my fitbit from the time I get up to the time I go to bed and that's what is logged. Works for me since I don't eat back my exercise calories. Also when i do weights or anything like that I still just use the fitbit so I think it probably evens out. Working so I'll go with that.
  • Wow definitely a cell phone and pepper spray. Even small town Iowa has weirdos. Des Moines i would never run at night unless I take our dog and my cell phone. Glad all is ok
  • I know when I eat breakfast I am not as hungry at lunch so I don't overeat. When I become too hungry look out I don't eat sensibly.
  • I usually am around 130 to 140 range on carbs. So maybe I need to lower them just a bit? I am a big oatmeal morning person
  • They recommend whole milk because the dairy fat is for brain development. However my son was allergic to dairy and still to this day can only do 2% milk. We gave him goat's milk til he was about 6. Then worked him up to 2% milk. Goat's milk is sweet as well so he loved it and it is loaded with vitamins.
  • I also am always over my protein levels. Mine is from food no protein drinks. I am trying to slim down. Just starting weights tomorrow.
  • Love this. I also do sugar free puddings with P2B or chocolate pb2. Another snack someone posted a recipe 1/4 cup rolled oats, 1/2 packet of sugar free cocoa, add water mix and roll into balls and freeze. Low cal, chocolate and completely awesome.
  • I have had good luck with the injection. Same discs herniated. Just had an injection yesterday. I also take Diclofenac 2 times a day 75 mg. Been a complete live safer and made the complete difference. As I have a desk job I sit alot. I stand do stretches ect. My spine compresses itself and then I am in terrible pain. I lay…