How many calories to eat?! HELP!

Hiya! :)
Right so I need some help.
I have been losing alot of weight inthe last few months and im still losing now but im abit worried that Im not losing it in a healthy way :/ In the last 6 weeks I have joined the gym and burn on verage 400 calories, 3x per week.
I got my BMR measured in June and it was 1200 (Im 5ft 3.5, 118 pounds at the moment and 20 years old).
I have been eating 1200 calories a day (with a few odd days under or over 1200) but also 3x per week burning 400 calories.
I realise that if i ate 1200 cal and burnt 400 that would leave me with 800 for that day and I was wondering whether this is classed as 'starvation mode' because I am in fact eating 1200. Ive not plateaued yet but Im worried that ill ruin my metabolism (more than it is already) and never be able to go about 1200 without gaining weight, I dont want my body set in a pattern for later life. Ideally I would like to maintain my weight at about 116 pounds whilst still going to the gym because i enjoy it.
Should i eat back the calories i burn so that im always at 1200? or keep burning the 400 whilst eating 1200?


  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Just curious as your BMR sounds very low. I am barely 5'4 45 140 lbs with a desk job and my BMR is 1371. I also battled an eating disorder for much of my teens and twenties. Have you had your BMR checked again?
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
  • I havent had it checked again since June no. I thought it was low too but the gym owner insisted it was right. What do you think it would be, when im not at the gym im pretty sedentary. Im sceptical about these online BMR calculators cos I dont know how accurate they can be.
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    A lot of people use this calculator:

    I used it and have a bodymedia fit and it matches.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Try netting at least your BMR. So if you eat 1200 cals, workout and burn 400, then you should eat those calories back. You're already creating a major deficit by just eating less, if you keep supplementing that deficit with exercise burns than your body isn't getting the calories that it needs to function efficiently.

    And agreed, you are at a healthy weight for your height. Eat maintenance, lift and throw in some cardio if that's your thing and you will start to notice body composition changes.
  • A lot of people use this calculator:

    I used it and have a bodymedia fit and it matches.

    Thanks! :)
  • Try netting at least your BMR. So if you eat 1200 cals, workout and burn 400, then you should eat those calories back. You're already creating a major deficit by just eating less, if you keep supplementing that deficit with exercise burns than your body isn't getting the calories that it needs to function efficiently.

    And agreed, you are at a healthy weight for your height. Eat maintenance, lift and throw in some cardio if that's your thing and you will start to notice body composition changes.

    Thanks :) Im not sure that im creating a deficit with food though because im eating 1200 and my gym said that my BMR is 1200 so im levelling it out but excercising the calories off but its a different story if my BMR is wrong ha
  • Okay so the BMR calculator says my BMR is 1365
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just curious as your BMR sounds very low. I am barely 5'4 45 140 lbs with a desk job and my BMR is 1371. I also battled an eating disorder for much of my teens and twenties. Have you had your BMR checked again?

    Did you actually have it measured? I read an article (can't find it, sorry), saying most calculators overestimate your BMR.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    I calculated your Numbers using the Harris Benedict formula your BMR is 1323 You need to Multiply ithis number with your activity level to get your needs for Maintenance .

    Formula for women 655+(4.35 X Weight in Pounds )+(12.7 X Height in inches) -(4.7 X age in Years )

    For Men 66+(6.23 X Weight In LBS)+(12.7 X Height in inches)- (6.8 X Age )
  • Just curious as your BMR sounds very low. I am barely 5'4 45 140 lbs with a desk job and my BMR is 1371. I also battled an eating disorder for much of my teens and twenties. Have you had your BMR checked again?

    Did you actually have it measured? I read an article (can't find it, sorry), saying most calculators overestimate your BMR.

    My gym had a scale that told me when they inputted my stats and age
  • I calculated your Numbers using the Harris Benedict formula you need 1323 cals/day to maintain your weight

    Okay thankyou so even if im excercising 3x week i still need to eat 1323?
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Try netting at least your BMR. So if you eat 1200 cals, workout and burn 400, then you should eat those calories back. You're already creating a major deficit by just eating less, if you keep supplementing that deficit with exercise burns than your body isn't getting the calories that it needs to function efficiently.

    And agreed, you are at a healthy weight for your height. Eat maintenance, lift and throw in some cardio if that's your thing and you will start to notice body composition changes.

    Thanks :) Im not sure that im creating a deficit with food though because im eating 1200 and my gym said that my BMR is 1200 so im levelling it out but excercising the calories off but its a different story if my BMR is wrong ha

    You do know that BMR is basal metabolic rate right? Meaning what your body needs to only support its vital organs to keep you alive, essentially what you would eat to maintain weight if you were in a coma?

    What are you doing for workouts? You should be creating a deficit from your TDEE, NOT your BMR... or you should be eating back exercise calories. If done long enough it can mess with metabolism and also its not very sustainable, you probably will feel hungry often and possibly fatigued.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I calculated your Numbers using the Harris Benedict formula you need 1323 cals/day to maintain your weight

    Okay thankyou so even if im excercising 3x week i still need to eat 1323?

    She should eat that to maintain her weight at what activity level? You need more information before you can start calculating TDEE for individual people.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    I calculated your Numbers using the Harris Benedict formula you need 1323 cals/day to maintain your weight

    Okay thankyou so even if im excercising 3x week i still need to eat 1323?

    If you would Like to maintain your weight you need to consider your activity Level

    Multiply with your activity level
    since you said you are

    Sedimentary X 1.2

    1323 X 1.2= 1587

    This number will tell you your calorie need for weight maintenance
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    At this point, you're ready to slow/stop losing weight. If you're losing weight with your current calorie/exercise combo, I think it's obvious that you need to eat a little more (or exercise less, but I think eating more is the better option) :)

    Keep in mind that your BMR is the bare minimum of what your body needs to survive - actually moving about and living your life you burn more than that (do you know your TDEE?)

    I'd consider adding maybe 200ish calories to your diet, giving it month or so, and see where you are. Maybe consider adding another 200 after that. Know that if you put on a couple pounds in the process, it's just your body leveling out - you'll probably see some minor ups and downs

    If you want my reeeeeal opinion, well... I would bet you should be eating at least 1600-1700 calories per day if you want to maintain your weight. I'd say eat more so your body has a chance to build a little more muscle with your lifting. You may put on a bit of weight but continue to lose inches, which I would think is more satisfying. Good luck!
  • Try netting at least your BMR. So if you eat 1200 cals, workout and burn 400, then you should eat those calories back. You're already creating a major deficit by just eating less, if you keep supplementing that deficit with exercise burns than your body isn't getting the calories that it needs to function efficiently.

    And agreed, you are at a healthy weight for your height. Eat maintenance, lift and throw in some cardio if that's your thing and you will start to notice body composition changes.

    Thanks :) Im not sure that im creating a deficit with food though because im eating 1200 and my gym said that my BMR is 1200 so im levelling it out but excercising the calories off but its a different story if my BMR is wrong ha

    You do know that BMR is basal metabolic rate right? Meaning what your body needs to only support its vital organs to keep you alive, essentially what you would eat to maintain weight if you were in a coma?

    What are you doing for workouts? You should be creating a deficit from your TDEE, NOT your BMR... or you should be eating back exercise calories. If done long enough it can mess with metabolism and also its not very sustainable, you probably will feel hungry often and possibly fatigued.

    Oh yeah sorry i didnt think of that, Okay so im thinking of trying out 1400 for a few weeks and see what the results are whilst still excercising as normal. Sound good?
  • So what's your goal, to weigh 100lbs?

    As i have already said, i want to maintain 116...
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks for catching that !
    Post was edited
  • At this point, you're ready to slow/stop losing weight. If you're losing weight with your current calorie/exercise combo, I think it's obvious that you need to eat a little more (or exercise less, but I think eating more is the better option) :)

    Keep in mind that your BMR is the bare minimum of what your body needs to survive - actually moving about and living your life you burn more than that (do you know your TDEE?)

    I'd consider adding maybe 200ish calories to your diet, giving it month or so, and see where you are. Maybe consider adding another 200 after that. Know that if you put on a couple pounds in the process, it's just your body leveling out - you'll probably see some minor ups and downs

    If you want my reeeeeal opinion, well... I would bet you should be eating at least 1600-1700 calories per day if you want to maintain your weight. I'd say eat more so your body has a chance to build a little more muscle with your lifting. You may put on a bit of weight but continue to lose inches, which I would think is more satisfying. Good luck!

    Yeah that sounds good, thankyou. I think ill start eating 1400 a day and continue excersising and test it out, i guess its trial and error.
    How long do you think i should give it before i make a descision to stay at that level or increase/decrease calories. 3 or 4 weeks?
  • bump
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think as thin as you are that you should be shooting for .5 per lb loss and eating back your calories.
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    I would eat not BMR but TDEE (pick moderate activity) - TDEE is your maintenance weight... then lift heavy weights 3x a week. Cardio if you feel like it. Don't eat back exercise calories unless they take you under your BMR - then eat enough to get back to that. Giving advice I have gotten from super awesome bodied people that I am currently following.