ahemming1 Member


  • 115. Was hoping for 100+ Will not do this one again :)
    in 14.3 Comment by ahemming1 March 2014
  • This is a tough one for girls who don't have butterflies (that would be me). I've done it twice. I got my first c2b on Thursday, pulled out 15 on Friday. So, 5 short of the next round. Did it again today and pulled out another 2, so still 3 away. But, I ripped and I am going to be out of town, so I can't do it again. So…
    in 14.2 Comment by ahemming1 March 2014
  • Advanced Performance CrossFit (APC) Wadsworth, OH Stop by if you're even in NE Ohio...just west of Akron
  • 219 - Debating on doing it again tomorrow. Dubs got better in 2/3 round.
    in 14.1 Comment by ahemming1 March 2014
  • I purchased mine from Amazon, too, and they came in last night. I will be trying them out tonight!! I wore them around the house today to break them in. They are a bit stiff, but nothing too bad. (I had a month trial of Amazon prime, so on a '2-day delivery' with the weather we've had, I got them in 4 days.)
  • We use the Whiteboard at our gym but I also purchased a journal from Journal Menu and I love it! www.journalmenu.com It has a lot of great stuff, and it's customizable and not very expensive. Check them out!
  • 2014 Goals: Butterfly Pull-ups Muscle Up Improve DUs Get to 15-19% body fat. Currently at 24%. 15% is ultimate goal, would be happy with 19% this year Maintain or improve strength while losing fat. Did it last year, hoping to do it again. Move up 100 in the Open standings in my Division. (Worldwide Masters, not just my…
  • I just bought inov-8 Fastlifts as well. They should be here next week! Can't wait. I waited to long to get lifting shoes!!
  • Those Pinterest Pics were beautiful. Is there a reason why we can’t be beautiful and strong?! I don't think any less of myself because another woman is beautiful! Also, they were not skinny - the definition of skinny is 'lacking sufficient flesh' or 'very thin.' Oh, I could go on. I went on to her FB site to see if maybe…
  • We just did Open 13.3 this morning (with T2B). I barely had them in March. I could touch 1X for about every 10X I tried. But, I got them a few weeks later. Now I am trying to master stringing them together. I come down and have to do a small swing to get me to the next one. I had to practice practice practice for one…
  • I went to Chicago on a business trip and went to River North (RNCF). Loved it...great WOD and the people/coaches were very welcoming. You pay a fee, but it get's you a T-shirt, and you know we all love T-shirts!!
  • It's great to see women who want to lift heavy. Learn correct form at the beginning and once you've mastered it, go for the weight! I see a lot of women in my box that never move weight...or do it very slowly because they are worried about looking like a guy! It's not going to happen. I lift as heavy as I can every time,…
  • I also WOD on an empty stomach most of the time and I am an early morning CrossFitter as well (6:30am). My recommendation would be to look up Eat To Perform on Facebook and follow them. They follow a paleo/clean eating type diet but help you eat your carbs around your workouts. The other one that I have recently come…
  • I've been doing CrossFit for about a year and a half. If you can get to a BodPod in your area, I would really recommend it. And, do it now when you are just starting. I wish I would have done it sooner. I went and had my Body Fat measured back in May. I was kind of disappointed, but it was a starting point and it really…
  • Fran... and I'm still coughing! 6:23RX/ PR Can't wait til I can string more pull-ups together and/or butterfly them
  • Hi All, Just joined the group, and thought this would be a good place to add a first post. I'm Angie I'm 47, never married, 2 boys (21 and 8). I live in Ohio I am a global account manager and have been with my company for 28 years. I like it (don't love it) and am good at what I do. But, aspire to, one day, own a business…
  • It's Hero Week at our Box Honoring Lt. Michael Murphy AKA Murph WITH 17# vest (thought I had on the girl weight of 14#) 1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 squats 1 mile run. Time - 64:10. Went in hoping to break 60 w/out vest. Decided to give the vest a try. Wow, that was rough! But, felt good when it was over.
  • What a great day at the Box today. My victory wasn't during the WOD, but we do extra credit stuff...you know...lifting, mobility, etc. Well, the last thing we did was an 800meter 'run' with a 55# kb for the girls (70 for guys). Well, right off the bat, it was awkward and heavy. I completed it in 10:33. My time was actually…
  • I've been doing CrossFit for about a year. I've only lost between 5 and 10 lbs over that year, but my body looks a lot different. I have dropped 1-2 sizes....Womens 10 to an 8/6 and my weight is higher than you would think. If your body tends to build muscle fast, the scale won't show for a long time, but you'll start…
  • WOD - Modified a bit due to calf injury. Chipper... 1600m row (everyone else ran 1 mile) 50WallBalls 40HSPU single mat (did last 15 on box...HSPU probably took about 1/2 of my time!!!) 30Burpees 20Box Jump Over (I had to do step ups) 20pullups/20dips (for those of us who could not do 10 Muscle Ups) TIME 33:17. Strength 5X2…
  • We did the same WOD today....burpees/du. I am on day 7 of ultra-low carbs (Carb Nite), and had about 3 hours of sleep, so I am not even going to admit my score! TERRIBLE! Strength was 5sets/3reps Back Squats - 155/160/165/185/185 Extra Credit - 10X10 Thrusters 75#. Oh man, this was hard. I only got through 2 rounds of 10…
  • I WOD on an empty stomach first thing in the morning as well. I take some supplements and drink plenty of water, but no food. Now, my son's first day, he puked as well. But, he was always a morning puker at football lifting as well. He would eat a few saltine crackers on the way, and that seemed to help. He never puked…
  • Feeling the love. Just got my first email from our friend this morning...still going by the Jane name. Here is my own personal reply, if anyone would like to cut and paste later when/if they get one. You'll need to put your own success story, as I am sure we all have one! She did reply and mentioned that the sport would…
  • OLY Class - We did CrossFit Total. Shoulder Press, Deadlift, Back Squat. I added my time to the CrossFit Total Discussion. WOD - COE: 10RFT 10Thrusters 65# 10Ring PushUps TIME 24:55. I do great with weights but am terrible with endurance.
  • I just turned 47 last month and have been doing CrossFit for about a year. BEST thing you will ever do for yourself. I tell everyone it's a fountain of youth. As far as pain/soreness goes, I went months without much at all. But, I couldn't do an unassisted pull-up, either. Once I was able to get pull-ups, my shoulders seem…
  • I've been doing CrossFit for a year, and I finally get to log my Total. Shoulder Press (strict) - 85# Back Squat - 205# Deadlift - 255# TOTAL 545#
  • Did it again and got +9, for a total of 23. I was going to try one more time, but decided not to. I have a feeling there will be chest to bar on next WOD and my hands are hurting. Giving them some time to heal. On to 13.5!
  • I think it was Sara who posted these on another forum just the other day. I saved them. Hope it helps. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.html Just found this from Helloitsdan, too. Refers to the Fit2Fat ratios.…
  • Agree with the above. Mobilitywod. SEARCH for what you are looking for over to the right.
  • Toes 2 Bar are my challenge as well. Got a score of 14 today. 95# is fine, just can't seem to master the T2B. Will try again on Saturday!