

  • 10/30 level 1, day 5 of 30 day shed for 300 some calories
  • I have lost 37 pounds and about 10 inches overall in 4 months.... Granted 17 pounds was baby weight but still, that is AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for the free for all :D
  • My name is Stephane, I am 29 yo. I have 2 daughters a 4 yo and a 4 month old, I am still breastfeeding. We are done having children so it's time I get my body back. I have been overweight as long as I can remember but I would love to get back down to my weight at high school graduation. I think I was about 160 range. Since…
  • ^^^^^^ Same here.....
  • EXCUSE ME missy I think this site is for motivation and inspiration NOT criticizing!!!!!!! To make a change is good, little changes over time are more likely to stick than huge all of a sudden changes. I do agree, it may still be crap but if it's less crap than before that's a small change. Any change takes motivation and…
  • Yes I would recommend that you take the rest of Oct off to heal, and try starting again in Nov. That may be too soon as well, but I think you need to let your body heal. Best wishes to a fast recovery :)
  • Yes I also have a sheet of paper with date, and workout done on the front of my 30 Day shred DVD case. I am a sleep deprived mother of an infant so lots of days are blurs to me :)
    in Day 7! Comment by stefaiman October 2012
  • YEP. Taking that step to put it on is a big step but once I start it's like oh I can do this, I want this, and before I know it's cooldown time :D
    in Day 7! Comment by stefaiman October 2012
  • My situation is similar, however I work 3 12hr days a week so fortunately I am able to complete my workouts on my days off. My suggestion would be to do crockpot meals 3-4 times per week on the nights u plan to workout. Come home and hand the kids off to your hubby to do a 30 minute workout, then do dinner. Does he have…
  • Yes this is my problem I am post-op 3 months after c-section and I am afraid I am doing too much ab work (i am on Level 3 of the shred) I have not had pain for about 2 months and this past week moved up to level 3 and I am getting that burning/pinching feeling again in my incisional area. I am a nurse and I am very…
  • Yes I also get very dizzy going from standing to mat and up again. I am glad I am not the only one!!! Just make the changes a little slower and don't start the next exercise until you are no longer dizzy :)
    in DAY 3! Comment by stefaiman October 2012
  • I just joined the group, however I am on level 3, day 2. I have followed the workouts with Anita and when I finish level 3 I will start back with level1 doing it with Natalie. I did 5-7 days at each level and so far I have lost 9 lbs and 2 weeks ago when I did measurement I had lost 7 and 3/4 inches total. I do…
  • Yes I work as a nurse, and I wear my pedometer to work everyday.... I walk an average of 2.5 - 3 miles each 12 hour shift. So needless to say no I don't log that but it does make me fell better that I don't do a formal workout on those days :)
  • Yes I would say you have to make it a priority, and if it takes getting up 1/2 hour earlier to meet you goal then that's what it takes :) I also think to myself that doing the workout earlier is more beneficial as in my mind it boost your calorie burning for the day so the longer that you can burn those calories at an…
  • WOW!!!!!! Your weight loss is awesome. You just need to go out with some friends and let loose it, you will fall into the scene again. So how long has it taken you to lose the weight? and did you have surgery or did u do it all with diet and exercise?
  • Yep I lost 15 pounds and then got pregnant, but I knew right away I was pregnant. I would say continue to eat healthy because the baby needs those good nutrients, and focus not on weight loss but maintaining your current weight or putting on no more than 10-15 pounds total through the pregnancy. Then that baby weight will…
  • Yep I was already planning on doing the 30 day shed in Sept with a friend, so the added support would be great! I dont know how to post pics though....
  • Cottage cheese and fruit/veggies would be a good option, or light cheese with wheat/whole grain crackers. I understand the late night snack issue. I have always had snack before bed, unfortunately before it was cookies, ice cream, and JUNK! Hope this helps
  • That is wonderful! GREAT JOB!!! I am just starting and look like u did in your before pics, I hope I can look as good as u when I am done. What an inspiration :D