geekpryncess Member


  • I'm 5'2", and not quite in maintenance yet, but working on getting there. I'm currently at 155, but my HW was 217. I want to lose 20-30 more pounds still. I'm confident that I will get there! This post helps motivate me by knowing that it is possible, and I will get there just like you all have. It is good to see what…
  • I did great for the first two months, lost 38 lbs. Sleeved 2/2/15, SW 199 and got down to 162. Then I guess I hit my first stall on April 4. Since then I've gained weight up to 169. Not happy about that!! However for the past two days the scale has gone back down, so I am 168 now. Fingers crossed it keeps going down for…
  • I've been using wonton and eggroll wrappers as an alternative for many things, they are very low carb and low cal. And don't fill up your stomach since they are so thin. I can handle about 3 wontons or 1 eggroll wrapper. I love to make them with buffalo chicken inside, lots of protein there! But have also made pizza…
  • I loved naan pre-op as a base for flatbreads. I made some the other day (10 weeks postop), because I wanted a goat cheese and caramelized onion flatbread. I was able to eat it, but obviously it isn't a good choice as there was little protein in that. I only had one piece (out of about 8 sections that I cut it into), so it…
  • I know it's super inspiring to me!
  • Ah I need to re-read the thread, I didn't see it before. Thanks for the tips!
  • Thank you Phen, you are absolutely right. I will be there by end of this year!
  • I read your post about your weight loss journey, what is your workout regime now? I know you said you started small but built it up...I just think you look fantastically toned! I have about 80 lbs to lose give or take. I'm 5'2"...I think you said you're 5'3". I can't imagine looking as great as you ever...I hope I can…
  • Great job! You are so creative with your makeup and costumes, I bet you were a hit both years. Awesome job on the weight loss, keep up the good work! Thanks for motivating and inspiring me :)
  • I have the Fitbit Aria wifi scale too, and really like that it connects to my MFP account, plus fitbit sends me an email report each week with a summary of my overall loss (or gain). I find that very helpful because as you know us women fluctuate greatly from day to day so sometimes it is tough to know if you are losing or…
  • I guess that is one small plus to being a single parent household. I get to make all the rules, lol! I hauled everything "bad" away this weekend, although I am still finding a few things I overlooked, it's still very refreshing to know that the majority of my pantry is healthy now. I don't think we're going to miss the…
  • spatulathumbs, I like your suggestion about meal planning: 1 meat, 2 veggies, & seasonings. I am lazy too (aka mom/full-time job/full-time student) and have little to no time for extensive recipes and meal planning! That thought process will help me keep from getting overwhelmed (like I was there for a bit) thinking I have…
  • Dragonwolf, that recipe sounds delicious, and I will be making that this weekend! redheadmommy, the coconut flour tortillas sound like a good compromise, I just have to find time to make this stuff. My son is pretty easy going about foods, he loves to try new stuff and has never been a picky eater. He will try anything…
  • Thanks for the response, that's good to know about the rice. I do have a large bag of white rice that I can keep for him. I'm not a huge rice/pasta person so that's not much of a temptation for me. My weakness is sweets, but the hardest "healthy" thing for me to give up is going to be beans. I love(d) beans - bean soup,…
  • Amazing! You look totally gorgeous, and I am so motivated by you! I sent you a friend request and a question, if you get the time. Good job!
  • I also use the Body Fortress brand, Vanilla flavor, and really like it. I love the Visalys powder too but can't afford it. Well, I can, I just can't justify the cost. Plus it's a hassle trying to find someone to buy stuff like that from. I prefer to just be able to go in a store to get my stuff.
  • Yikes. I'm on week 3. And I can't make it all the way through the running part as is. I might need to repeat a few weeks before I can do 20 minutes straight! I've never run/jogged before in my life. I have no stamina!
  • You have done amazing, so motivating! I am going to try to go sugar free too, because that is my kryptonite and I'm tired of stumbling. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing your story!
  • You are looking amazing, and you humbled me...I have been making so many excuses for myself and keep stumbling...if I had a handle on my willpower and kept with it when I started, I'd be down 50 lbs now too, cause I started back on here around November as well. Keep up the good work, and thanks for me the…
  • I'm in the same boat. I don't shave them during the winter, what's the point?! Waste of time for something that nobody sees. I am lucky and have really light hair so that helps. I do shave during the summer. I hate doing it though, it's a pain. I wonder about that laser hair removal for the bikini area... And my bf could…
  • So all of you who use your foot or tp to flush, what do you use to turn on the water with when you wash your hands? Because all the other people who do use their hand to flush, then also used their hand to turn on the water faucet, presumably. And open the stall door. I don't fret too much about it. I wash my hands…
  • When your commute is an hour or longer, you tend to want to utilize every possible second to sleep you can. Eating in the car is a must!
  • I just accepted a job offer up in Carmel, so I will soon be in the area. I have to commute until end of the semester though. I am in a similar journey, started at 217 and now around 195 (been stuck for a few months), and my goal is 125. I'm 5'2'. Currently my workout is Dance Central fitness program on Xbox360, and I just…
  • I like that idea of the one month goal, I think that is something I could do.
  • Hahahaha I love your stockings!! I can't wait until my legs are thin enough I can wear those, I think they are so cute! You go girl!
  • Now THAT is awesome...all these other posts are what makes it hard for me to consider joining a gym, because I know I am "unskilled" at working out and am so's hard enough to make these lifestyle changes and make them stick, and so many of us have tried time and time again, hoping that eventually we'll…
  • LOL! Besides, what's wrong with getting grilled chicken, or a salad from one of those places? I don't really like fast food places, but when I'm in a hurry and hungry sometimes there's not much of a choice.
  • Mmmmm vodka....
  • Me Me Me!!!!!! Can't stand running/ fun, boring, hurts my feet and knees, no desire to do it, idc about marathons, etc.!!! I'll do just about anything else, but that. I'd rather walk and take in the scenery and be nosy looking at neighbor's landscaping, than run. Or I'd rather dance, or do Zumba, or a million…
  • This would be awesome, especially since Walking Dead resumes in February!