I do a combination of all of the above. And when all else fails and I know I won't be able to get a decently accurate count I log 300-400 for a starter, 1000 for a main including vegetables, 500 for a dessert, and 200-300 for any extra sides. It means I basically write off that day, but for special meals every couple of…
Not far from you, Hitchin down the road in Herts!
This is just totally alien to me - practically every home in the UK has a pair of kitchen scales :) I weigh everything to the gram if I'm in the house to do so. And a 15% diffence in calorie content scaled up across all my food (the 32g vs 28g cereal example from above) is enough to take someone out of maintenance!
Have a look on the bulk powders website, they have a section called the Core(tm) which is full of recipes. I like their protein jelly recipe in particular. But I also second the advice to add a scoop to Greek yoghurt, makes it really thick and creamy and super satisfying.
Same as some of the others, I just woman up and neck it down!
Add a teaspoon of real cocoa powder, it'll dull the sweetness and ramp up the purer chocolate taste.
I have nothing extra in mine just straight up black, but I do have a coffee subscription every month with a company that source small specific lots of ultra high quality beans direct from growers, and then today and ship them themselves. Costs quite a bit up front but is so, so worth it for the flavour and quality, and is…
bumping again
Bumpity bump!
Completely second what Trooty said above, sodium values on the MFP database are appallingly inaccurate, and I do check, and subsequently have to correct, nearly every single entry I come across. Salt grams divided by 2.5 gives sodium, but sodium on the MFP database is in milligrams not grams, so you must then multiply by…
I know you didn't ask specifically about sodium, but 90% of the entries I find are wrong on their sodium counts - usually because people misinterpret the microgrammes on the package with the grams in the entry form. I have to correct something every single time I use the database, sigh!
The best value protein powder I've come across is Nutrisport 90+ vegan pea protein powder, from Body Active Nation website. Comes in at about £47 for 5kg from memory. Tastes revolting when plain but is fine with a small teaspoon of sweetner or measured, flat, teaspoon of normal sugar (if it fits you macros for the day).…
The tilapia will almost certainly be the lowest calorie wise given the lack of cheese, mayo or bbq (usually stuffed with sugars and syrup even in a 'savoury' version). But I have to say the turkey one sounds delicious!
This is me to a tee! I'm back with MFP after a long break, because I've put about half the weight I lost back on. I'm 5'3, have 20lbs to lose to get to my comfortable weight and another 6-7lbs to get to my ideal/dream weight. I started running in March and do about 6km three times a week with the odd 10km thrown in to mix…
It's almost certainly rebound water weight. If you've reduced your carb intake by any degree on your eating plan, especially sugars, you've likely been running down your glycogen stores and that in turn reduces water retention considerably. Any slackening of the reins will lead to a few pounds of water weight coming back.…
I'm in!
It's *much* cheaper to get a decent plain powder and add a teaspoon of quality cocoa powder and a sweetner to it. I favour Green & Blacks organic cocoa as it's really smooth tasting.
This is where I get very jealous of my american cousins across the pond! We just can't buy this sort of stuff over here in the UK, and they sound like such an easy way to create variety in the shake department :-)
What part of "If you haven't got something nice to say, don't say anything at all" do mothers not teach their children anymore?! Maybe, just maybe, as part of a loving friendship developed over a number of years, where said overweight person asks the opinion of a friend they know and trust, it might be acceptable to say…
The point is that which our mothers used to teach us back in the ice age - if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Why does that man care so much he took the time to write and send an email? It's none of his damn business, and she was absolutely right to call him out on it. It *is* bullying…
I always forget that most american homes dont have food scales as a matter of course when I read these threads. Every English home in the country has a pair of food scales, it's the only way we measure food. I find the differences fascinating and amusing :)
Make a big batch of rich concentrated pasta sauce and freeze in portions. It'll still be a hundred times better defrosted than anything you can buy off the shelf!
It's on my list of things to do from that book too! How did you find the garlic, I was a bit worried it might be too much? I also really fancy the mushroom, feta and tomato stuffed peppers too :)
I agree, I put it through MFP and came up with 470cals per serving. The only way I could get it down to the 370 they state was to have the number of thighs to four - one per person not two. So either they'd have to be very small chicken thighs at 8, or exceedingly well trimmed of all possible fat. That said, even 470-500…
Eggs. Eggs are your friend. Or canned tuna is very high in protein and usually very cheap. So omelettes, scrambled eggs, fritatas, spanish tortillas etc, and tuna veg pasta bake - heavy on the tuna, light on the pasta. Or lentils, a perfect power packed protein carb ratio in one product.
I found the channel a few weeks ago too, he's really good and very personable!
I'm an avid homebaker and have run a lot of my recipes through the recipe function. It's a tragedy! Top tips at home - minimum halve the portion size, cut into portions straight away and freeze individually. Most cakes can be frozen successfully. Swap vegetable oil for butter - same calories but massive difference in…
Cooked or uncooked? Cooked it's probably about a cup lightly packed, but I haven't any to hand to test!
I use this in the UK, can you get similar in the States? Pea protein powder, zero cholesterol, 90% protein (18g in a 20g scoop) -