dlcam61 Member


  • I agree, Tard is awesome. Have you seen her blog/tumbler? omg that cat IS awesome! I want one too lol http://tardthegrumpycat.tumblr.com/ Then her FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialGrumpyCat And her website: http://www.grumpycats.com/ Love.Her.
  • I tried one. It didn't make me lose weight but I will admit my skin was firmer, and it wasn't like that when I used an ab belt that is supposed to make you sweat the excess water out. It still looks good after the one treatment. It was worth it in my opinion, but if you want to reduce body fat lift heavy. I don't mean…
  • You are awesome :glasses:
  • I agree with tomcat941. I went about 6 months trading fat and muscle and saw no movement on the scale yet my clothes were hanging on me & people were making numerous comments about how tiny I was getting. Hang in there, the scale is just a number. It doesn't represent body mass or body fat percentage. Take measurements &…
  • It's the carpet. I tested mine out by checking my weight with the wii fit on the carpet, then I tested it again with a board under it. Big difference and it was a lot closer to my regular scale :flowerforyou:
  • Moderation is key. I get the natural stuff without all the added fat, sugar & sodium. You can also grind your own in most of the natural food sections of grocery stores so it is also void of all that stuff you don't need :flowerforyou:
  • Egg whites, beans, lean meats such as chicken or turkey, fish/seafood, tofu (but not in excess), protein powders (I like Vcore from Complete Nutrition & Optimum Nutrition Gold), low fat dairy but I wouldn't advise depending on dairy as milk has lactose which is a sugar. Google lean protein foods and you can find lots of…
  • Good job! But keep in mind that rapid weight loss can stress your body out and cause problems too :flowerforyou: I hope you have been under the watchful eye of a good Dr just to make sure the rest of your body is ok with this. I know the health bene's are great, just be careful not to hurt yourself :smile: Thanks for the…
  • All hormone treatments are risky. Talk it over with your GYN :flowerforyou:
  • Uhm you use the pre-cooked weight to log it. And why are you toasting it? I wouldn't want that in my convection toaster oven either.
  • hahaha please tell me that is actually a joke! :laugh:
  • Depends on which bc pill you are on, how much you exercise, how much you exert yourself when you exercise (for instance, walking isn't very challenging to me but high intensity zumba or circuit training makes me pant & sweat) and it depends on your diet. If you think all is where it should be, print out your mfp log for 2…
  • I don't know which Zumba class you took but I have worn a HRM to my Zumba classes & burn about 550-650 calories per class. It depends on the level of your exertion & how hard you work. I work very hard and it shows when I'm sweating like I ran for miles in the heat as well as the results I have gotten. Get a heart rate…
    in ZUMBA Comment by dlcam61 August 2012
  • Here's why, when you start lifting you retain water. When you are breaking down & rebuilding muscle the tissues retain fluids to help repair it. And, when you start building new muscle it raises your metabolic rate slightly. The more you build the more you will burn fat. At first I stopped losing weight & gained it. But my…
  • Eat clean, go back to P90X because you KNOW it works and post progress pics :flowerforyou: AND CONGRATS!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Eat right, cardio & weight lifting. You shouldn't worry too much about what the scale says if it goes up due to muscle mass. Over time that increase in muscle mass will also increase your metabolism which will result in increased fat burning. It's a win-win so don't hesitate to life because of a stupid number on the scale.…
  • You have done great!! Wow, you did have a big mommy belly, so did I! LOL That takes time to bounce back, as in years I swear! You keep up the great work, you look fantastic! :flowerforyou:
  • Stop buying it.
  • Slim fast is loaded full of sugar & crap. Eat sensible (steamed veggies, fresh fruits, whole grains, healthy omega fats, lean proteins) and stay away from over processed chemical crap like that. It won't help you in the long run. I just think Chemical Crap storm and move on because that's what processed light, fat free and…
  • It takes time, especially if you just started working out. You might be retaining water (I know I did). Try to stick to your calorie & workout goals and make sure you are eating healthy foods, not cookies etc (can't see your diary so idk what you are eating). All calories are not created equal and as long as you are…
    in Not Losing Comment by dlcam61 June 2012
  • The people on Biggest Loser are usually severely obese. Those huge weight loss numbers are not just fat loss, it's mostly water weight. It's not healthy to eat 1200 cal/day and burn it off because at that number you are already in a deficit.
  • Why? Because he's a guy, and they say stoopid *kitten* sometimes. He probably thinks he was being cute & trying to be supportive, but yeah I'd have knocked him in the bullocks over that lol The ice cream bit? Again, stoopid. Unless he's on the same fitness journey he isn't going to really get it :flowerforyou:
  • Lean protein, fresh veggies & fruits (though too much fruit = too much sugar), try to avoid sweeteners, processed foods & too much sodium. Whole grains in moderation, avoid white flour foods. Oh, and limit sugar such as granulated, added to foods, beverages etc. And something I read recently which has stuck with me, when…
  • :flowerforyou: Great job!!! :flowerforyou: You look fantastic!
  • Honestly, unless you are working different muscle groups for each day of weights you should keep it a rest day. Otherwise you could injure yourself. Rest days are when the muscles recover, rebuild and grow. If you are tearing up the same muscle fibers daily there is no chance for them to recover or grow and become…
  • http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-deadlift Or search their site for deadlift. They have a lot of videos and information for workouts, weights, heavy lifting etc. Some will promote supplements or shakes, take what info you need & leave the rest. Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
    in Deadlifts Comment by dlcam61 May 2012
  • I would read it, as I am very interested in this information. I also want to get ACE certified, so nutrition is a high priority :flowerforyou:
  • You are right, but don't forget that you are losing fat & muscle. I wish I had been told that when I started because I did hardcore cardio and lost 24 pounds. Too bad I still look flabby & have to fight to regain that lost muscle plus gain new muscle. Good job losing the weight! That's such a great success no matter what!…
  • I brew my own, and we buy Kivu Caramel Swirl. Though the Costa Rica blend is yummo too! I add 2 TB of creamer (either sugar free vanilla caramel or low fat vanilla bliss) and sometimes a squirt of Torani White Chocolate. If I am feeling coffee house creative I get the Readi whip & s/f Caramel sauce & ice it up. Better than…
    in COFFEE!!!!!! Comment by dlcam61 May 2012
  • If you are lifting enough to make you sweat & get your heart rate up then yes it can give you a close estimate of what you are burning. If you are not being challenged you won't get an accurate reading. Weight training & circuit training are good for aerobic activity. Anyone who says otherwise is doing it wrong. I…