Low calories and exercise. I just can't!!




    Great resource to get better numbers and advice about how much to eat!!!
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member

    I only walk for an hour each day since i have knee issues,and i eat between 1700-1800 cals a day,still losing 1 pound a week!!first few weeks you up your cals u might see a few pounds go up,but it will all come off.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I just can't do shakes. There's no substance so I feel like I've had 200 calories of chocolate water. Eat a sandwich and some veggies instead.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Slim fast is loaded full of sugar & crap. Eat sensible (steamed veggies, fresh fruits, whole grains, healthy omega fats, lean proteins) and stay away from over processed chemical crap like that. It won't help you in the long run. I just think Chemical Crap storm and move on because that's what processed light, fat free and diet foods are. Chemical crap that wreaks havoc on your body. Also, try increasing your calories to 1400-1500 and see if that helps. That's still a caloric deficit. My thought is that you are loading up on carbs & sugar which do not satisfy the appetite for long and leave you starving for more soon. Fast blast of energy but an even faster loss of it which leaves you starving and tired, sometimes cranky. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    Eat more! 1200 is just not enough! At least, you should NET 1200 after your exercise. You can try nuts as a good snack, and of course veggies! You can add me as a friend! I have learned a lot since January.

    ^^ this :drinker: Your body isn't happy with such low calorie intake. Also check your protein intake if it is too low you'll be hungry and fatigued and eventually grumpy. Upping your protein will help you feel full longer. Feel free to add me. I see you are in SLP. I am in Brooklyn Center. Best of luck to you. And eating back excercises calories won't negate anything as only eating 1200 calories a day is a macro in and of itself already has you at a calorie deficit. If you are afraid to eat all of the excercises calories back start with maybe eating back 1/3 of them and go from there.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Eating back your exercise calories does not negate your weight loss and let me see if I can explain why.

    You need to eat 500 fewer calories than your body burns every day to lose 1 pound per week. When MFP figures the number of calories you need to eat it takes a look at your activity level (most people set it to sedentary), your height and weight and figures out how many calories your body burns doing nothing but sitting on the couch all day. It then subtracts 500 from that (or 1000 for two pounds per week) and tells you to eat that many.

    If you have your activity level set to sedentary or lightly active then MFP is not factoring exercise into your plan. So if you were to burn calories by exercising you're now creating a larger deficit, possibly a larger one than your body can handle. If you eat back all of those calories you still have the original 500 calorie deficit that MFP created for you and you know that you'll have enough fuel for your body to keep up the higher activity level.

    If you don't want to eat back your exercise calories you can set your activity level higher so that MFP factors in your exercise in its initial calculations.

    Does that make sense?
  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    Hey Lady-
    Don't fret. I would also recommend dropping that liquid mess. I'd recommend small meals throughout the day...Say like 300-400 calories per. When you don't eat your calories back, you are then at a deficit, which probably puts you under 1200 calories a day thereby slowing your metabolism and you may tend to be slow to lose weight. You can "friend me" if you'd like. I will help keep you motivated! You can do it....don't give up!

    ^^^This feel free to add me too. I'm in the learning process too, once you see the gobs and GOBS of food you can eat and still have calories left over and wonder how you're ever going to eat that many calories - it completely changes your relationship with your food.
  • shanise06
    shanise06 Posts: 8
    Eat more! 1200 is just not enough! At least, you should NET 1200 after your exercise. You can try nuts as a good snack, and of course veggies! You can add me as a friend! I have learned a lot since January.

    ^^ this :drinker: Your body isn't happy with such low calorie intake. Also check your protein intake if it is too low you'll be hungry and fatigued and eventually grumpy. Upping your protein will help you feel full longer. Feel free to add me. I see you are in SLP. I am in Brooklyn Center. Best of luck to you. And eating back excercises calories won't negate anything as only eating 1200 calories a day is a macro in and of itself already has you at a calorie deficit. If you are afraid to eat all of the excercises calories back start with maybe eating back 1/3 of them and go from there.

    This makes perfect sense to me. I'm just so defeated, and stressed. I wad exercising and eating 1600 calories a day, and dis not lose a single pound. That just discouraged me, and I stopped trying :-( now I'm 12lbs heavier than I was the first time I tried! I just want results.
  • shanise06
    shanise06 Posts: 8
    I agree with Jen, slim fast is a short term fix, it’s all about portion control, eat lots of fruit & veggies, less meat, but more fish. I think your calories are too low...stay around 1,400 and exercise, if you go to low your body thinks your starving and will store the fat for survival.
    I agree. I think my calories are too low, but I'm so desperate! I feel like I've tries everything, numerous times and saw NO results. I tries the 1600 a day with a friend of mine and worked out 3-4 times a week and I lost .5lbs in 2 weeks. *sigh* I will give up the Slim fast this week, but I just don't know if I can stay on a good path on my own.