MkVsTheWorld Member


  • I get sugar cravings too. I have no clue why. Not a whole lot has worked for me either. I have seen a doctor and my blood sugar has always been within norms too. Sugar cravings got especially worse for me when I started long-distance running. When I got done running 10 miles, nothing hits the spot more than a bunch of…
  • Keep at it, don't give up! :-) I had been training for a ten miler for almost 6 months and I had a few off days. Here are some things I learned that has helped me: It really does take time and patience. Do not spin your tires too much. Try cross-training with bicycling or swimming or even weight training or brisk walking.…
  • Who doesn't love cake? :-) You'd probably get a kick out of Jim Gaffigan, he has a whole routine on cake, muffins, hot pockets, etc. haha. Good luck while you are here and don't give up on your goal.
  • Cardio is truly the best way to fat-burn, in my opinion. I've lost over 40 pounds on running and tracking everything I eat. I also continue to eat almost everything I did before my "lifestyle change" and have yet to pay for a gym membership. With running, the world is your gym :-). EDIT: I think my techniques may not be…
  • Don't take any vitamins without talking to a physician. While they won't cause any harm if you don't need them, you will more than likely waste money on them. I bet you are going through withdrawal but make sure you are eating enough, up your fluid intake, and spend more time asleep :-).
  • If I were you, I would make sure to treat yourself in some fashion. That way, you don't just crack one day and have a whole bottle of wine :-).
  • Not a biggie. You can just compensate for it the next day.There shouldn't be any race to lose weight, merely to live a healthier lifestyle. That's my philosophy. Keep up the good work.
  • I am not a big fan of fad diets but maybe something like Volumetrics would be helpful. The principal of it might help you learn to eat foods that make you feel the fullest thus reducing your need to snack. What was most helpful for me, was tracking every little thing that went into my stomach. In due time, I learned that…
  • Good job on losing weight! Stick with your lifestyle change and in time, it will pay off. One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give you is to avoid under-eating. I had a spell where I was stuck at a certain weight for almost two weeks despite eating very little and running all the time. I boosted my food intake and…