Food intake!

Well today I went way over my calories for the day. I was going to go to the gym instead of eating dinner right away but it didn't work out. So instead I am now over more then 1200 calories for the day. Grr arrrgg! And to top it all of all I want to do is to eat chocolate! Just had to vent and to make sure that I am holding myself accountable. Today eppic fail.


  • MkVsTheWorld
    MkVsTheWorld Posts: 9 Member
    Not a biggie. You can just compensate for it the next day.There shouldn't be any race to lose weight, merely to live a healthier lifestyle. That's my philosophy. Keep up the good work.
  • Bobcgirl8
    Bobcgirl8 Posts: 30 Member
    I was really bad yesterday. I went over by nearly a thousand calories by indulging in Pizza Hut, but it was delicious. Now, I am just going to be extra careful the next couple of days to make sure I am good. It'll all work out as long as you realize you did badly and try not to do it too often. We can do this!!
  • etroupe
    I agree, today is done you should focus on tomorrow but it it bothers you you can jump rope, do jumping jacks, walk up and down your stairs...anything that can get you moving to shed some if not all of those calories. Its really up to you. Have a good nite : )
  • chinawolfseyes24
    Yup, they're right. Today is done and all you can do is try to improve tomorrow. Maybe your chocolate craving is stemming from your anxiety over not having gone to the gym today. Don't sweat it and drink water when you want chocolate :/ it helps. Just think of how good you will feel about having resisted successfully :D

    Love you! You're still doing great just by being here and working at it!