dmarhal Member


  • You are not losing a friend because he is not a friend. Keep on being strong and stay on track. You don't need him that way. If he changes fine, but otherwise lose him or he'll drag you down to his level.
  • I would be concerned with low blood sugar, which can make you nauseated and weak. If you have to do this for four months keep an eye on how you feel so you don't pass out or anything, especially while driving or anything where you need to be alert. There's no sugar in your diet except for veggys, and the green one's are…
  • I think real food that you can eat the rest of your life is the best. Make wise choices. I use myfitnesspal for accountability as it's so easy to overeat even healthy foods. If you can't do it for life, why do a program for a short time? Container foods get 'old' really fast and you'll be looking for something you can eat…
  • Easy to digest carbs before your workout. Protein after, especially if you weight train.
  • 4 TBLs to a quarter cup. Add all ingredients and divide to TBL size serving.
  • I have used Salsa with Ranch dressing in my southwest salad. It is salad greens with Ranch and then I add canned corn, black beans and Mrs. Renfro's chipotle corn salsa. It has a nice smokey flavor. I think you'll like it.
  • I use a moderate amount of dressing I like, (ranch mostly) but add a lot of veggys and healthy lettuce to the salad. If we make food we don't like we won't eat it, so I think it's better to use moderation and eat healthy. I like to thin my dressing a bit so it covers more salad and I don't need as much. I use skim milk to…
  • Yes, it's a hassle to a degree, but it also makes me think how badly I want to eat if I have to go and enter it! And it has SO made me aware of all the senseless, thoughtless eating I was doing before. Those calories really add/added up! Stay strong and patient and hang in there!
  • If that is all you had to eat all day no wonder you are craving taco bell. If you're stomach is full (of good stuff) you won't be hungry. You need to eat more often to keep your blood sugar where it should be and to keep you from being hungry and craving. It's just like going to the food store hungry, you want everything!…
  • Yes, Crystal light makes it. It's not bad.
  • Decide how badly you need or want it. It's a lot of empty calories. One glass of wine every other day is heart protection maybe. but is that why you're doing it? I have learned to love water and that's what I usually drink when out with others. I will admit the jokes are not as funny always with water. It's all about…
  • You do have issues, but let me tell you, since I was (now retired for 1 month) a flabby fitness coach I know a little bit about what you're talking of. I am very healthy and have been fighting a weight problem for years. I started working in a fitness position at age 50 and am in the the best shape I ever was even though I…
  • I add some pumpkin pie spice creamer to my oatmeal. Mmmmm.
  • Sugar free products add fat to compensate. Fat free add sugar. Why not just use moderation and enjoy real food. I do use some low fat sour cream and that works for me. I still use moderation too. I'd suggest more fruit and less fat/sugar foods.
  • You have to have strength training to tone, firm or build. Cardio works heart muscle and lungs, circulatory system etc., not muscle. Strength training will firm or build you depending on what you want. Light weights, more reps equals toning. Heavy weights, less reps done slowly equals muscle growth. You also build bone…
  • Don't lower your arms below parallel to the floor, just as if you were doing presses on the floor, you couldn't go any further than the floor. Don't lock your elbows on the up part of the push. If your feet are above your chest you'll work lower chest, if your feet are lower than your chest you'll work upper chest, if you…
  • Try structuring YOURSELF. Enter your daily meals on myfitnesspal ahead of time and then you just have to honor your commitment. If you think about your meal plans ahead of time you'll be providing some needed structure and make yourself accountable also for what goes in your mouth. I am finding this site a great tool. Good…
  • I would recommend a small amount of food before working so your blood sugar doesn't drop too far. It could be a small cup of yogurt which will give you carbs and protein or something like it. I don't like a big meal before I work out because I get sluggish. But you have fasted all night and need something. Most articles…
  • Why are you focused on weight? You should maybe think more about becoming more fit or healthier and the rest will follow. Too many gals focus on the scale but the scale is a poor indicator of health or fitness. One can be heavier and healthy while another is skinny fat and in poorer health. Rethink your reason for losing…
  • Eat that nastiness, you deserve it? Whoa girl. Why do you deserve nastiness. **** happens. So do fights. Get out and go for a walk, get those good endorphins swimming around in your brain and get out of a negative environment. You'll feel better quickly. Empower yourself with positive thoughts and think about how good…
  • Make sure you're eating enough to lose weight, especially if you've added exercise. Also remember that muscle is denser and heavier than fat, so what weighs the same takes up less space if it's muscle. How do your jeans fit? That's more accurate than the scale sometimes. If you are losing inches you're okay. When you build…
  • I bought some but haven't tried them yet. They are supposed to be like tapioca. Here are two recipes I got. I have not tried them yet. Let me know if you do and how you like them. Raspberry Coconut Chia Pudding Pops Servings: 4 • Size: 1 popsicle • Old Points: 1 pts • Points+: 2 pts Calories: 74 • Fat: 5 g…
  • Just do it! Stop the 'one man/woman pity party' and start over. We all fall off the wagon, that's life. Remember this, life hands us what it will, it's 'how we react' to life that determines what we do. So you're reaction is to whine. Stop. Now. Just look in the mirror and say " I'm starting over now". Then do it. Start…
  • I'm currently 178 lbs and size 14. I hope to get to 140 and size 10. Later I'll reconsider. I'm 59 so I'm not seeking a Suzy Size 2 body. Just healthy and attaractive. I don't want a lot of loose fat hanging off my body either so I"m not rushing it. 1600 cals a day with 3-6 workouts a week and strength training as a goal.…
  • Find something you really like doing and doing it with someone if possible to make yourselves accountable to each other. If you have to show up to meet someone to work out you're more likely to do it. It walking on a treadmill doesn't trip your trigger, find something else like bike riding. And remember to lift weights.…
  • Nature does that to us. It stores fat in the butt for nursing. Cutting calories of junk is a start but don't go too low or you'll go in starvation mode and your body will hold on to anything. Eat Lots Of Veggys and you'll always be full and usually on or under your calorie quota. Exercise regularly every day. Start lifting…
  • When you start to think that it's just too hard to keep going, and it's soooo easy for other people to lose weight, remember this. The grass is NOT greener on the other side of the fence, it's greener where it's watered! So don't give up on yourself, Keep 'watering your own grass' and it WILL grow (and you will shrink!).…
  • Try going to sites like to get ideas for inexpensive healthy meals. And going for a walk IS a great idea. It gets you out of the house and negativity and gets good chemicals floating in your brain. Good stuff in, good stuff out. You have to release the stress of this situation or it will take you down.…
  • It's not the best time to eat, but if you stay within your calorie goal, it really doesn't matter. It is a time though that we can do a lot of senseless eating, so keep track of what goes in your mouth.