Elimination diet

Hello guys,
My allergist has put me on an elimination diet. It involves no vinegar, bread, cheese, sugar or soy and as little yeast as possible. I'm allowed unlimited green veggies (no colored ones), 1 portion of plain yoghurt OR 2 small glasses of milk and any meats or eggs. There are few exceptions here and there but that's the bulk of it. I have to do this for 4 months in order to clear out my body and then I'll be reintroducing things one at a time. Has anyone here done something like this before? I had the shakes yesterday and became really nauseated (turned green!). I know my body is just reacting to the changes from my normal (and not healthy!) way of life but it kind of freaked me out. I was hoping someone else had done something similar and had words of encouragement and advice. I'd like to have an idea of what to expect over then next few months! Also easy recipes would be appreciated too (I tried puréed cauliflower in lieu of mashed potatoes tonight and was pleasently surprised).
Thanks a ton in advance!!


  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    My naturopath is trying to get me to do an elimination diet. My feeling on it is "no caffeine? no chocolate? no sugar? no grains? NO WAY!!!" She wants me to try it for a month and I don't think I can do it! I am awaiting some other test results and I hope these are positive just so I don't have to do the diet!
  • dmarhal
    dmarhal Posts: 30 Member
    I would be concerned with low blood sugar, which can make you nauseated and weak. If you have to do this for four months keep an eye on how you feel so you don't pass out or anything, especially while driving or anything where you need to be alert. There's no sugar in your diet except for veggys, and the green one's are real sugary so you may want to discuss that with your doctor. 4 mos. is a long time. Good luck. Hope the cure is not worse than the problem.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Is there a reason for your elimination diet?
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I used to be lactose intolerant as a child. My parents took me off of dairy completely for six months, then slowly reintroduced it and I was just fine. I'm grateful they did, too. I love ice cream and cheese too much to have to cut it out now.
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I have really bad seasonal allergies and my doctor thinks that what I eat is playing a huge role. So he's put me on this in order to "re-set" the way my GIT handles food. Definetly not my idea of fun. There are certainly much easier diets to follow in order to meet my fitness goals. I think he's also hoping to change my relationship with foods. It's just been weird how quickly I had reactions (today is day 3!). In order to get the allergy shots I really want (and think I need!) I sort of have to work through whether food is playing a role in my seasonal allergies too.