

  • Welcome! It is quite friendly here. Good luck! There is nothing wrong with trying and failing, it is the path to learning to do something well!
    in New Comment by shaggy22 December 2010
  • You do not need to worry about cholesterol from egg yolks. When people initially started to see links from heart disease to high blood cholesterol they just started pointing at anything containing cholesterol and saying that it is dangerous. That is like seeing a piece of wood on fire realising that you have wood in your…
    in eggs Comment by shaggy22 December 2010
  • Sometimes I have brocolli as a snack. Sound kind of boring, but it is surprisingly satisfying.
  • That is wonderful! Congratulations!
  • That is awesome! Congratulations on being persistant and taking the time to figure out what works for you!
  • Thanks everyone! I am really pleased to be learning what real portion sizes are. I have also found that I am able to cook slightly more complex and fun things. Before I wouldn't even try, not knowing how to work out the calories.
  • That's great! Congratulations!
  • I think that kind of thing can happen to anyone. I guess it depends on how often it happens to see just how serious it will be for you. 3,500 over your daily maintenance would be add a pound of weight which would really affect the week for me. I know that I can't get through the evening without eating big meals so I try to…
  • Hey! Rome wasn't built in a day! If you are in your first few weeks here then you (like me) are just developing a set of new skills. It doesn't have to be perfect, just constantly improve until you get where you want. Good luck anyway!
  • I have been a bit concerned about this also! I just ordered an inexpensive digital food scale so that I can measure the food that I prepare. I am hoping that with some time I will develop a much better eye for estimating correct portion sizes!
  • I have been focusing mostly on logging my calories. Not up to a huge amount of exercise yet, but I have started to do the 100 Pushups program and it is pretty fun and quick!
  • Nice one! I think you have the right attitude!
  • Remember that now you are learning the skills that will help you for the rest of your life! It is nice to lose weight of course, but at the beginning I think it is important to work on properly logging your food. Honesty is much better than meeting your calorie deficit target, because then you have the real information to…
  • That is really great! Congratulations!
  • If you go to the "MY HOME" tab and go to "GOALS" it shows you calories burned from normal daily activities. This is the amount of calories that you can have and maintain your present weight. If I am going to a big dinner or have used up my calories too early in the day then I will still eat, but I try to not go over that…
  • I say log everything if you can! I drink tonnes of coffee drinks, but I make sure that they fit into my daily calories.
  • Awesome! Love your attitude!
  • Great post! I switched from : Venti Caramel Frappuccino with cream (431 calories) to Venti Caramel Light (no cream) (193 calories) saving 238 calories with basically no change (they taste the same!) This saves me about 3,332 calories a week! Nearly a pound in weight every week - I drink a lot of them!
  • I started at 2 pounds, but found that after a 3 or 4 days I felt like my eating was too restricted so I dropped it to 1.5 pounds and that seemed to give me enough room to play with. I am still about 50 pounds away from my opitumum weight, but my plan is to move it to 1 pound a week and then 0.5 pounds a week as I get…
  • Pretty standard breakfast for me. Marks and Spencer - Lochmuir Hot Smoked Salmon With Potato Salad & Watercress, 1 packet = 240 calories Starbucks - Venti Caramel Light Frappucino (Uk) = 192 432 calories
  • We have cats in my house which I am allergic to. I have had a medium level brochial problem for about 2 years which has been getting very slowly worse. About 3 weeks ago I bought an Airfree Air Sterilizer and for the first time since I have moved in here my condition is getting better. It seems like a miracle to me!
  • I can see that is really frustrating! Remember that at least you know you have the skills to lose the weight as you have done it before. I suggest that you start to log your food again. That will give you much more information to work with!
  • I am in the UK so do not have Thanksgiving, but when I have dinner parties or special dinners I am happy to go over my daily calories a bit and enjoy my food. I do log it though as I would rather have the information on how it affects me than to just fool myself. The denial of reality with food has been problematic for me…
  • That is amazing. I was just thinking the same thing today and had thought of putting up a post on it. I have lost a little bit of weight and have gone down a notch on my belt, but in some ways I just feel my excess fat more! Crazy - but true!
  • Hey, no big deal! Tomorrow is another day! You have done amazing so far, losing more than 2 pounds each week. Just continue on tomorrow as normal. If these binging desires are increasing too much then maybe you may consider changing your weight loss goal from 2lbs a week to 1.5 a week. Initially I found the calories for…
  • I don't understand, is this a thread in support of eating too few calories?
  • Thanks everyone! I appreciate it!