Thaea Member


  • If you've never done any tri and want to shoot for a half, I'd give yourself at least 5 months. It does sneak up on you pretty fast! I did my first half in September. For this year, I started training halfway through December for a half at the beginning of June. I have just over 2 months left and I'm worried I won't be…
  • Thanks guys!!!
  • I eat broccoli almost every day! I usually eat it plain but you can easily disguise it. You can steam it and add a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder, OR mix it with lentils or rice and add some Bragg Liquid Aminos. Just tastes like soy sauce.
  • You know what else?? MY TOP SECRET!!!! One overripe banana (not frozen), 1tbs almond butter, 1 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder. Mash it all up together....SOOO YUMMY feels like you're cheating!
  • I also occasionally have edema from my kidneys acting up....I take AC Carbamide from Standard's a supplement as opposed to a medication, but you still need a dr to give it to you. I get mine from a chiropractor who does muscle testing.
    in Edema Comment by Thaea March 2012
  • My resting HR is 45 but I don't have any associated symptoms, and I have a max HR around 190 and have no problems with exercise, except the one abnormality that I stay aerobic into the 170's, but I'm not complaining about that one!
  • Hey guys thanks for responding!!! I started out the season trying low carbs and high protein, where I got almost all carbs from fruits and vegetables. That didn't help, so I added in grains but still kept the carbs low. I was getting more than 100 grams of protein a day and my muscles started to get really creepy bulky,…
  • Yeah, I've been trying to creep up the calories without shocking my body. I'm trying to eat around 2000 at this point but I know I still need to go up more. But I definitely think that's part of the problem. Thanks for writing, it makes me feel a little better to hear from another athlete that has experienced something…
    in AWFUL! Comment by Thaea February 2012
  • Thanks, I'm actually taking an herbal thyroid supplement already, prescribed by a dr. Good thinking, and thanks for the advice! :o)
    in AWFUL! Comment by Thaea February 2012
  • a couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese or peanut butter. It's all about the protein, baby!
  • Only if doesn't have caffeine. Caffeine cancels out any water (i.e. if you drink 2 coffees, you have to drink 2 waters to make up for it, since caffeine is a diuretic.) Herbal tea would count towards your water.
  • I put almond butter, maple syrup and cinnamon in my oatmeal! I've even tried cocoa powder and maple don't taste the maple flavour, just the chocolate. Makes you feel like your cheating :o)
  • I've been a vegetarian for about 5 years now and I LOVE it. Not only did I lose a ton of weight, my health has improved so much. I don't have any degestive problems any more, and I feel SO much better. Good luck, and I hope you love being a vegetarian as much as I do! Just be careful when you eat out...some times things…
  • I hate when 80 year old men make dirty remarks, and I hate when overly-beefed weight lifters make loud porno sounds when they're lifting something heavy.
  • DOOON'T!!!! It'll make you crazy. Water, salt, all sorts of things make the scale go up and down. When I used to weigh myself every day, if I didn't lose I'd be heartbroken. Worse, if I gained, I'd feel like giving up because I failed. Once a week is more than enough and you should see results that way :o)
  • Ukranian and Russian figure skaters (and I assume gymnasts, dancers, etc) say "DON'T EAT AFTER 6 PM!" What I do is if it's late at night and I'm under calories but not hungry, just have a snack and not a meal. (I was under calories tonight, and just had a quarter cup oatmeal with a splash of raw milk. Still under calories,…
  • No, but if they do bother your stomach, take some enzymes with them. You can pick them up at Whole Foods or whatever. High protein and certain other foods kill my stomach, and enzymes fix the problem 100%.
  • There is only ONE RULE!!!! Ready for this fantastic top secret? Ok.... *drumroll* So you MUST only buy healthful foods to keep in your house. NO JUNK, NO SWEETS. If you only have healthful food, you have no choice but to eat it instead of junk when you get hungry. DO NOT buy anything that's not good for you OR YOU WILL EAT…
  • Do you mean vegan (that includes no dairy or eggs)? Or just vegetarian? I've been a vegetarian and lost a ton of weight since starting. Raw vegetables are currently the main staple of my diet. Keep trying! You'll feel sooo much better!
  • NUUN! I think it's like, 8 calories a tab. It's a rehydration tablet you put in your water. No sugar and only good stuff. I loooove my nuun :o)
  • Hey, the different types of sneakers are dependant upon what type of stride you have. Barefoot is the "minimalist" option, where it'll feel the most like you're running bare-footed (I use Nike Free TR for strength training and I love them for that- makes you engage more muscles). Neutral shoes are for someone who neither…
  • Another good low-impact, but high calorie burning exercise is swimming. If you have days when you don't ride, it's a great way to change up your routine, and shouldn't bother your joints. If you don't know how to swim, you can try some water aerobics classes too.
  • You need to do some other aerobic exercise other than daily stationary bike. Your body gets used to the same thing and becomes too efficient at it, so you plateau. Try alternating with other aerobic activities. Even going for a walk in the neighborhood (again, you have to vary your route so your body doesn't become too…
    in Exercises Comment by Thaea October 2011
  • I've had adrenal problems for years, and completely exhausted them over the summer by extreme over-training. You know what helped me? I know it sounds REALLY silly but I went to a naturopath and he gave me herbal adrenal supplements. When I had the worst adrenal exhaustion, I could not stop eating, I felt like I was…
  • Hey! Don't eat carbs as the last meal of your day- eat a protein and vegetable instead. Often for dinner I'll use one egg to make an egg salad and I'll put celery, spinach and sprouts in it. I don't know how you feel about certain foods, but I also will sometimes have a nice bowl of peas...complex carbs plus protein!…