I'm training for a half ironman triathlon and I gained a good 10 lbs of fat over the fall (a bunch of birthdays and parties) followed by the holidays. At the beginning of January, I started eating immaculately and logging all my meals on here to make sure I'm getting high protein, low fat and not too many carbs. I was sticking to 1600 calories for over a month, despite doing workouts 6 days a week burning 500-1500 (and up). I eat out once or twice a month, and I only weigh myself once every two weeks or so. Every time I got on the scale, I was gaining weight. So I talked to a nutrition specialist at the gym who gave me this whole new plan and numbers and all fancy stuff. I plan my whole day for food the night before, to make sure I have the correct amounts of everything and take all my food with me the next morning. Well, I've gained more weight. I've gained 5 lbs this year so far and I'm absolutely miserable and terrified. It's NOT muscle, because there's a very distinct layer of fat where there usually isn't and my clothes are too tight. It's really scary to be doing everything I can to try to lose weight and watch it go up, like I have no control over what's happening to my body. I hate getting on the scale because every single time, my weight is up.

So I'm going to a real nutritionist on Wednesday to see if she can help me figure out what's going on. I just want to be healthy and I can't image what more I can do to get back into shape.

Thanks for listening guys, and sorry to whine. I just don't know where else to turn.


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: My prayers will be with you! I am glad that you are going to see someone and get this under control immediately, rather than waiting for it to get worse!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Get your thyroid checked. Not just the T3 and T4 hormones, but also TSH levels. Sounds to me as though you may be hypothyroid. Definitely see a doctor, not just a nutritionist.
  • Thaea
    Thaea Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks, I'm actually taking an herbal thyroid supplement already, prescribed by a dr. Good thinking, and thanks for the advice! :o)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Are you eating more than 1600 calories in your new plan? I run a lot, and if I don't eat at least half to 3/4 of the calories I burned running long distances, I pick up weight and will not lose anything....
    If you still don't eat the calories you burn, you are existing on 100- 600 calories a day - not quite what your body need to prepare for a triathlon....
    And carbs is your friend when you train that hard for endurance activities....You need them as much as you need the protein....
  • Thaea
    Thaea Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah, I've been trying to creep up the calories without shocking my body. I'm trying to eat around 2000 at this point but I know I still need to go up more. But I definitely think that's part of the problem. Thanks for writing, it makes me feel a little better to hear from another athlete that has experienced something similar.

    I've also upped my carbs and am taking in lots of super yummy whole grains!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Good, hope that works for you! If you are willing to risk a bit, you might want to shock your body by eating a high calorie day - say 2500 on a "rest" day... It worked for me in the past - sort of shocks your body into realizing that you are actually feeding it and won't let it starve.... then go back to eating the normal amount of calories for the rest of the week...
    Good luck!