

  • I'm starting also. I don't think I'm doing the fit test tonight, so will do the first workout tomorrow (that is scheduled on a Tuesday anyways). I started Insanity before and made it through about 2 weeks, but then ended up signing up for a camp at the gym so I never finished. Add me as a friend or add me in the group if…
  • Depends on who you ask. Many fitness trainers, including Chris Powell, recommend switching to unsweetened almond milk. My trainer does as well.
  • For me, they haven't become easier... I can do more, but they're still just as hard and I can only do about 10 at the most without taking a few seconds for a break. I did 5 on my toes last week, but can't go down very far. I'm starting to think I'm always going to be horrible and struggle with them. I've improved on many…
  • I'm a tea person for the most part, but we got a Keurig this weekend so I felt like I should try it. I only like coffee if it has a lot of flavoring :-) Yesterday I put some blue diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk with truvia and it was actually really good.
  • I've been told by my trainer to drink a gallon a day. 64oz seems very little to me.
  • Of course. Anything you burn calories doing, will cause you to lose weight if you control what you eat. I have burned up to 800 calories in an hour of zumba at the gym. I think I burn far more in person at the gym than the DVDs.
  • I don't have any tips.. I've been dealing with this myself for going on 1.5 years. Do have a comment re: the shot though. It was SUPER painful and I couldn't walk for a day after I got it. But then it was pure bliss for about 3 months. It has worn off now sadly and the pain has returned, though not as bad because I got…
  • No, but it looks like you eat a lot of fruit & carbs and not very much protein. That could be part of your problem.
  • A Specialized Dolce Triple road bike. I think the 2nd would be either BodyCamp sessions at the gym (two months of intense training) and a VitaMix.
  • Look up baked tofu recipes. The easiest is to get extra firm tofu and put a sauce on it, like BBQ or Frank's red hot and then bake it. It's really easy. I don't remember cooking time or temperature, just search for baked tofu though.
  • So you think eating over 2k calories is fine for a female? It just seems like a crazy amount for a girl. But I will try.
    in Insanity! Comment by lisanxd July 2012
  • I just started Insanity yesterday. I'm torn on my calories, the number I came up with using the numbers from the book was somewhere around 2k calories. I've been using MFP for 2.5 years and counting calories, so 2k to me is scary. I haven't decided if I'm going to follow it, or do a middle ground number. I'm also a…
    in Insanity! Comment by lisanxd July 2012
  • I don't understand it either. To be honest, I've read so much different stuff about low fat vs. high fat vs. low carbs vs. no carbs vs... all these other things. My head is SO confused with all of this conflicting information. I've been stuck at the same weight for quite some time now. I look back at when I was losing lots…
  • Try also folding a yoga mat a few times over and then doing on your knees. For me, this makes a huge difference.
    in Pushups Comment by lisanxd June 2012
  • What about a low carb wrap? La Tortilla makes a bunch of different kinds.
  • Ditto on plantar fasciitis. Go see a podiatrist. I am going through this myself and it is incredibly painful. I got a cortisone injection last week after not being able to walk/run the past week. You should definitely invest in better shoes as well.
  • I can't see your diary either, I was curious!
  • I don't eat until work, which is a habit I'm trying to break.. but based on the responses here it doesn't sound so bad. I thought it was better to eat and get your metabolism going though. I sometimes am hungry but just don't make the time to eat before I leave my house. There is often a gap of 4-5 hours between when I…
  • LIKE Hey now I get 2 minutes!!! :-)
  • Just curious how tall are you? (Oh I see you responded now). But yes, always weigh in the morning after using the bathroom.
  • I've heard gum helps for people who quit smoking.. so that you have something in your mouth. I've never smoked, so I can't speak from experience. For snacks.. greek yogurt, string cheese, peanut butter with apple slices, freeze dried fruit, veggies and hummus. I allow myself a piece of 72% dark chocolate each day (I buy…
  • It's people like you who make the message boards an unfriendly place. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you have to be tacky and rude.
  • I'm thinking of doing one of the reboot programs where you combine juicing and food, with 5 days of juicing only. I normally dislike the "fads" but I believe in this. Juicing has been around for a long time, I remember juicing with my parents. Then after doing a reboot just incorporating it into my daily life.
  • We just got a juicer and made this up. 1 grapefruit, 2 apples, 2 stalks celery, small piece of ginger, and some kale. It was really good and tart.
  • Teavana youthberry & wild orange blossom is AMAZING. It's a blend of 2 of their teas.. the youthberry is a white tea (hardly any caffeine) and the wild orange blossom is an herbal tea. I used truvia to sweeten a little.
  • I've been using 35% protein, 35% carb, 30% fat. I've got better results from this than what MFP originally set it at.
  • As long as the dog doesn't try to eat the cat they'll learn to get along. I would say definitely, don't leave them alone together though for a while. Our dogs either go in their crates or in the fenced yard when we are gone. Who knows what would happen if they were left inside... but sometimes when we're doing chores like…
  • I like getting a hearty bread (with nuts/seeds on it) and making toast with Laughing Cow Light Swiss spread on it. Also.. Fage greek yogurt is great. I've been getting the individual multipack from Costco (fat free with the fruit) and eating only 1/2 of the fruit for less sugar.
  • No. Why do people keep posting this??
  • It is but it is a very special thing. I'm from WA so it will be awesome to go to the park. My mom is going with me and it will be her 50th birthday and her first half marathon as well.