heathy snack ideas

i have a hard time eating heathy on the weekends why is that...if any ine have an idea please let me know and i just quit smoking i could use some ideas:grumble:


  • maryrizz
    maryrizz Posts: 3 Member
    hello all i am new to this and i feel like i not going to make it already weekend is very hard not snacking and doing the right thing add me and give me some great ideas for good heathy snacks :wink:
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    air popped popcorn
    sm. handful nuts - almonds
    1/2 whole wheat bagle with p-nut butter and few walnuts
    apple slices and p-nut butter
    3-2-1-cake - recipe on this site
    oven roasted peanuts in shell - 20 only
    5 ginger snap cookies
  • celindaasmith
    celindaasmith Posts: 12 Member
    I think alot of us want to eat out and eat alot on the weekends. I smoked for over 11 years and still crave lots of yummy rib-sticking food on the weekend. This program has helped though.

    I am going to make some Kale chips now. Easy to make. Lot's of recipes online. :-)

    Hang in there. One weekend day at a time.
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I've heard gum helps for people who quit smoking.. so that you have something in your mouth. I've never smoked, so I can't speak from experience. For snacks.. greek yogurt, string cheese, peanut butter with apple slices, freeze dried fruit, veggies and hummus.

    I allow myself a piece of 72% dark chocolate each day (I buy the Ghiradelli single wrapped squares) and that always gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day.
  • mesicali_chica
    mesicali_chica Posts: 71 Member
    you can snack, just in moderation and on good things.... try kale chips or pop chips. If your working out snaking in moderation wont hurt you. Some gurus recommend eating 4-5 small meals a day. I never smoked but I recently quit drinking coffee and I feel like that was an addiction. I get serious headaches during the day right now that my Dr. says I am having caffeine withdrawls.... I even have dreams I am having the most amazing cup of coffee at Starbucks...... LOL. I just try to tell myself that quiting is better for me in the long run and this temorary pain is going to have long lasting and positive results. Be proud of yourself for starting the journey... I wont lie its work but it does pay off. Have a great day!
  • rzales
    rzales Posts: 7 Member
    If you like salty things, try dill pickles.
    If you like sweet; try some plain yogourt and add a little honey.
  • NaiaNZ
    NaiaNZ Posts: 72 Member
    Sometimes if I feel like dessert after tea but still want to stay under on calories, I get an apple, chop it into slices, cook them in a pot with a tiny little bit of butter, and about half a teaspoon of brown sugar. Then sprinkle with cinnimon and eat warm. It tastes just like apple crumble, but without the guilt!!!!

    Other things I love to snack on are Hummus with Carrots, or on Rice Crackers, Popcorn, and cups of Tea!! The warm tea always works a treat!!

    Goodluck xxx
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    My new favorite snack is 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, tsp or two of honey and sliced strawberries. Perfectly yummy. If you are worried about snacking on the weekends....do your workout first thing in the morning. That way you have added yourself calories for the day and you might find you don't even need them all for the entire day. Good luck and congrats on quiting smoking!
  • leslielightfoot
    leslielightfoot Posts: 34 Member
    a few of my fav snacks right now:
    4 soda crackers with 1 T peanut butter
    fat free vanilla yogurt with cinnamon
    airpopped popcorn
    4 ginger snap cookies (mmm, the crunch!)
    pistacio nuts
    28 `good health` veggie baked chips